Scared? Taliban Suddenly Release All 211 Kidnapped Pakistani Soldiers

November 4th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


AP News Alert

Nov 4 10:54 AM US/Eastern

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan (AP) - Pakistan’s army says 211 soldiers abducted by militants near the Afghan border two months ago have been freed.

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8 Responses

  1. Dan (The Infidel)

    It remains to be seen whether or not Musharaff is dead serious about dealing with the irhabi takfirs in his country. My first reaction was “What no ransom demands?”

    What prompted this action? Declaration of martial law? While an impressive move in the eyes of many who want the terrorists taken out…it is a meaningless gesture unless Musharaff actually attacks the militants with overwhelming force and sends them all to Allah. Time will tell on that score.

  2. CJWarner

    The status quo wasn’t acceptable before martial law was initiated. At least this is a good result already.

    While the U.S. government evaluates the intentions of Musharraf, evidently the Taliban didn’t need as long to figure out the intentions of Musharraf if they continued holding the Pakistani soldiers.

  3. Cridhe Saorsa

    The proof will be in Musharaff’s actions. I look to see a major mobilization of Pakistani military resources into the border regions accompanied by some serious fighting to rid the inhabitants of their AQ and Taliban infestation.

    Tough medicine but necessary. Musharaff knows that w/Iraq winding down it is only a matter of time before we will turn our attention to the rats nest in Pakistan.

    Who knows, we may see Osama’s head on a stick one evening on the news in the coming year.

  4. Brian H

    “freed” could mean released or rescued. Which was it?

  5. a Golden BB

    It’s a political ploy to try and diminish resolve within the Pakistani gov’t.
    “We’re not such bad guys.”
    “Look, we released 211 captured soldiers, and only decapitated a few of them.”
    “We’re not blood-thirsty like history, er, um, I mean, the western media portray us to be.”

  6. Jim

    Yeah the soldiers were released…The Taliban does not give up their personal identity but guess were their relatives are…1 guess, because the soldiers were released asap.

    day 1 Drone(s) fly in, day 2 state of emergency
    day 3 soldiers are released

    Where are all the suicide bombers now? hmmmm

    This is what you do when the bullshit becomes neck deep and your sitting on a stock pile of nukes

    Nobody likes a dictator but his situation is far more justified than “Bozo the Chavez”

  7. Lamplighter

    Glad they were released. Now they can get back to work hunting Taliban/Al Queda.

  8. Jim

    Terrorists don’t just stop —Syed Mansoor Hussain

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