Hillary: Global Warming Causing Poor People To Miss Mortgage And Rent Payments

November 5th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


CEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa (AP) - The battle against global warming means big economic opportunities as well as challenges for the U.S., Democrat Hillary Rodham Clinton said Monday, touting her energy proposals as she campaigned in Iowa.

“For this generation, climate change is our space race,” said Clinton, speaking in a cavernous factory with giant wind turbines in the background.

Clinton, who is pursuing the Democratic presidential nomination, is calling for creation of a $50 billion strategic energy fund, coupled with tougher fuel efficiency standards financed in part by $20 billion in “green vehicle bonds.” It’s part of a package she calls the most comprehensive offered to tackle global warming.

“The climate crisis is also one of the greatest economic opportunities in the history of our country,” she said. “It will unleash a wave of innovation, create millions of new jobs, enhance our security and lead the world to a revolution in how we produce and use energy.”

Global warming hits particularly hard at the poor, she said.

“One in four low-income families have already missed a mortgage or rent payment because of rising energy costs,” Clinton said.

She criticized President Bush for inattention to the issue.

“The president has systematically undermined our path to a clean energy future,” she said.

The strategic energy fund would be roughly a third of a 10-year, $150 billion investment called for in her energy package.

The program calls for reducing greenhouse gases by 80 percent from 1990 levels by 2050 and cutting imports of foreign oil by two-thirds by 2030. That import cuts would come through fuel-efficient vehicles, reduced electricity consumption and increased production of alternative fuels, she said.

“It’s the biggest challenge we’ve faced in a generation, a challenge to our economy, our health and our planet,” said Clinton. “It’s time for America to meet it. It is time to get back into the solutions business.”

She estimated her plan would create 5 million new jobs over the next decade, many in rural sections of the country.

Clinton appeared at a factory that produces parts for wind turbines to spell out her proposal, which she said is a centerpiece of her effort to bolster the economy of rural sections of the nation by focusing on developing alternative energy sources.

In earlier speeches leading up to her talk, she has said she would pay for the plan by ending tax subsidies for oil companies, subsidies she argues aren’t needed with oil at more than $90 a barrel.

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14 Responses

  1. lwssdd

    Yes, we can’t forget that global warming is all GW’s fault. Evil republicans want to destroy the world and must be stopped at all costs. Mean while we will ignore immediate threats. After all, we can’t really believe what these tyrants are saying. Its only talk they don’t really mean it.

  2. JS


    It is government interference and mandates pushed by the environmentalist that have driven up the cost of energy. Using government money to crowd out the market of cheap energy sources (oil, coal, gas, and nuclear) will only further drive up the costs. Also, all “alternative” energy sources cost 3-4 times as much as the previous energy sources I’ve cited.

    It’s when government meddles in the free market is when the poor suffer and that is what the democrats have done for 50 years.

  3. Lamplighter

    These comments make her sound dumber than a box of rocks. Missed mortgage payments due to rising energy prices? If the Gore-led schemes for “cap and trade” systems and other limits on carbon emmissions were implemented, energy prices would go astronomically higher. Also, the only way to reduce carbon fuel use that much is to build hundreds of nuclear plants. And then, reducing carbon emmissions that much might reduce temp 1/2 a degree or so. How is that going to impact anything? I am so tired of Gore and his followers like Billary stirring up global warming hysteria, to the detriment of real problems.

  4. sully

    She’s a stupid MF but her Dhimmi ‘handlers’ aren’t. They know full well that they need to re-frame the debate away from the GWOT. Mostly because we are winning in Iraq and that is a “grave problem” but also because they know that if Americans feel *iminent* danger from military (Iran) or quasi-military orgs (like AQ) then Dhimmis always lose.

  5. GW

    hmm.. I didn’t know there was a correlation between energy costs and climate change…

    and i’m not so sure there’s proof that “green” alternatives are cheaper either. Some of the hybrids take up to 17years to break even on the difference between fuel saved and higher purchase price…

  6. Lamplighter

    She makes me ill the way she ALWAYS talks in the present tense about her being “the first woman President,” like it’s in the bag. She is insufferable. :evil: Dr. John R. Christy, who shared Nobel Prize with Gore is on the opposite side of the global warming argument. He says there are more important problems to address, and even if we implemented all the hysterical pronouncements, it wouldn’t affect temp. enough to make ANY difference. He wrote an article in the WSJ last week, but you have to be a susbscriber to read it. Specifically, he says water purification and HIV/AIDS assistance in Africa would assist more people/have the biggest impact and are far more pressing than any global warming projects.

  7. Dean Wormer

    I guarantee each and every person reading this that she will not be elected President. The presumptiveness, the arrogance, the leftness - it’s Al Gore time all over again. Just watch. The country will never be as left as the democrats are still stuck at. And they won’t have Iraq as a winning issue with middle ground voters anymore. Game over - I’ll take anyone’s money.

  8. tiredofjunkscience

    check out junkscience.com to get the “the rest of the story” on climate change. We are not causing it, temperature change has followed CO2 changes by hundreds of years. Follow the money, Gore makes $$ by stirring panic. When I was little it was certain, “all scientists” said a coming ice age. The MSM buy liberal BS line that all evil in world is caused by global warming, evil capitalists, evil Republicans, and evil Pres Bush. And of course us evil Americans caused global warming.

  9. Mr. Standfast

    Love that picture! Goes perfect with Bill’s line “… but I didn’t inhale. ” Yeah right.

  10. TJ (The kafir)

    and those rising energy cost and consequently our putting energy into helping the middle east are due to environmentalist policy thwarting active resource procurement in our own country. “Dont pollute our country but hey feel free to do so in the middle east and africa” right hillary?

    is it possible that the “poor” in america need to examine priorities, and think about the logic in missing rent over missing utilities payments? Is it posible for them to seek help from charities rather than taxpayers?

    Is it possible that americans will wake up to the constant barrage of racial and socio-economic baiting that is the hallmark of democrat politics and realize that the poor have always and will always remain poor as long as they remain dependent on inefficient government to solve their problems?

    Government programs are entitlements for people who pay little to nothing for the benefits, whereas charity is given willfully by the people. You are not children, grow up and take responsibility for yourselves, and take the time to grovel from those who want to help with their own money! :idea:

  11. cnchess

    I am confused… if the earth is warming, wouldn’t the poor people spend less on heating costs? And since the “warming” is like 1/4 of a degree, would anyone but an idiot democrat (but I repeat myself) notice?

  12. libhomo

    If she were serious about fighting Global Warming, she would support withdrawing from the World Trade Organization and repealing NAFTA. Long distance trade dramatically increases CO2 emissions.

  13. Kipp

    No, that would be greedy mortgage companies that cause failing mortgages.

  14. franchie

    Obama President ?


    seems the “Evangelists” are betting on him :roll:

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