Rosie Gets Prime-Time Slot On MSNBC?

November 5th, 2007 Posted By The Bashman.

miss piggie
Why am I not surprised?

Rosie O’Donnell, who abruptly left “The View” on ABC last spring after drawing attention and ratings for her opinions on everything from the Iraq war to her co-hosts, is in serious discussions to return to television atop a new soapbox: a prime-time show on the cable news channel MSNBC, according to executives on both sides of the negotiations who have been briefed directly.

Under one scenario, Ms. O’Donnell would be given the 9 p.m. slot each weeknight on MSNBC, where she would go head-to-head with two heavyweights of cable talk: “Larry King Live” on CNN and “Hannity & Colmes” on Fox News. Her show would replace “Live with Dan Abrams,” a relatively low-rated program that only recently replaced “Scarborough Country,” which was also little-watched.

But NBC executives, speaking on condition of anonymity because the conversations are continuing, cautioned that there were many elements of a potential deal yet to be resolved. These include when such a show would appear, what Ms. O’Donnell would be paid, and whether she would also be seen on the NBC broadcast network.

Ms. O’Donnell alluded somewhat cryptically to a possible new job in a speech she gave at a book-signing on Sunday night in Miami, according to a report that appeared on a website, A podcast on that site described Ms. O’Donnell as saying that she would soon begin competing against “the guy with the suspenders and the long, long face,” an obvious reference to Mr. King.

NBC has been courting Ms. O’Donnell in recent months for any number of jobs, including host of a possible new game show.

NYT article by By Jacques Steinberg and Bill Carter here.

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10 Responses

  1. 007

    MY EYES WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO MY EYES!!!!! :shock: :shock: :shock:

  2. One Shot

    What makes those wonderful brainiacs at NBC think that this wretched old douchebag could fare any better than Dan Abrams? All she will do is cost them one hell of a lot more money…that works for me!!

  3. Future0311 (the infidel)


    AGH MY EYES!!!

  4. JayMS

    One of the niceties of working at MSNBC is that you don’t have to worry about ratings. Since their ratings are already in the toilet they have nothing to lose by putting her on. I’d LOVE to see her compete with Hannity and Colmes or Larry King.

  5. danielle

    That picture… que horror!

  6. TJ (The kafir)

    And what exactly are her credentials?

    a comedian who lost her sense of humor since coming out of her closet and into the world conspiracy theories.

    a woman who does no research on her own into what makes her boldly stupid opinions.

    Its true MSNBC is desperate to compete and controversy sells , but i doubt anyone short of conspiracy nutjobs will take notice of her.

    But hey, their is hope for those know nothings who say stupid shit everyday and hope to one day make it to the big time! :shock:

  7. TerryTate

    Yep. That is a terrible picture. The body that they pasted her big fat head on is much too good looking for that little piggy. If I was the gal who’s body was in the picture I’d be offended that they tried to give Rosie a body upgrade…


  8. Lil Mac

    It’s the PumpkinheadLesboTraitor SlanderHour !!
    brought to you by Gladd , Cair ,the Aclu & Massengill ??
    Whatever drop dead ya pig

  9. Boombop

    Is NBC on a death wish?

  10. TJ (The kafir)

    hiring this know-nothing may be an “attempt” to compete with “controversial” people like rush limbaugh and the like but, it will fail because most people realize including liberals(though they are want to admit it) that limbaugh and the like do alot of research and their ideas are logical supported by facts.

    This woman is known as an angry lesbian wanting to get even with christians in our country even if it is to the detriment of this country and even if she needs to coddle terrorrists in the process.

    Her and matthews are quite the comedy routine afterall! :lol:

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