Total Allied Casualties In Afghanistan Under 800 In 6 Years

November 5th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


And most of Europe is clamoring to leave…very thoughtful…very realistic about what that would mean for their security…

Here are the figures for foreign military deaths in Afghanistan since the Taliban government was toppled in 2001:


United States 458

Britain 82

Canada 71

Spain 23

Germany 26*

Other nations 61

TOTAL: 721

* NOTE: Figures supplied by German Ministry of Defence.

Sources: Reuters/icasualties (

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4 Responses

  1. franchie

    France : 12 according to the number of frenchs there it’s quite a lot ;

    Afghanistan is not our priority, threats for us are more accurated from north Africa, Sahel

  2. Dave M

    Trouble is it’s not going to be possible to kill the Taleban in
    Afghanistan totally while they have a state of their own just
    across the border in Pakistan.

    I fretted last week about Pakistan and worried and hoped that
    the Pentagon has a war plan to seize or destroy Pakistan’s
    nuclear weapons before the fall of the Musharaff government.
    and that was before the coup that happened there this weekend.

    Thinking we have only a few weeks before the fall of that government.
    Hope I’m wrong.

    The two terror states today are Iran and Pakistan. I’m guessing
    we have plans for Iran and probably no plans for Pakistan.
    I read that the al-qaeda plan for winning wars against the USA
    is just to keep fighting in the knowledge that it is hugely
    expensive for us to conduct modern warfare and eventually we’ll
    get tired. I think we need to avoid being caught in a situation
    where we are seen to be cooperating with a new dictator (Musharaff)
    or allowing the Taleban to take over Pakistan, which seems a
    distinct possibility.

    Maybe we should enter Waziristan without permission, mainly
    through air power. What do you think?

  3. Dan (The Infidel)

    I was thinking about these figures. In six years of war as a comparison…during the German blitz over Britain, there were 44,000 civilian casualties; of which there were 8,000 deaths. The contrast in Afghanistan after six years of war is striking.

    Afghanistan will not be won until the war in Pakistan against the irhabis is also won. So long as the terrorists have a Ho Chi Minh trail to run to…this war will not end.

  4. Axem

    How many people have died in each of these countries slipping in bathtubs over the last six years?

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