Israel: U.N. & ElBaradei Helping Iran Build Bomb

November 6th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.

The name of the point man for keeping nukes out of the hands of Muslims is Mohammad

ElBaradei sums up why we “have” to do nothing and let Iran have the bomb. It’s just too hot over there, is the essence of his argument: “He warned that the standoff between the West and Iran over the nuclear issue was adding “more fuel to a burning fire” in the Middle East. “The area is going through one of its worst moments and we cannot add more confrontations.”

Calvin Oslo: Keep in mind, the Manhattan Project took us about four years. From nothing to bomb. And we kept it secret.


Israel went on the offensive Tuesday against the UN nuclear watchdog, accusing its chief Mohammed ElBaradei of playing into Tehran’s hands over its atomic drive.

The campaign comes with the IAEA poised to publish a new report on Iran’s nuclear ambitions to serve as a key part of further discussions at the United Nations on whether to impose a third round of sanctions on Tehran.

“Unfortunately there are foreign officials playing the Iranians’ game by contributing to the Iranian strategy of foot-dragging,” Israeli foreign ministry spokesman Mark Regev told AFP.

“From this point of view the International (Atomic Energy) Agency and its leadership are guilty,” Regev added.

“One could ask whether the agency agreed to fulfil the role the Iranians want it to play, to allow Tehran to implement its strategy,” he said.

On Monday, the director general of Israel’s foreign ministry, Aharon Abramovitz, also attacked the IAEA.

“Instead of being an element contributing to efforts being made by the international community, the agency is working to make them fail,” he said in a speech in Jerusalem.

Israel’s most popular newspaper Yediot Aharonot said the government had decided to criticise ElBaradei directly after officials concluded “that he now constitutes the main obstacle in stepping up sanctions”.

Israel, which belongs to the IAEA but has not signed the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, is widely considered to be the Middle East’s sole — if undeclared — nuclear-armed nation.

It considers Iran its chief enemy after repeated statements by President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad that the Jewish state should be wiped off the map.

Last month, on a tour of UN Security Council members to push for tougher sanctions on Iran, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert also criticised the IAEA chief.

“If ElBaradei thinks that an Iranian bomb in three years time does not bother him, it certainly worries me, even extremely,” Olmert said in France. “It would be better if ElBaradei made an effort to prevent them from obtaining a bomb.”

ElBaradei said in an interview with France’s Le Monde newspaper that Iran would need “between three and eight years” to develop a nuclear bomb and that there were was no immediate threat.

“I want to get people away from the idea that Iran represents a clear and present danger and that we’re now facing the decision whether to bombard Iran or let them have the bomb. We’re not in that situation at all,” he said.

Gerald Steinberg, political science professor at Bar Ilan University in Tel Aviv, suggested that ElBaradei could either be anti-American or trying to avoid an attack on Iran at any price.

“What is certainly the case is that there is an increasingly flagrant contradiction between IAEA technical reports clearly showing Iran’s intentions to build nuclear weapons and the mollifying conclusions of ElBaradei,” he said.

In 1981, Israel bombed a nuclear reactor in Iraq, which under the rule of now executed dictator Saddam Hussein was its biggest enemy. The raid was heavily criticised by the United States and UN Security Council.

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5 Responses

  1. WarBicycle

    This jerk hasn’t managed to prevent a single Third World country from developing nuclear facilities.

  2. danielle

    ElBaradei is Iran’s puppy. I don’t know why people trust this guy.

  3. Steve in NC

    “ElBaradei said in an interview with France’s Le Monde newspaper that Iran would need “between three and eight years” to develop a nuclear bomb and that there were was no immediate threat.”

    He is not denying that iran is developing a bomb, it is just about timing.

    How blatant is that?

  4. Erik Marsh

    It’s all about timing and has always been about timing. Leftists’ and Liberals’ goal is to drag their feet, and obfuscate facts just long enough to avoid armed conflict and allow Iran to develop their weapon. Remember, their mantra is peace at all costs and they believe that a nuclear armed Iran will bring piece to the M.E. and nothing else. An openly armed nuclear state would theoretically halt outside “meddling” and allow the Socialist “theocracy” to control the region, thereby establishing a centralized authority, shared resources and no need for internal conflict and then no external conflict. Only problem is that they don’t understand what makes a pieceful society. It must be started at the lowest possible factor, neighborhood or tribe, and then pushed up through the successive levels of government. Just look at Iraq. It was getting torn apart from without and within when we looked to the central government to control and pacify the country. Now that we have enacted Gen. Petraeus’ strategy of starting with the individual tribes and towns then expanding up and outward, what has happened? We have started to get news reports that there have been less deaths of combatants and non-combatants in a combat zone then in Philly, Jersey, LA or New Orleans. And we have the Iraqi government beginning to reject Iranian influence because they are starting to understand that the majority of their citizens do not desire it. The power has always and will always reside in the people and eventually, even in Muslim countries, they will excercise that power. If dropping 33,000 lb. bombs in Iran moves them closer to being able to assert that power, so be it.

  5. jackv

    With modern centrifuges and technical help from North Korea, Iran will have enough weapons grade material to create a nuclear device within 18 months. As the article points out, the U.S. created a bomb in four years starting with a theory and using 65 year old technology. There will be no warning. The test will take place on Israeli soil, probably smuggled in through Gaza with help from Hamas. These nut jobs intend to kill as many Jews as possible and could care less about any collateral damage to Muslims in the area. If this takes place, count on Israel to retaliate with multiple attacks on Iranian and Syrian cities with nuclear weapons.

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