GCC Ready For Possible US-Iran War

November 7th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.

Rice meets with GCC members.

The armed forces of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) are prepared for the possibility of an armed conflict between the United States and Iran, Saudi Arabia’s deputy defence minister said on Tuesday.

In reply to a reporter’s question on the preparedness of GCC states in the event of such a conflict, Abdul Rahman bin Abdul Aziz said: “This subject is under constant study between defence ministers as the countries of the Gulf have to be always ready for any emergency.”

His comments came after a meeting of GCC foreign and defence ministers in Riyadh to discuss growing tensions in the region over Iran’s controversial nuclear programme.

Tehran vehemently denies US accusations that it is secretly developing an atomic bomb, and insists that its nuclear project is for peaceful purposes.

The pro-US GCC consists of Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.


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6 Responses

  1. Steve in NC

    “the possibility of an armed conflict between the United States and Iran”

    the possibility ? what’s been going on in Iraq?

  2. Dan (The Infidel)

    And Michael Yon is reporting that Iraqis that he spoke to also would support a war between the US and Iran. Hmmm…so what’s holding up the show? Oh yeah, the surrendercratz in Congress.

  3. political.fish

    Just pull the fucking trigger damnit :!: :!:

  4. Gaige Mosher

    Are we ready? I mean, I know we could kick their asses quickly, but do we have everything in place?

    How long will it take to cycle from the relative peace we’re in to war?

  5. Clyde

    “Tehran vehemently denies US accusations that it is secretly developing an atomic bomb, and insists that its nuclear project is for peaceful purposes.”

    Why must every piece about Iran end with this sort of denial by the Mullahtocracy?

    We are already at war. The transition to one hell of lot of dead Qods will take about 6 days.

  6. TJ (The kafir)

    where would iranians be able to flee if we attacked now?the best strategy is to bomb from afar hitting strategic sites like their refineries and military bases. because of the amountof iranians who would like to see the mullocracy toppled i think we best not invade but rather arm the resistence. :idea:

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