Unprecedented! Two Ballistic Missiles Smacked Down At Once

November 7th, 2007 Posted By The Bashman.

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14 Responses

  1. GBU43

    Can we get a vid made with all the Demorats saying that the missle shield systems cant work, are failures. I’m sure hilary is in there somewhere.

  2. Goodbye Natalie

    How come we don’t hear about crazy old man Reagan’s Star Wars program anymore?

    If I were a Republican pol running for office and I heard one time in a debate, “we can’t do that…”, I’d make it my mission to ask this question. “What about Star Wars? You said we couldn’t do that either?” {I would probably add an asshole at the end of the statement but I wouldn’t recommend that.}

    Come on Dims…yell a little louder.

  3. deathstar


    The missile stuff isn’t bad either.

  4. deathstar


    I’d like to see that also. Those lefty turds at the Union of Concerned Scientists who have been shit talking the feasibility of missile defense for decades need to be included in the vid. I guess the UCS might not have too many rocket scientists amongst its ranks of “scientists:”.

  5. Jim

    Damn it we missed our chance to say they missed!!!

    Oh and BTW sorry Iran, we yelled heads up :mrgreen:

  6. Steven D

    Uh, what did the report say? I was too busy looking at Megyn Kelly.

  7. Dannyboy

    Megyn is a hottie. She’s beautiful, incredibly smart…and one of ours. :beer:

  8. Kurt(the infidel)

    Megyn Kelly is something awesome.

    The missile defense system on the other hand is incredible

    I say cheers to both :beer: :beer:

  9. Kurt(the infidel)

    deathstar, unfortunately there are lots of pseudo-scientists out there. Just look at the ones who said we were in for another ice age 15 years ago and now the same ones are screaming global warming haha

  10. Dan (The Infidel)

    I want to see a double intercept of two ICBMs with dummy waheads attached. It’s one thing to intercept a single-stage ballistic missile…it is much harder to intercept a multi-stage missle.

    This is a good indicator that hitting a bullet with a bullet is no longer a problem. Keep up the testing. This technology has many uses especially at sea against land-based Chinese anti-ship missiles.

    Between this technology, C-RAM, PAC-3 and others, we have killer anti-ballistic systems.

  11. deathstar

    …Between this technology, C-RAM, PAC-3 and others, we have killer anti-ballistic systems…

    I hope the airborn laser works as advertised.

  12. CPLViper

    I thank God for giving us the visionary who was Ronald Reagan.

  13. Brian H

    Don’t know how much use they’d be to Japan if NK launched; the two countries are so close you could almost see the launches with the Mark I eyeball. Not much flight time for an intercept, IOW.

  14. Jewish Odysseus

    “I thank God for giving us the visionary who was Ronald Reagan.”

    AMEN on that, but let’s remember 3 other big names on SDI: the late great GEN DANNY GRAHAM, EDWARD TELLER, and GEORGE KEYWORTH (RR’s Science Adviser at the time). And ROBERT JASTROW of NASA makes 4…

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