Facing Actual Military Work, U.N. May Withdraw Military From Lebanon In 4 Mos

November 8th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.



Concerns are mounting in the Israeli defense establishment over the possibility that European countries which contribute military forces to UNIFIL might begin to gradually reduce their participation in the peacekeeping force over the coming year, defense officials have told The Jerusalem Post.

According to the officials, the political instability in Lebanon on the one hand, and the growing threats in southern Lebanon against the UN force by Hizbullah as well as al-Qaida elements on the other, could cause European countries to reconsider the extent of their participation in the peacekeeping force.

UNIFIL was significantly enlarged - from a force of 2,000 troops to over 13,000 - following the Second Lebanon War Israel fought against Hizbullah in the summer of 2006.

Germany, for example, is scheduled to concede command of the UNIFIL naval contingent in February. While Germany will continue to serve as a UNIFIL member, Israeli officials said they were concerned that the move was the first step in the country’s plan to downsize its involvement.

Defense officials from a number of European countries confirmed that their governments were currently debating the issue and that it was possible that the UNIFIL force would not remain at its current strength in the years to come. Some officials went as far as to predict that if the political situation in Lebanon resolved itself and stabilized, there may “no longer be a need for UNIFIL at all.”

The concern over the fate of UNIFIL was reportedly recently raised by the force commander Maj.-Gen. Claudio Graziano, who was quoted as warning Lebanese leaders he met in Beirut last week that the tension in the south and a deepening political crisis in the country might prompt European countries “to withdraw from UNIFIL within less than four months.”

In addition to the concerns over the future of UNIFIL, the IDF has recently lodged informal complaints with several European countries over the fact that their forces are, according to Israel, involved more in protecting themselves from terror groups in southern Lebanon than in fulfilling their mission of preventing weapons smuggling and Hizbullah buildup.

On Tuesday, Brig.-Gen. Yossi Baidatz, head of Military Intelligence’s research division, told a Knesset committee that Hizbullah was learning to adapt to the new reality in southern Lebanon where UNIFIL operates.

According to defense officials, since the deaths of six Spanish soldiers in a terror attack in June, UNIFIL has been investing most of its resources in self-protection at the expense of conducting its missions.

“Hizbullah is gaining from this situation,” an official said.

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8 Responses

  1. Future0311 (the infidel)

    Not surprising. This is the Useless Nations we’re talking about.

    Can we get rid of them already?!

  2. Mike F.

    Good bye, good riddance, get out! These worthless UN pieces of shit support the terrorists anyways! I woundn’t doubt that they have actually aided and abetted them!

  3. drillanwr

    Oh hell ~yawn~ … There goes the Middle East … All is lost ~yawn~ … All is lost ~pheh~

  4. Jack

    A terrorist-sympathizing corrupt bureaucracy withdraws its impotent troops from a danger zone which they were sent to render safe over a year ago. What else is new? Why are they being taken seriously? Why are they receiving funding at the taxpayer’s expense when the money could be better spent on the US and Israeli armed forces?

  5. John Cunningham

    And, one more thing Europe, we’re not coming to your rescue a third time. You’re on your own, beyatches.

  6. Erik Marsh

    Hey John - England, maybe France (they have troops in Afganistan as part of the NATO force) and our new found friends in the former Eastern Bloc still qualify for our help in case of need. Of course, England may be removed from that list if they continue to immigrate themselves out of existence (sound familiar?).

    Ok so the UN is in the process of retreating, that bitch Pelosi is trying to get us to retreat, and that insane kook Paul doesn’t really even want there to be a regular Armed Forces. Those of us who actually believe in the ideals of the founding fathers and still think that we have a responsibility to not only our own citizens but also those in the world that are not strong enough to protect themselves are under attack from all sides. The saddest part is that the most devastating attacks are coming from those who claim to be our friends and defenders of the same ideals. All the while they drive the bayonet into the base of our skulls.

    “Men never do evil so completely & cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction.”

    Liberals & Libertarians, one in the same, are members of religious sects, just listen to their followers.

    Before you vote for Paul thinking he can be a saviour, do some research. He is neither a conservative nor constitutionalist - he has no understanding of either. He is against having a regular, standing Army; pro drug legalization; anti-immigration control (he says diff. now cause its politically expediant); wants no controls on big business (anti OSHA, FDIC); anti law enforcement (anti DEA, FBI, ATF); and wants to violate the constitution by making Congrees the “Commander-In-Cheif” by committee. And he wants us to retreat and run from the fascists just like the UN is doing.

    I know that’s off subject, but they are all pieces of the same puzzle.

  7. Ted B

    Useless Ninnies
    Unqualified Nincompoops
    Usually Nefarious
    Uncivlilized Nations

    I’m waiting for…

    Under Newmanagement

    While they are at it, why don’t they leave New York?

  8. franchie

    John, I had so much liked that “you” came to rescue “us” though :lol:

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