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I like this Sakozy guy so far, but I have a certain je ne sais quios about it all, sorta like the French are asking again if it is safe to come out.
November 7th, 2007 at 11:28 pm“… just as the American people do.” Gah.
Sarkozy’s best quote to date was something like, “Just because the US is the only major nation with which France has never been at war is no reason not to be friends.”
do you know that what you call “french fried” are actually a belgian invention ?
and that the guy who removed the name into “freedom fried” is a crook who’s been sentenced to jail a few month after his exploit ?
well, anyway, bravo to Sarko, a nice success though ; but I am afraid that next week he’ll have trouble in France : lots of strikes and riots for the retirements of the administration persons are programmed ; from 37 years of cotisations they’ll go to 40 and 41 years of cotisations
November 8th, 2007 at 2:36 amSarkozy has referred to the US as the greatest and has said the reason is clear: a strong work ethic something he would like to see france get back to.
November 8th, 2007 at 3:09 amLet’s just see if they have our back when it’s time to strike.
November 8th, 2007 at 5:59 amHe got so many standing o’s because it was a good speech. And so did Tony Blair and a few others. He sounds sincere to me. We’ll see what transpires down the road. Words are great, action is better.
November 8th, 2007 at 6:13 amFigures … It takes a Hungarian to make a good Frenchman.
Being of direct Hungarian heritage I find something growingly amusing (interesting) in that on one hand one of the most powerful and influential people in the world is a stinking leftist/socialist/communist Hungarian billionaire who seeks to overthrow (through his money), and replace the basic foundation of ideology of the United States as it has stood for over 200 years … George Soros.
On the other hand you have a basically conservative man of Hungarian heritage who has just taken the lead of one of the more powerful European countries (sans historically stupid positions and decisions) … Sarkozy … who recognizes who/what built America, and is NOT resentful or jealous of our successes and standing in the world, but seeks to emulate and use us as a model by which he hopes he might mold his vision for France and her overly pampered people. And he’s a hell of a lot better looking than George Soros too (not to mention that frog he replaced)… just a female aside.
My thoughts and prayers are with Pres. Sarkozy. I would love to see him rebuild the French military into something that actually resembles a strong and skilled fighting force. I fear France, among the rest of the Euro countries, are going to need a strong immediate military response force, as I believe when the Islamic caliphate goes down they are the first to go … And we just won’t get there on time.
November 8th, 2007 at 6:17 amA good news story that Shep felt he had to end with a knock on the wars popularity. A French president that agrees with U.S. policy and wants to improve relations with us is a miracle in itself but to end this great news story with a negative assumption was typically unnecessary.
November 8th, 2007 at 6:44 amdrillanwr
you miscatched sarko’s biography a bit : yes his father is hungarian, his father flew communism after WWII and got enrolled in the foreign legion to get a french passport, Then became a business man, maried a jewish girl from Salonique (Grece), lived in Paris best quaters : 16e, then divorced. Sarko was bred up by his mother and maternal grand-parents. He made all his scholar cursus in Paris, participated in a few students manifestations, but for the “right” side. So, that makes him a real “french”, very impregnated in the every-day life, with a big mouth too ( )
his hungarish roots are nothing in his attention to the US, it is just his taste, note his alone, but shared by myriad of frenchs that have no access to the MSM ;
just check how manay french tourists are visiting yhe US each year, say, they are the most numerous ones in EU
November 8th, 2007 at 6:49 am@franchie -
My focus on Sarkozy’s Hungarian heritage was an example of “irony”, in contrast to another “Hungarian” (Soros) who has completely different views and plans for this country and the world in general. Sorry if that completely escaped you.
And yes, it IS the correct way that when moving to and living permanently in a country to be considered a full member of that country. Not, See: Mexican-American, African-American, Etc.-American … Sarkozy IS French, no doubt NOT Hungarian-French …
As for Communist backgrounds, Pres. Ronald Reagan said:
“How do you tell a Communist? Well, it’s someone who reads Marx and Lenin. And how do you tell an anti-Communist? It’s someone who understands Marx and Lenin.”
November 8th, 2007 at 7:10 amdrillanwr
yes, I forgot Soros, I wasn’t sure he was hungarian too
November 8th, 2007 at 7:26 ami thought that all of europe hated the U.S.A but yet France elects a conservative president? ouhh ohh something smells fishy.
November 8th, 2007 at 9:25 amThe biggest acceptors of AIPAC money clapped the loudest
November 8th, 2007 at 1:09 pmPaul: America is founded on Judeo-Christian values, and if you go to any American war monument you will see that any religious connotations on them are Judeo-Christian intertwined, likewise the Supreme Court and the US Congress. So, take your remarks and join your compatriots in the Third Reich, wherever they may be.
November 8th, 2007 at 1:22 pm@paul hoser:
So what..dumbass, the AIPAC is a bipartisan PAC serving the interests of its domestic and foreign constituents. This IS American after-all. Go enjoy a cannoli with Nancy Corn-holei, and chef Puke, Fuk’in asshound.
November 8th, 2007 at 7:47 pm