CBS On Kerik: “Poster Child As To Why Giuliani Shouldn’t Be President”

November 9th, 2007 Posted By The Bashman.

Giuliani Kerik
It didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out the MSM would want to really push this story. This close to the primaries, and the election now less than a year away, we will only see shit like this more and more from the left. And with polls showing Rudy, as of today, being Hildebeasts number one threat to the oval office her hubby defiled, expect the Klinton Kampaign to latch on to the Giuliani/Kerik connection like a Michael Vick pit bull.

Newsbusters article by Brent Baker here.

The CBS Evening News, which has aired only one full story on the scandal surrounding Hillary Clinton’s fugitive donor Norman Hsu, on Friday night ran its second full story on the impact on Rudy Giuliani of Bernard Kerik’s indictments as Byron Pitts told Kerik that “people” say you’re “a poster child as to why Giuliani shouldn’t be President.” Back on August 31, in the newscast’s only full story on Hsu, fill-in anchor Harry Smith didn’t even mention Hillary Clinton’s name in his introduction, but on Friday Katie Couric put Giuliani front and center: “Kerik isn’t the only one who could face trouble. It’s also bad news for his friend and mentor, Republican presidential hopeful Rudy Giuliani.”

In the Hsu story, CBS reporter Sandra Hughes didn’t warn about any negative impact on the Hillary Clinton campaign or speculate about what Hillary Clinton knew about Hsu’s criminal past or suspect bundling. But in the Giuliani piece, Pitts predicted: “Kerik’s legal problems could mean political problems for Giuliani and the inevitable questions of the presidential candidate: What did he know and when did he know it?” In an exchange with Kerik, Pitts proposed: “There are people who say that you, forgive me, are a poster child as to why Giuliani shouldn’t be President, because of your own troubles.”

Since the Hughes piece aired the Friday night of Labor Day weekend, August 31 (see transcript below), the CBS Evening News has run three brief anchor-read updates as Hsu has moved through the legal process on his fraud charges and the Clinton campaign returned $850,000 he was responsible for donating, but CBS has already aired two full stories on Kerik/Giuliani as well as a brief item. The first full story, from Bob Orr on Wednesday night, looked at the impact on Giuliani of the expected indictments against Kerik.

The MRC’s Brad Wilmouth corrected the closed-captioning against the video to provide this transcript of the November 9 CBS Evening News story:

Read the transcript here.

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4 Responses

  1. drillanwr

    Hmmm … Kerik = Hsu? … Kerik = Hsu? … Kerik = Hsu ??

    Nope, sorry, CBS, just NOT seeing political “moral equivalency” on this one … With the men and their crimes … or with yours and the rest of the neoPRAVDA coverage of them.

  2. Ted B

    Did Kerik ever give Giuliani a bunch of money? Don’t think so. IF Rudy and Hill-billy ever square off for office he will dismantle her piece by piece in the debates. But he will be under relentless attack by the MSM everywhere else. He will have to stay on message at all times.

    My dream race would be; Edwards/Obama VS. Huckabee/Thompson.

    It wouldn’t even be a fair fight, but then if you plan it right it never should be.

  3. Tom

    Is that all you metrosexual media types got?!

    Hey never mind Norman Hsu, how about Sandy effing Burglar?

    I lived in NY under Rudy. The one thing he has a PHD in is dealing with a mendacious, effete but vicious media.

    Girly-boys like Frank Rich and others have been trying to pinch him on the arm for decades. Maureen Dowd leaks acid out of her mouth at night into the sink that is now equal parts hatred of Bush and Rudy.

    When they called Rudy a Nazi and a fascist for bitch slapping Al Sharpton, did it change him?

    Not at all. Again and again they HOWLED like stuck pigs as he dealt with the chronic liberal insanity that had enveloped NY city. First the squeegee men. Turnstile jumpers. Welfare! My God the Matt Lauers and Barbara Walters screamed for his head on welfare.

    Rudy never flinched. He never backed down. He never quit. When he tried to take over the board of ed from the hippies tha had run the public educations system into the mud they all came out full bore gunning with their tv shows, their editorials and their news-stories-as-editorials.

    He beat them all. His tenure in NY was a smaller version of what Reagan accomplished nationally.


    Rudy may not be the anti-abortion bully pulpit some conservatives want, no one is as politically battle tested.

    For those of us who lived in NY during his time, they will attest to the despair we felt for those of us who didn’t live in the Upper West Side buildings with doormen.

    Just as Reagan deserves a huge share of the credit for bringing the Soviets to heel and to oblivion, so does Rudy deserve the lion’s share of the credit for turning the quality of life around in NY.

    I recommend those who wish to get a view of Rudy’s political sparring matches, to review newspapers like the NY Times, Newsday and the Village Voice to see how liberals in NY HATED HIM.

    I mean they HATED Rudy.

    Before Bush Derangement Syndrome and Bush=Hitler they were calling Rudy, Mussolini.

    Then he just hunkered down and grim-faced them out.

    Now he is even better. He smiles. He relishes the battle. He is at peace with himself and clearly has the fight for this battle.

    He is ugly as a toad but then again, Hillary is no looker.

    But if we all agree that the liberals in the media will do anything they can to help their butt buddies on the left, and that too many “conservatives” will back down when that media manipulates stories then we NEED someone with the political courage to shrug off the weenies who control the vast majority of the medias today.

    Rudy proved he is that guy in NY. Ask NYers who lived there then. I had eight “bodegas” within one and a half block from my apartment that were selling crack by the end of Dinkins’ tenure. Within a year of Rudy’s inauguration, they were gone.

    Rudy is not afraid of that pansy, Frank Rich.

    Unfortunately, too many Republicans are.

    Rudy is my man for president.

  4. Lamplighter

    OK, anyone remember Web Hubbell, Billary’s law partner? Indicted for mail fraud, etc. in 1998, he resigned as Assoc. AG in 1994 while being investigated after he obtained that job as a payoff anyway. Then, in exchange for him taking the fall for the Rose Law Firm billing (for which he was indicted), he was paid around $600,000 by FOB’s (friends of Bill). The Rose Law Firm bills (evidence) that “disappeared” and then were found in the private residence of the WH with Billary’s fingerprints on them?? Anyone remember that?

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