“It’s A Spectacle Of Almost Begging Your Enemy To Negotiate With You”

November 9th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


LAS VEGAS - Republican presidential hopeful Rudy Giuliani mocked his Democratic rivals as impractical Friday, billing himself as a realist on foreign policy with experience at the negotiating table.

Giuliani described Democrats as “falling all over themselves” to negotiate quickly and without preconditions with hostile foreign leaders - a reference to sparring between Democratic candidates Sen. Barack Obama and Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton over how best to deal with Iran.

“It’s a spectacle of almost begging your enemy to negotiate with you,” Giuliani said in a speech to donors at a Las Vegas casino. “Democrats don’t get it … I think the big difference in voting for me is you will have as president of the United States a realist who has experience negotiating.”

Giuliani contended that experience came from his two terms as New York mayor.

Leading Democrats in the race have “never had to make practical decisions, or negotiate with other business or with unions … so they have exceedingly impractical ideas,” he argued. “This is not the time to give these people on the job training as executives.”

Giuliani Calls For Ban On Illegal Immigrant Licenses

Fox News

November 7, 2007

Rudy Giuliani on Wednesday called on Congress to prohibit states from giving driver’s licenses or similar forms of identification to illegal immigrants.

After accepting an endorsement in Washington, D.C., from Christian conservative Pat Robertson, Giuliani said he called Republican Reps. Pete Sessions of Texas and Peter King of New York that morning to propose the legislation.

“There seems to be … a loophole that allows states not (to) give a license that would be a real ID but some other form of a license. That would make things hopelessly confusing for the immigration service,” Giuliani said.

The Republican frontrunner added that Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton’s proposal to allow states to decide whether to grant the licenses could obstruct the ability of the federal government to secure the borders.

[G]iuliani said … that federalism is not the answer on this issue.

“The idea is the federal government is supposed to secure the borders, the federal government is supposed to regulate immigration. If we had 50 different regulations for immigration in the United States, it would become the picture that we have right now, which is a very, very confusing picture.”

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4 Responses

  1. Charles

    Rudy is…da man!

  2. sully

    “It’s a spectacle of almost begging your enemy to negotiate with you,”

    C’mon Rudy. Don’t you know that the Dhimmis don’t consider people that want to cut your head off to be “the enemy”? And that calling them names like that is not only counter-productive to negotiation but maybe even racist?

  3. Howie

    Racist?! It is down right totally against Affimative Action not to hire at least 4 members of Al Quada, so they don’t feel alone before they blow up your building.

    These are just hard working suicide bombers looking for a better life before they go and meet up with their 72 virgins!!

  4. sully

    They’ve been conned by Satan.
    The “72 virgins” are all lesbian and the devil is gay.

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