Celebrations As Giant $1.75 Million Tomb For Arafat Unveiled

November 10th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


RAMALLAH, West Bank - Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas unveiled a massive $1.75 million mausoleum for Yasser Arafat on Saturday, in a pomp-filled ceremony that helped him draw on the continued popularity of his iconic predecessor as he headed into peace talks with Israel.

The mausoleum, made of glass and beige Jerusalem stone, is surrounded on three sides by water, and a piece of rail track is entombed underneath Arafat’s grave. The water and piece of track are meant to symbolize the temporary nature of the grave, officials said, with Palestinians planning to rebury their leader one day in Jerusalem, their hoped-for capital.

Arafat died Nov. 11, 2004, in a French military hospital and was buried on the grounds of his West Bank headquarters, now used by Abbas. The mausoleum measures 11 meters by 11 meters (120 square feet) to mark the day of his death. A mosque was built next to the tomb, and an Arafat museum is to open next year.

The exact cause of Arafat’s death remains unknown, fueling persistent rumors that he was either poisoned or died of AIDS. Palestinian officials in the past have called for a U.N. investigation his death, alleging that he was poisoned by Israel.

During the ceremony, Abbas laid a wreath in the colors of the Palestinian flag on the tombstone and honored his one-time rival with a moment of silence.

In a brief speech, Abbas pledged to reclaim part of Jerusalem for his people. The fate of the city, claimed by both Israel and the Palestinians as a capital, is one of the most explosives issues in peace talks, expected to resume after a U.S.-hosted Mideast conference in Annapolis, Md., later this month.

“We will continue on the path of the martyred President Yasser Arafat to be reburied in Jerusalem, which he loved … Jerusalem, which he tried to make, and which all our people are trying to make, the capital of the Palestinian state,” Abbas said.

In another reference to Jerusalem, the tower of the mosque next to the mausoleum is topped by a laser light pointing to the city, just a few miles away, said Mohammed Ishtayeh, head of the Palestinian Economic Council for Development and Reconstruction, which built the site.

Drawing on the legacy of the charismatic Arafat can give a boost to Abbas as he heads to the Annapolis conference, expected to begin Nov. 26.

The somber Abbas does not enjoy the popularity of Arafat. Abbas also faces a stiff challenge from the Islamic militant Hamas which seized control of Gaza by force in June, and claims he does not have the mandate to negotiate for the Palestinians.

In Saturday’s speech, Abbas drew on the Palestinians’ strong emotional ties to Arafat. “We are continuing the path, continuing the pledge, to establish an independent Palestinian state, with Jerusalem as its capital, God willing,” said Abbas.

On Sunday, the third anniversary of Arafat’s death, a large rally is to be held at the West Bank compound, followed by a similar gathering Monday in Gaza.

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8 Responses

  1. Steve in NC

    I found a picture of the inside of his tomb, you can see the beautiful porcelian orifice that he was lowered into.


    think we can get carter to stick his head in there to lick the dead terrorists ass?

  2. Steve in NC

    hey I found a picture of it taken from above:


  3. Dave

    Maybe when Jimmy dies he can be buried doggie style with Yassar, heard he liked little boys.

  4. Dan (The Infidel)

    I love the irony here. The Islamofacists decry our western tolerance of gays and here they are celebrating the life of a gay guy who was a anti-semite mass murderer.

  5. Dan (The Infidel)


  6. Jenfidel

    If we find out that even one penny of U.S. aid money went into this monstrosity, I will go BALLISTIC!!!

    These people are nuts–they can’t provide basic services to their own people in Gaza, but they’ll blow almost 2 million on this asshat memorial?

  7. Future0311 (the infidel)

    If we ever end up in total war with these pukes, I’m blowing that shit up.

  8. ukatheist

    i wonder if it was paid for with a small part of billions that ugly goat salted away in foreign bank accounts,methinks the un would be better employed finding it [ask the whore of a wife] and use the funds for better purposes.

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