Bhutto Arrested To Avoid Terror Attack?

November 12th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


I will say this. When she got blown up the first time all I could think was, “What did she expect?” When’s the last time you’ve seen Musharraf go on a miles and miles long Vanity Parade through shady city streets, with minimal security planning? Sheer feminine vanity got those people blown up and killed. Her next step? She went on another pomp and circumstance media trip to her hometown. Now she wants to lead another long and winding parade, pointlessly, as Musharraf has already set an election date. Get over yourself.


Lahore, Pakistan — Shortly before banning a planned march by former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto, Pakistani security forces warned she should not appear in public, saying they had received “corroborated reporting” that a massive suicide attack is likely to happen in the coming few days targeting Bhutto or a conservative Islamic group.

And today the government of Punjab province issued a seven-day detention order for Bhutto, the chief of operations of Lahore city police told the AP.

“She has been detained, and she won’t be allowed to come out,” Aftab Cheema said.

Bhutto had planned to launch a 200-mile march on Tuesday to challenge President Pervez Musharraf’s imposition of martial law in Pakistan.

The government said Monday it would block her march, the AP reported. According to a report seen by ABC News, the country’s anti-terrorist task force believes the attack could take place in or near the Punjabi city of Lahore.

“It is…suggested that Ms. Benazir Bhutto be advised to avoid exposure at public gatherings/addresses at Lahore,” reads the Nov. 12 report by the National Crisis Management Cell.

A conservative Islamic association, the Tabligue Jamaat, may also be targeted, the security unit reported. It did not explain why terrorists might target the organization, which shares many political views with al Qaeda and the Taliban, and which is suspected by some counterterrorism officials of supporting them.

A senior security official in Lahore told ABC News that authorities are positive that there are two would-be suicide bombers on the loose in Lahore. He said authorities were trying to develop a framework for allowing public rallies ahead of planned general elections here, but said authorities would be virtually unable to protect Bhutto, or any public figure, who marched along a public highway here.

“We don’t want to give terrorists the opportunity to hit a high profile target here,” he said.

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2 Responses

  1. sal

    wasn’t this lady exiled for ten years for corruption?

  2. Augustine

    Man I hate her so fucking much. Worst part is I don’t know why, I just fucking hate her. So fucking nosey, won’t shut the fuck up. Bitch gets on my nerves, and I don’t even know pakistan’s politics. But with these type of people, I don’t care to know their politics and would rather avoid me the headache.

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