Video: O’Reilly Smacks Down Behar On “The View”

November 13th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.

A parent should be able to make their child accompany the family anywhere but church, right Joy? Or are grandma’s house, the grocery store, and school off-limits too?

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13 Responses

  1. Kurt(the infidel)

    Bullying your child into going to church? are you serious? trying to teach your kid right from wrong is considered bullying to the left? well no wonder some kids act the way they do, yeah lets all let kids make the rules from now on.

  2. KBar

    Right on Kurt. And Right on O’Reilly for being a gentleman, & making up for that class that Joy Behar and her ilk lack.

  3. just posting

    dumb bitch

  4. Augustine

    hahaha, good one john indeed. I chuckled.

  5. Matt

    Anyone want to guess the percentage of kids that would attend church if their parents didn’t make it obligatory?

    What’s the point of being a parent if you don’t shape your kids’ philisophical outlook?

    What a stupid topic of conversation. Bill may as well have been debating ‘pro’ in the ‘Should we all brush our teeth in the morning’ debate.

  6. Goodbye Natalie

    Who does Joy Behar know? What she do, suck the chrome off a trailer hitch?

    There’s no talent there. Good grief, you could head down to any beauty salon and find one of those mouthy, fat broads with curlers in hair under the poofer; the same big mouth and fat butt.

    Is this what represents talent in Hollywood anymore? No wonder it’s going down the crapper.

  7. Irish Gal

    All them ladies are idiots (have never been able to stomach watching the show). Yes, that is what is wrong with this country. We have a generation of “touchy, feely, are you okay, how can I make your life better” parents, gone are the days when my dad had the longest arm in the world. It could reach from the driver’s seat all the way to the back of the Rambler. :cool:

  8. Dannyboy

    Joy is a nasty, nasty woman. I thought it was funny how she backed down when her little cohorts were applauding what Bill said. She only seems to be heard when she talks the loudest, and that’s usually when she has Walters or Whoopie on her side.

  9. Greg M

    Bill is the man! You teach that nasty lady!

  10. danielle

    I saw this episode and Joy Behar was totally rude to Bill. She also looked pissed, but Bill stayed classy.

  11. Judith

    As my Uncle Bill used to say “All the pigs aren’t in the barnyard”.

  12. Howie

    Goodbye Natalie

    Who does Joy Behar know? What she do, suck the chrome off a trailer hitch?

    God I’m just glad that it was one of the ladies that said that…….Oh wait I don’t have to worry about getting sued here do I?

    I like the points made, as I have a 13, 11, and 9 year old in my house and I don’t think the two older ones, being boys, would go to school, the doctor, the dentist, or brush their teeth if they were not forced.

  13. LiL Mac

    My Pop ” Get up and get dressed were goin to church”

    Me ” Nah ,, I dont feel like going ”

    My Pop ” How’d you like to not be able to sit or feel yer ass for the next 3 days”

    I’ll be ready in a few minutes Dad !!!

    I cant even believe this is open for conversation ??? WTF !!

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