Video: Cuban Says He’ll Debate O’Reilly If Olbermann Moderates

November 14th, 2007 Posted By The Bashman.

Anti-American Troop Propaganda Pimp Mark Cuban.

Olbermann? OLBERMANN? LMAO off at that fukn puke. Olbermann is one of the biggest lefty spin doctors around. WTF is that, Cuban? “I’ll fight you! But only in my backyard while my bat-wielding brothers watch.

Grow a pair, Cuban, or STFU already. ~Bash

The Bill O’Reilly, Mark Cuban battle is intensifying. Now the billionaire NBA team owner and movie producer says he’d like to have a “discussion” with O’Reilly about his new and controversial movie Redacted. And Cuban would like to have the discussion moderated by Keith Olbermann on MSNBC’s Countdown. Wow!


Video of Olbermann talking about it here

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15 Responses

  1. Goodbye Natalie

    In other words Markie, “I’m feeling the heat and don’t like it. I’ve boasted how brilliant I am as a stock market bubble billionaire but I don’t have the confidence to go on O’Reilly’s show and confront the man one on one. So I will look for someone that is hostile to O’Reilly because I need assistance.”

    Cuban’s current actions say he is more lame that I originally believed. He is also a coward.

    If I were O’Reilly I would take the challenge. And I wouldn’t be on the stage five seconds before I confronted another flaming, American hating lib named Keith Olbermann whether he approves of the movie and thinks it typical of the military. It would be a no lose situation if O’Reilly played his cards right. Either Cuban comes off looking like the traitor he is, or Olbermann comes off having to back a traitor, or both of them are deservingly shown as PsOS.

    I’m no big fan of O’Reilly because I think he is about 1/10th as wise as he thinks. But my hat is off to him for exposing activist judges and cowards like Mark Cuban. Good work Bill.

  2. A. S. Wise- VA

    What a pussy. Whatsa matter, Cuban, don’t have strength in your convictions to take on O’Reilly without a fellow traveler holding your hand?

  3. Armand

    If Cuban has all that money how come he has the same haircut of my seven year nephew?

  4. Tom

    Olbermann might sneak a weapon under that effing toupee he is wearing.

    What a rug!

    These lefties crumble on contact with opposition.

  5. Steve in NC

    Sounds fun, but no one would see it if it is on msnbc.

  6. Bob

    How magnanimous of you Mark (as in victim)! It’s like Hitler offering to debate Churchill as long as Himmler moderates!

  7. Steven D

    Actually, I think they should show it on FNC and MSNBC at the same time and see FNC get 10 times the ratings that MSNBC does.

  8. jam

    Bring it on. After Cuban has called O’Reilly a moron 3 or 4 times, it’s game over…no more arrows in his quiver. O’Reilly could then challenge the little commie bitches to show their matching belly button rings.

    Bully good theater.

  9. Jarhead68

    Cuban’s a real man, ain’t he? Can’t face Bill O. mano a mano. Needs another liberal retard to run interference for him. We should take his billions away “for the greater good”. So he can’t commit treason again. Jackass.

  10. Joe

    You’d think a guy with so much cash on hand could pay someone to grow a pair of balls for him to use.

  11. Jim

    He wants bathtub boy to protect him…

  12. old11B

    I don”t know if many people have seen it , but there is a commercial on TV about a group of people on an aerial tramway which stops in mid air.

    There is a self consumed, little twit who thinks his attitude is the solution to getting the tramway back in motion , in the background, a more rational person pushes the emergency start button and the vehicle begins moving , and the twit(thinking that his attitude started the motion) is amazed at his abilities….

    The person who wrote this ad must have been using cuban as the character for the little twit…..

  13. Mike F.

    Cuban is a spoiled punk, who had his lunch money taken from him in high school by the cheerleaders. And Olbermann couldn’t get it up!

  14. KBar

    Great pic of Cuban, Bash. I like how his tongue is out DIRECTLY NEXT TO A DUDE’S CROTCH. “Uh, why yes Mr. Cuban, they DO make these in white!”

    As for Olbermann, he is a Bill Maher wannabee………of course by that I mean asshole. I hope he gets raped by a bear.

  15. TJ (The kafir)

    steve in NC,

    “Sounds fun, but no one would see it if it is on msnbc.”

    you are righton! cuban (what an appropriate name, I guess castro was taken) cuban wants to debate him on lowly rated program so that when he bombs , no one will see how stupid he is! :lol:

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