WAPO Reporter To PD Reader: Time Not Right For “A Different Kind Of Reporting”
Senior Washington Post Reporter, Robin Wright on Meet The Press
What does she mean by that? There should be no kind, but the kind that tells the truth. When she says “kind”, she means “slant”. She’s basically admitting that she and the rest of the Washington Post currently engage in a “kind” of negatively slanted journalism with regard to their Iraq reportage, and are going to cling to that slant as long as they can.
The press used to beat us over the head with Al Anbar and Baghdad as implications of irrevocable failure, the defeat of the United States in the war in Iraq. Now where are all the articles with an equivalent emphasis on the implications of our current successes?
A Pat Dollard.com reader recently had an interesting exchange with one of the Post’s top Iraq reporters, in which he contrasted a series of stories from this site with their own.
Below is his email to me, which features their exchange. I’ll let you draw your own conclusions.
I just want to thank you for helping us keep up on the “real war”.
There is a lot of chaff out there.
I have attached below, a discussion with one WaPo reporter.
Thanks again,
Gary in Midwest
The following was in response to comments made on a news show by a
correspondent at the Washington Post. Despite the good news being reported
on the decrease in bombings and both civilian and troop casualties, the
absolute reluctance to admit improvements was astonishing. The new
requirement for positive war reporting hinges on “long term trends”. The
WaPo correspondent did answer my emails, sort of.
Initial email from Gary in Midwest:
A victory in a battle is a victory in a battle. To be tenuous about
reporting anything good because it hasn’t been a trend would eliminate most
of the news, period. News is just that.News. Not new trends! It is a
sophomoric argument. I read it as any news that may reflect support of the
troops’ accomplishments is not acceptable by the mainstream news media. I
mean, after all, why encourage our boys in uniform? They may be inspired to
attain victory!
From: WaPo Correspondent
Sent: Monday, October 08, 2007 9:32 AM
To: Gary in Midwest
Subject: Re: Message via washingtonpost.com: War Reporting
Thanks for your comments. The point I was trying to make is that two makes
does not make a permanent trend. As Gen. Odierno said last week, when he
came to the Post, that the numbers have been good the last couple of months
but the US military has not yet reached the point of “irreversible
momentum.”When they do, it will certainly mean a different kind of reporting. All it
will take is one or two really bad attacks and the numbers will start going
up again. I think we’re all a little nervous about declaring victories
before we’re fully confident that they represent a long-term trend.
Thanks again,
Diplomatic Correspondent
The Washington Post
(After a month of relatively good news and success I replied with this)
From: Gary in Midwest
Sent: Thursday, November 08, 2007 1:01 PM
To: WaPo Correspondent
Subject: RE: Message via washingtonpost.com: War Reporting
Is it a trend yet?
From: WaPo Correspondent
Sent: Friday, November 09, 2007 9:00 AM
To: Gary in Midwest
Subject: RE: Message via washingtonpost.com: War Reporting
I dearly hope it is a trend. What also concerns me is that the US military
said this week that 2007 now ranks (in November) as the deadliest year for
US troops, a point it made on a day 6 US troops were killed from roadside
bombs. In assorted briefings, senior US military officials in recent days
have not yet been willing to declare the reduced casualty figures a
permanent or sustainable trend.
Thanks for your interest in this vital subject.
To: WaPo Correspondant
Sent: Fri 11/9/2007 6:14 PM
Subject: RE: Message via washingtonpost.com: War Reporting
It’s a damn good thing people like you weren’t reporting the news during
WWII. Try and name a day that the casualty count was 6. When the losses
decreased the newspapers reported it, when there was victory, the newspapers
reported it. The people at home had a glimmer of hope. Not to mention a
democratic president who tried to instill a sense of accomplishment and a
light at the end of a tunnel. Too many reporters have managed to make it
through college without a history lesson other than the tired old Vietnam
rant. The Greatest Generation has made way to a protected, coddled and
spoiled legacy that refuses to steep their faith in our past and our
country. I am afraid that our ancestors that sacrificed so much are finding
a nation of ungrateful, uninformed and arrogant occupants spitting on their
accomplishments. I find it fascinating that the baby boomers, so bent on
protecting their offspring’s precious self esteem, are never slack when it
comes to deflating the guys that guarantee their right to be idiots. How is
it, in a time of war that you expect the people in uniform to respond
positively to an ongoing barrage of doom and gloom.
I also dearly hope you come to a point of realization that the trend does in
fact exist and that you were looking for your answers in the political arena
of do-nothings and hand-wringers. Our troops, and the people whom they leave
behind, are willing to sacrifice their lives and loved ones in this war
against fanatical terrorists. Our press sits on its’ hands and touts the
losing cause, holding people to believe that we are, in the end, wasting
flesh and bone for no apparent reason. But, in spite of all of the
negativity, our military presses on. Day after day, night after sleepless
night, knowing that the insurgents they neutralize in Iraq are no longer a
threat to Europe, Asia or the America’s. Have you reported on the number of
enemy killed? Here’s a sampling just in case you thought it might be too
hard to come up with one.
-Breaking: Al Qaeda’s Military Chief In Diyala Killed
-56 Al Qaeda Killed In Central Baghdad
-Al Qaeda Storm Villages, Beaten Back By IP & Civilians
-25 Militants Arrested In Babel Capital Raids
-IA General: 537 Al Qaeda Killed Or Captured Since June 19
-60 Al Qaeda Fail Miserably In Another Spectacular Village Attack
Pakistan: 310 Killed In Al Qaeda Insurrection
-Video: Army Rescues Kidnapped Father In Baghdad
-Besieged Town Saved As Assaults Kill 41 Al Qaeda
More Than 100 Dead In Massive Taliban Overrun Attack
-US Breaking Up Al Qaeda Regrouping Efforts
-Top Taliban Leader Killed in Afghanistan
-Marines Waste Al Qaeda Team In Fallujah
-Three Al Qaeda Leaders Killed In Diyala
-70 Taliban Killed In Raids Near Pakistan Border
-32 Al Qaeda Killed In Fallujah
-Key Kidnapper And Over 25 Other Taliban Killed
-75 Taliban Killed Today - Two Week Death Toll Reaches 300
-Censored Story Of The Week: All Sunnis Return To Iraq Parliament
-First Day Of Ramadan: 45 Taliban Whacked In Failed Afghanistan Ambush
-Senior Al Qaeda In Iraq Terrorist Captured
-Killed Or Captured: 16 Al Qaeda In Baghdad
-Czech PM Says His Country Will Help Build New Iraq
-Highest-Ranking Taliban Kidnapper Bombed To Death
-14 Al Qaeda Taken Down In Fallujah
-Eight Terrorists Killed, 25 Captured In Ongoing Baghdad Belt Clearing
-Over 165 Taliban Killed in Southern Afghanistan Cops Kill Or Capture
19 Al Qaeda In Fallujah Raids
-Al Qaeda’a Emir Of Foreign Fighters In Iraq Killed
-40 Gunmen Killed In 24 Hours
-”Phenomenon”: U.S. Tribal Allies Swell To 30,000
-25 Iran-Connected Militants Killed In Heavy Battle
That’s just a few months worth. Where could you possibly come up with all
that good news? patdollard.com. That’s where.
I am pleased with the box office attendance of all the Michael Moore type
anti war films being released as of late. I dearly hope that this too, is a
I am equally ecstatic about the election of real leaders in France and
I hope this is a trend that will correct the idiocy that put a moron at the
helm of Spain.
Just a suggestion as we approach Veterans Day. Before you piss all over our
troops by discounting their accomplishments, take a second to reflect on the
eventual loss of the free society as we know it. For with an ever growing
population of history deprived eggheads, we are already cascading the
slippery slope.
“People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand
ready to do violence on their behalf” -George Orwell
Gary in Midwest
Best damn thing I read all year. Give that man a medal! Send it to every newspaper in the country. Put them on notice. Their subversion will no longer be tolerated! Thanks Gary. :beer:’s on me.
November 14th, 2007 at 8:32 pmBeautiful, Gary, just beautiful. All I can say…….
November 14th, 2007 at 8:44 pmBravo!! Gary in Midwest. Thanks for the post PD.
November 14th, 2007 at 8:57 pmThey have to write for a person with a level of an IQ of 3rd grade (last I remember it being such)
This also means that many journalist just posture a “journalistic persona” for lack of a better term, and say the easiest thing to comprehend…
What they fear now is the emergence of the Blog reporters, who are self made and more articulate about what they write
November 14th, 2007 at 9:03 pmGary’s reply of 11/9 is spot on! It is quite frankly, one of the best written pieces I’ve ever read on what is truly wrong with the Left movement and their comrades in arms in the MSM.
Robin Wright is on the same level of some tabloid writer who reports on creatures being seen in a lagoon off the 18th hole of a Carolina golf course.
I’m sure this propagandist Wright will never reply. How could she? What could she say? She’s been put in her place - stick a fork in her, she’s done.
November 14th, 2007 at 9:08 pmGary - I want to shout from the mountian top : THAT WAS SIMPLY AWESOME! This site just keeps getting better and better! Thanks from Arlington, Texas
November 14th, 2007 at 9:18 pm[…] Pat Dollard reader has an interesting exchange with a WaPo reporter about the MSM coverage of Iraq. Read it. Posted in: White Flag Democrats Send to a Friend Printer Friendly comments […]
November 14th, 2007 at 10:00 pmWell, Gary, you’re making waves with this. Michelle Malkin now has it lined on her site.
November 14th, 2007 at 10:10 pmGary in Midwest -
Outdamnstanding! Damn proud of you!
November 14th, 2007 at 10:32 pmCastrating Victory and Orchestrating Defeat … Both are “fool” time jobs
November 14th, 2007 at 10:40 pmAMEN Gary!
Its now been posted on Sean Hannity’s site as well.
November 14th, 2007 at 10:51 pmNothing to say to that one other than good luck trying to knock sense into that guy. You were dismissed as a right wing nut job within 5 seconds if my guess is right. Mentioning Pat Dollard probably put you into a catagory as a political hack aka Rush Limbaugh listener in that guys eyes. Pretty sad political commentary though when an American reporter so willingly dismisses any hint of good news, I guess we were not beating Japan until they surrendered because if I am not mistaken even when we were taking Wake Island and reached a point where we could bomb their homeland we had more casualties than the months before hand. These guys remind me of the Iraqi propagandist that was saying that Saddam was winning when an American tank was in the backround.
November 14th, 2007 at 11:01 pmThank you Gary in the Midwest!
That was so cool.
November 14th, 2007 at 11:10 pmLiveFromFortLivingRoom
Thats right. I remember Baghdad Bob in complete denial!
November 14th, 2007 at 11:23 pmBZ Gary!
November 14th, 2007 at 11:24 pm{Standing ovation} I hope the “reporter” will soon have a different kind of job, like selling women’s shoes.
November 14th, 2007 at 11:52 pmJustin
Even when selling women’s shoes, you still have to get the size right. Maybe she could get a job at a coffee shop or a book store where all the other Commies work.
November 15th, 2007 at 12:09 amGreat job Gary!
November 15th, 2007 at 12:17 amBaghdad Bob, LOLROTFLMAO.
November 15th, 2007 at 1:27 amPay no attention to the M1 tanks driving through downtown Baghdad. Pelosi and Reid sound as delusional. Come next November they will be hiding in their spider holes.
Excellent and of course you know that reporter will never change……Thank God for new media.
November 15th, 2007 at 3:27 amAbsolutely spot on!!!!! That was the best written piece I have ever read…..you did a wonderful job….hope to see more of it!!!
Thanks for saying what I think!!!
November 15th, 2007 at 3:59 amMight I suggest a fix, stop buying their damn product. Nothing like out of business to get the ‘time to change’.
November 15th, 2007 at 4:20 amExcellent. Simply, truly, excellent.
November 15th, 2007 at 4:30 amProud of you dad. I hope it provokes change.
November 15th, 2007 at 5:07 amSince when did a piece of news have to be part of a trend to be reported?
The enemy propagandists at PBS, NPR, CBS, NYT, etc have no problems repeatedly reporting total fabrications from Hezbollah and Al Qaeda. They don’t run retractions. They post fauxtography. But suddenly there has to be a “sustainable trend” of good news, with no real definition, to report success.
That’s why the once vast domain of the MSM is crumbling.
November 15th, 2007 at 6:03 amNice job Gary!
But you will never hear their admission of “I was wrong” because it would ruin their hope for an American military defeat - they’ve staked their careers on America losing these last four years and “progressive” group think of the liberal elect would never allow it.
November 15th, 2007 at 6:11 amThanks Gary! Just springboarding off your comment about “…a nation of ungrateful, uninformed and arrogant occupants spitting on their accomplishments.” There exists a generation that did not have to experience, first hand, any sacrifice to be free. They have been kept safe at no sacrifice of themselves - it was handed to them and therefore liberty has no value. They just take it for granted. I have been fortunate to be raised by military parents. My father served in WWII, Korea & Vietnam. I fear for the complacency of our Nation….its starting to show.
November 15th, 2007 at 6:15 amPat, see if Rush will post this?
November 15th, 2007 at 6:16 amAlways good to see a patriot give a liberal “journalist” a good bitch slap. Gary, you’re my new hero. I couldn’t have said it better. With people like you out there paying attention to the real story, I have hope that the democRats will be stunningly rebuked in 2008. We need to get the word out to everyone about this web site and others that report the true story in Iraq. Thanks, Pat.
November 15th, 2007 at 6:17 amI put on my best cheesehead and went to my favorite bar to watch the Green Bay Packers play the Minnesota Vikings, got there a little late, asked the guy next to me “How’s it going?”
Not so good, he says, well OK the Pack was ahead but not by much. But then Brett Favre started throwing bombs and the Packers scored again and again and this guy next to me is looking glum and cussing in spite of the good news. Finally it dawned on me. He was on the other side.
November 15th, 2007 at 6:29 amI too echo everyone else’s sentiments from above. I caught the link from Michelle Malkin’s blog and Gary, you are a true PATRIOT in this country’s time of need.
There’s a virtual six-pack from your admirer in Houston.
Semper Fi, dude.
November 15th, 2007 at 6:59 amAlso breaking today is the story of a huge media lie that has
finally been exposed. You might remember it. Quite a few years
ago the world saw TV footage of a small Palestinian boy sheltering
desperately with his father, only to eventually be killed by the
Israelis. We saw him die.
The good news is twofold. Firstly he didn’t die, it was staged,
and secondly the broadcaster France 2 has been forced to show their
entire film (27 minutes as opposed to 55 secs) in a French court.
This is an incredible story of media rooting for the enemy,
not just rooting, actually inventing propaganda to help that enemy
If you want to remember the story and now read it’s outcome,
it’s over here:
November 15th, 2007 at 7:00 amYou know, I’m just sitting back in my chair chuckling to myself right now. What a great read, Gary! But others are correct, don’t expect a course correction from these idiots anytime soon. However….I just feel really smug right now.
Thank you Gary, Thank you Pat.
Keep going!
November 15th, 2007 at 7:08 amGary - that was awesome! I found this thru a link on Malkin’s site and now Hannity also has it. This needs to be spread around the world! Thank you for expressing what I know a lot of us whish we could.
November 15th, 2007 at 9:04 amThis Gary in Southern Ontario says Way.To.GO! Gary!
November 15th, 2007 at 9:12 amDave M -
A 1000 “Thanks” for the Spectator link.
Passed it around.
November 15th, 2007 at 9:31 amSome of the fights we engage in here at home are as important as those overseas. Thanks for asking some tough questions and fighting for the honour of our men and women in uniform.
November 15th, 2007 at 9:39 am[…] [See the rest of the “Must Read” post here: MSM News Slant] […]
November 15th, 2007 at 9:39 am[…] [See the rest of the “Must Read” post here: MSM News Slant] […]
November 15th, 2007 at 9:53 amThat was damn fine!!!https://pat-dollard.com/wp-includes/images/smilies/icon_beer.gif
November 15th, 2007 at 10:07 amOutstanding! Thank you, Sir.
November 15th, 2007 at 10:12 amComments regarding the fact that the MSM will not change their reporting in spite of news such as that contained in Gary’s email are undoubtedly correct, but should not stop us from trying to force that change.
Hard news from Iraq can be found every day on the internet, this site, Mike Yon, Roggio, Blackfive, and lots of others. We have learned hard lessions in Iraq, and we are putting them to good use. Counter-insurgency is effective. We will win.
Here’s the SECRET, guys & gals: every bit of positive news from Iraq that the MSM shows carries the hidden message, “Maybe/probably GWB is/was right!” and that’s something the MSM and Left cannot abide communicating. The “trend” requirement is an acknowledgment that The Narrative™ is at stake. Unacceptable!
I’m proud of you, dad.
November 26th, 2007 at 7:38 pmI’m a 69 year old piece time vet who wishes I could express myself as well as you did. thanks for people like you.
December 27th, 2007 at 7:51 am