“A Huge Night For Us”

November 15th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.



FORWARD OPERATING BASE KALSU — A former member of an insurgent group led Coalition forces, Iraqi Army (IA) and members of a Concerned Local Citizens group to a weapons cache site here in the early morning hours of Nov. 13.

The citizen, who reconciled with U.S. and Iraqi troops, knew where the cache was because he helped bury it sometime ago. He said he is now helping Coalition forces because he is tired of al-Qaida trying to force him to work with them. He said al-Qaida imprisoned him and tortured his friends for not joining forces with them.

The Soldiers from Battery B, 1st Battalion, 9th Field Artillery (FA), 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division, and IA found refrigerators that contained numerous rockets, mortars and ammunition.

Finding and destroying a weapons cache of this size will help slow enemy attacks in the area, said Capt. David Underwood, Battery B, 1-9th FA commander. He added that the find boosted the troops’ morale.

“They were pumped; they wanted to go look for another cache,” Underwood said.

Underwood called the night’s mission a success. “Anytime you can find something like this, it’s big,” he said. “It was a huge night for us.”

(Story by Sgt. Jason Stadel, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division)

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10 Responses

  1. CJWarner

    Good stuff.

  2. drillanwr

    Get some … and then some, guys!

    We’re behind you, even if the fucking MSM and Congress aren’t!

  3. Sandy K.

    I am really glad this guy came forward. I hope it continues to inspire more to turn on al-Q.

    This is great news. :smile:

  4. Jim

    “found refrigerators……”
    :???: WTF….

  5. GF

    Climate controlled conditions for weapon longevity? This is a very nice find indeed.

    I guess Club al-Qaida has run out of virgins.

  6. Dannyboy

    Winning the hearts and minds. The defeatocrats mocked us. But, now… here we are. And this is why we’re winning. And isn’t it sad that there are “Americans” who get upset when they hear stories like this one?

  7. Karl B

    Here’s another great find. I saw this posted over at IraqTheModel’s blog but cant find an news msm article about it..

    Troops and locals stop twenty car bombs from reachign the streets of Baghdad.

  8. Rob

    Good Job you dog faced soldiers!

  9. Brian H

    Karl B;
    Unfortunately that report on ITM traces back to RadioSAWA, which seems to have a very imaginative news editor. There are NO other reports of this find. Previously, it reported a near destruction of Hawr Rajab on Sept 11 by AQ in retaliation for being evicted by residents — which never happened; there were other reports, but they all traced back to Hawr Rajab. MNF totally denied the event ever occurred, and Hawr Rajab subsequently showed no signs of having been attacked. Once again, Omar of ITM was suckered into repeating the story.
    I love Omar like a brother, but he needs to get in the habit of crosschecking with 2 or 3 independent sources before he repeats anything SAWA says.

  10. Brian H

    Correction: “which never happened; there were other reports, but they all traced back to Hawr Rajab.” should read “which never happened; there were other reports, but they all traced back to RadioSAWA.”

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