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5 Responses

  1. Sandy K.

    I hope more cinemas decide not to even allow the show to run as planned because of the outrage from more and more people across the country.

    Brian DePalma and Mark Cuban are hurting our country, our people, and our troops. It is such a clear cut case of abuse of the freedom in the U.S.A. They have no excuse for what they did. :cry: There is enough danger for our troops and civilians over there - they didn’t need for them to pour gasoline on the embers. Bastards.

    Thank you to Howie and Bash and all the other volunteers that got the Boycott Redacted site up and running so fast. I am trying to get the day off of work to go on Friday.

    Mr. O’Reilly is right - liberals do not even support this horrible treasonous movie but only the far left. They are as far left as you can get.

    I am glad to see this getting so much more attention. That way there is no way people will go see this garbage without being fully aware of what they are supporting before they set foot in a theater. It will tank.

  2. Sandy K.

    For anyone new to the site seeing this video - here are links to BoycottRedacted.com

    The official “Boycott Redacted” website, where the mission is to boycott the movie “Redacted” and send a message to the director and the producers. This website was created by volunteers and staunch defenders of this country and for our soldiers, against the treasonous propaganda of the film’s producers, Brian DePalma and Mark Cuban.




    There are also downloads for your sites and pages:


  3. Jim

    and suddenly their worried about OJ…

    Hollywood has tainted itself as a ship of fools

  4. mindy abraham

    i signed the petition, and will not see the movie at all. Or any movie that makes our guys look bad. :mad:

  5. Wendy

    I work with our soldiers everyday that are leaving for Iraq or Afghanistan and the ones that are coming back from the war. These are the most humble of Americans who go out and sacrifice everything, there homes, family, even their lives to fight for something bigger than themselves and protect those who won’t or can’t fight. The majority doesn’t even complain and play down what they have been through. It breaks my heart to see that some people would represent them in anyway other than the heroes they are. It makes me sick. I don’t know that I will even step foot into a movie theater that will carry this movie. I sure would hate to see what would happen if the movie theater in this huge military town even tries to play this movie.

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