Israel Releases 441 Palestinian Prisoners

November 19th, 2007 Posted By The Bashman.

Rice, olmert, abbas
The spirit may be willing, but don’t hold your breath, Condi.

JERUSALEM- Israel on Monday approved the release of 441 Palestinian prisoners and pledged not to build any new settlements in the West Bank, but it stopped short of American demands to halt construction in existing settlements before a crucial U.S.-hosted Mideast conference.

The Cabinet vote took place ahead of a meeting between Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, who tried to break a deadlock in preparations for the U.S.-hosted peace summit, which is expected to take place in Annapolis, Md., next week.

Israel sees the conference primarily as a ceremonial launching pad for new peace efforts, while the Palestinians want a more detailed plan for how post-conference talks will proceed.

Olmert’s spokeswoman, Miri Eisin, said progress was made during the 90-minute meeting. She did not elaborate, but said negotiators would meet Tuesday to continue their work.

Seeking to drum up support for the conference, Olmert is heading to Egypt on Tuesday for talks with President Hosni Mubarak, his office said. Arab League members are to decide on Friday whether they will join the gathering. High-level Arab attendance is seen as crucial to the success of nascent peace moves.

With the outcome of Annapolis uncertain, Israel has been under U.S. pressure to take steps, including a settlement freeze and a large- scale release of Palestinian prisoners, to bolster Abbas.

The U.S. State Department said it had not yet spoken with the Israeli government about the Cabinet decisions but welcomed reports of the moves ahead of the Annapolis meeting.

“If the news reports hold up then these would be important steps in advance of the Annapolis conference, important confidence-building measure steps,” spokesman Sean McCormack told reporters.


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4 Responses

  1. Jenfidel

    Condi, you should be ashamed for pushing the Israelis to do this!
    Meanwhile, where are the Israeli soldiers that were captured back in Summer ‘06?

  2. Vaquero

    The pix of the 3 Amigos should give everyone in the West a shiver…
    What happened to the NO NEGOTIATING with TERRORISTS!?!?!?Where’s the release of the Israeli captives?!?!?!?!?

  3. Future0311 (the infidel)

    These people are braindead… how the hell do you keep trying the same shit when you know that approach doesn’t work? There’s no way they CAN’T know that handing shit over in exchange for empty promises doesn’t work.

  4. locknload

    A shinning example of the lifer, one world, can’t we all just get along, group think that runs deep in the state dept.
    Same shit, same place, same result.

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