Long Island Man Denied “Get Osama” Vanity Plates

November 19th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.

pig cry
But it’s OK to have a defeatist “Osama Won” plate?

NEW YORK― There’s a $25 million reward out for his capture, so it’s no secret the United States Government wants to get Osama Bin Laden. But when a Long Island man wanted to express that thought on his license plate, he got more than he bargained for.

He’s the most wanted man in the world, or as President Bush once put it, “he’s wanted dead or alive.”

Just like the President, Arno Herwerth of Hauppauge, Long Island, wants to get “Osama” also, and he’s making it known.

Herwerth sports a “Kill Bin Laden” t-shirt, and one look at his boldly adorned vehicle will tell you his campaign against the 9/11 mastermind is at the forefront of his patriotic-led life.

“I feel the man’s a mass murderer. He should be killed. He should be dead,” Herwerth told CBS 2.

So when Arno, a retired NYPD sergeant, ordered personalized “Get Osama” license plates from the DMV, he said he thought he was being patriotic.

“It’s the only way to deal with him. He’s killed thousands of people. The man is akin to Adolph Hitler,” said Herwerth.

But now he told CBS 2, the DMV has put the brakes on his plates, claiming they are offensive.

In a letter addressed to Herwerth, the DMV said they “prohibit the issuance of any license plate combination that is, ‘in the discretion of the commissioner, obscene, lewd, lascivious, derogatory to a particular ethnic group or patently offensive.”

Arno points out however, there is a little something called “free speech” in the country he so adamantly believes he is supporting.

He claims the President’s September 2001 speech in which he announced Bin Laden was “wanted dead or alive,” should not be forgotten, and if it was okay for the Commander In Chief to say, then the same words on license plates should be permitted.


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4 Responses

  1. TJ (The kafir)

    I take it the head of the DMV is either an arab or his name is osama, for this to be considered offensive?

  2. Jarhead68

    Well, since this is the state in which I live and Eliot Shitzer is the democRat governor, I’d have to say the head of the DMV must be a treasonous, lying democRat pig. Was that offensive enough for ya, New Yawk? :evil:

  3. Jarhead68

    OH, and by the way, folks, in all the hubbub about Shitzer licenses for illegal aliens, has anyone noticed that the name of the commisioner of the DMV in New York is none other than Raymond MARTINEZ????? Gee, I wonder what HIS position is on the licenses for illegals? Or am I profiling? Can you spell Jackasses in government office??????

  4. mindy abraham

    Who would that offend? I’m a New Yorker, and I would find that funny. :lol:

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