Rosie Calls Bush “War Criminal”

November 20th, 2007 Posted By The Bashman.

miss piggie
Bitch just can’t keep her trap shut, can she?

Troops are terrorists, the President is a war criminal…

But hey, there’s lots of people who have died and are willing to die for her right to say it, I guess.

Ungrateful cunt.

end Bash rant…

Yes, she said it. Rosie O’Donnell, hosting the 10th annual fundraiser for her very charitable For All Kids Foundation, was riffing and having fun from the dais during an auction of pricey gifts such as spending a day on the set of “Nip/Tuck” or taking a 14-day cruise in the Mediterranean on a luxury liner.

“George Bush is a war criminal,” she blurted out.


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10 Responses

  1. Kurt(the infidel)

    Yeah rosie is an idiot and needs to fade into obscurity. That big mouth has got her into trouble already but she may actually get into real trouble if she takes those statements much further.

    And great picture Bash, very creative :lol:

  2. CPLViper

    Hey Kurt,

    I don’t think there was any editing for that picture … just a peep through her window on a lazy Sunday morning.

  3. Valerie

    I wish reporters would learn to ask the follow-up question, “what crime?”

    Fabulous picture. :razz:

  4. KBar

    The real “war criminals” are the treasonous far-left moonbats, ala Rosie O’Fat, that give our enemies the resolve by spouting their anti-US, anti-troop pablum.

    Semper Fi, you fat bitch.

    (Actually, for Rosie, it should probably be “Semper Pie”)

  5. drillanwr

    Yes, Bash and friends …

    That IS an anatomically correct picture of a cunt.

    More like she’s a mental criminal.

    Hey, Rosie! Get a fucking job! Here’s an idea … Carpet Cleaner.

  6. Kurt(the infidel)

    CPL Viper, I could believe that. Just check out that chest hair, a true butch dike lol :eek:

  7. Steve in NC

    her bush is a criminal I bet

    stay in front of the cameras you hog, we love it, show us who you really are

  8. Jim

    HAHA great pic…what an improvement!

    Yes, the ramblings of a psychotic jack in the box without midol…
    Thank gd her big head fits back into her big a$$, now if we can just remove the spring

  9. Future0311 (the infidel)

    M9 bayonet to the face, anybody?

  10. JonnyMordant

    Rosie is a Criminal on Sooooo many levels I refuse to get ArthWriteis typing Criminal that many times; “Whore Criminal, Fashion Criminal, Math Criminal, Basic Intelligence Criminal, Just Plain Fuckin’ Ugly Criminal, Dresses Child as Jihadi for Halloween Criminal, 9/11 Nut Case Criminal, Screams Like a Banshee during any Intelligent Debate Criminal, Cock Blocking Criminal, Lesbian Not Worthy of a Porno Scandal Criminal, Lesbian Not Worthy of a Porno Period Criminal, What a Fuck’n Biotch Criminal, etc, etc, etc… my 2 forefingers, middle fingers and pinkies hurt from typing this Shocker that wouldn’t even faze her largedness, So I’ll conclude this rant by just making 2 Fists and saying that Rosie should be brought up on charges of Crimes Against Humanity in general……

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