Iran, Not Al Qaeda, Responsible For Horrific Baghdad Bombing - With Video

November 24th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


Related: 300,000 Iraqis sign petition condemning Iran

BAGHDAD - The U.S. military on Saturday blamed the deadly bombing of a pet market in Baghdad on Iranian-backed Shiite militants.

The bomb that was hidden in a box of small birds exploded Friday morning as Iraqis were strolling past animal stalls and bird cages at Baghdad’s al-Ghazl market. The market had recently re-emerged as a popular venue as security has increased in the capital.

Police and hospital officials said at least 15 people were killed and 56 wounded, including four policemen.

U.S. military spokesman Rear Adm. Gregory Smith said the bomb was packed with ball-bearings to maximize casualties.

“In raids overnight, Iraqi and coalition forces were able to identify and detain four members of a militia extremist group we assess as responsible for this horrific act of indiscriminate violence,” he said at a news conference. “Based on subsequent confessions, forensics and other intelligence, the bombing was the work of an Iranian-backed special groups cell operating here in Baghdad.”

The allegation came despite recent statements from U.S. commanders expressing cautious optimism about a decline in Shiite violence along with claims that Iran has begun limiting its support of Shiite extremists and a cease-fire order from radical cleric Muqtada al-Sadr to his fighters.

Tehran denies charges it is fomenting violence in Iraq, saying it is trying to help stabilize its fellow predominantly Shiite neighbor.


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6 Responses

  1. Dan (The Infidel)

    “Tehran denies charges it is fomenting violence in Iraq, saying it is trying to help stabilize its fellow predominantly Shiite neighbor.”

    I call shenanigans on Iran. The only thing that the Iraniacs are interested in is the Shat-al-arab and killing Americans. Time to unloose the killer b’s. (B-1, B-2, B-52)
    on Iran.

  2. Jarhead68

    I’m with you Danny-Boy. Bomb early. Bomb often. It’s the democratic way. When do we get serious…about treason, about sedition, about defeating the real enemy, not just the proxies?

  3. Theo

    Reuters always has to rain on the right wing parade. They can’t put in some good news w/o including bad (i.e. the bit about returning Iraqis not exceeding displaced ones)

  4. Howie

    My Uncle Mike had a thought one time we were talking about this. A Behavioral Nuke, nothing too big just big enough to flatten about 4-5 blocks. The first one is detonated out in the desert to get their attention. Then if they act up you use one in a city.
    Just like the suitcase bombs that Iran is supposedly preparing to use here in the United States, the difference is we have the technology and we used to have the balls to use one.

  5. Sandy K.

    “Based on subsequent confessions, forensics and other intelligence, the bombing was the work of an Iranian-backed special groups cell operating here in Baghdad.”

    There is more than enough evidence to decide to bomb the fuck out of Tehran. This has to end. Diplomacy with liars never works. They have only one goal. Bombing a fucking pet market . . . they are targeting civilians, children - because they are cowardly scum that are begging us to destroy them.

    I have never been a hateful person but I, like many others, have been pushed to the absolute limits. Seen enough, read enough, our men have been injured and killed by the Iranian sons of bitches -

    and where the fuck are the Peta people on this one too. Oh, those poor pets :roll: We should send the code pink bitches over there to pull duty to secure “peace” and see how well they do too.

    Sorry for the rant but I can’t believe the idiocy of the masses that do not even see what is really happening in the world.

    I agree with Howie and his uncle. The time is now.

  6. JonnyMordant

    Ah, we have a Terrorist Bombing that PETA can condemn for once!

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