Australia Drifts From America, Toward China

November 25th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.

Kevin Rudd and Chinese President Hu Jintao


[Steve Schippert]

Australia’s Prime Minister John Howard has been defeated at the polls as was expected. He has been a stalwart ally for the United States through often difficult times and in the face of perceptibly unpopular circumstances. Thank you, sir. Your friendship has been and is both valued and respected.

Incoming Prime Minister-elect Kevin Rudd has two key items on his agenda as it relates to the existing relationship with the United States.

First is his intent to pull out Australian troops from Iraq. This means less on the ground than it does in the general direction of the new Australian leadership going forward. The United States has not lost an ally, but the degree to which it has enjoyed support will be at an immediate ebb.

This will be exemplified by the second item on his agenda with respect to relations with the United States: Pushing for Australian ratification of the Kyoto Accord and isolating America in dissent.

The Kyoto Accord is an uneven, unfair and unbalanced economically disastrous ambition that - if enacted - would severely impair American industry and damage our economy. This, of course, is the reason so many nations - such as China - fervently support its implementation, not the environmental reasons it is said to address. The environmental aspects are merely the tool used to generate emotionally-based Western support for the measures.

The Mandarin-speaking Rudd is also expected to move toward closer ties with China as he leads a slow drift away from America. How his intended policies are - or are not - carried out will be important to follow.

Farewell, Mr. Howard. You will be sorely missed.

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12 Responses

  1. Jim

    “How his intended policies are - or are not - carried out will be important to follow.”

    :?: :!:

  2. Joe

    Good luck to you Aussies. You’re going to need it.

  3. Joe M.

    Well, if Rudd’s most important focus aside from pulling out of Iraq is the environment I hope to hear about new and viable technologies from his country within a year or two. With no more money being put into the military costs of the war it should all be diverted to the oh so important environment right Mr. Rudd?

    Kyoto protocol is a joke. No one follows it. America is doing better with it’s own self applied standards. Also, america isn’t the one building a couple new coal plants each day, cough china cough cough cough up lung.

  4. Future0311 (the infidel)

    “The Kyoto Accord is an uneven, unfair and unbalanced economically disastrous ambition that - if enacted - would severely impair American industry and damage our economy. This, of course, is the reason so many nations - such as China - fervently support its implementation, not the environmental reasons it is said to address. The environmental aspects are merely the tool used to generate emotionally-based Western support for the measures.”

    Good. I’m not the only one that sees just how screwed up this piece of shit is.

    Thank you for sticking with us, Mr. Howard. It would seem that your people prefer to be screwed over, though.

  5. Ken Holton

    Hang on to your horses boys. Rudd or not, our troops are still in Afghanistan (sas) quitely going about their work. We will still go “all the way with u.s.a” now worries mate!

  6. A. S. Wise- VA

    Well, my generation (or the next), will have to fix the world; willingly or not. Oh sure the BS MTV spews of free love and decadence sounds great now, but when shit hits the fan, mankind will have to resort to its most basic of instincts; survival in the face of sure destruction. (This is where the USMC comes into play.)

  7. John Cunningham

    I’ve grown increasingly concerned about China. This is the year of the pig in the Chinese calender. At the beginning of the year they issued an apology to the muslims about that and promised to tone down any mention of that during the year. The Chinese have no problem rounding up Christians and Tibetan monks and shooting students in Tienaman Square but jump through hoops for muslims.

    Another pig story, still have the archbishop on my mind. A big bank in England used a piggy bank as a symbol for saving, you know, the piggy bank. muslims needless to say seethed and were offended. The bank issued an apology and stopped using the pig as the symbol. Sorry, England, we’re not coming to the rescue a third time. You’re speeding the day when the Queen’s head is displayed in Piccadilly.

    There’s a technology called smoke stack scrubbers that are covers for smoke stacks that make coal fired furnaces pollution free, nothing escapes into the atmosphere. We’re fools, having more coal than God not to use them and we could be completely independent from foreign oil.

    All cars in the US have and have had since the ’70s catalytic converters on them. What pollutant escapes from US cars that contributes to “global warming”?

    What, is there some kind of tetonic plate shift going on under the oceans that Australia wants to drift toward China? Maybe if we pull real hard and the Aussies push real hard we could park Australia next to California.

    the tentacles of the octopus are everywhere, they’re everywhere.

  8. franchie


    your are inspired today :lol:

  9. locknload

    re: John,
    Park Australia next to Kalifornia ?
    I ain’t that pissed at the Mates, but do wonder WTF !

  10. Gary in Midwest

    If you were a conservative in Austalia and did’nt feel the need to vote, you got what you deserved. Unfortunately it means a tougher row to hoe for the rest of the worlds conservatives. One more idiot at the helm of a ship.

  11. John Cunningham

    Locknload, well, it won’t fit through the canal. I’d rather it be over here on the right coast. Did three one weeks in ‘68, ‘70 and ‘71. Save me on air fare when I can get it together to re-visit.

  12. Zachary

    Gary: If someone on the electoral roll didn’t feel the need to vote, they also didn’t feel the need to not get fined. Voting is compolsory in Australia.

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