Wounded Navy SEAL Has A Message For Negativity Crowd

November 26th, 2007 Posted By The Bashman.


This exemplifies the character of the members of our Armed Forces.

Thanks Blackfive.

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14 Responses

  1. sal

    ha ha ha, GOD BLESS YA!!!

  2. Steve in NC

    Does it surprise any of us that visit this site at this man’s attitude?

    When I hear the ‘greatest generation’ in reference to the troops of WWII, I think of this current generation and those who have volunteered to defend and stand watch for our nations freedom. I see them as great.

    drive on :beer:

  3. TBinSTL

    Somebody out there needs to make sure this guy reproduces, we cannot afford to lose a bloodline of this quality. Okay…I’ve treading really close to some bad memories there.
    To live on is to fight on.

  4. Ranger

    Absolutely Steve. Drive on. :beer:

  5. EDinTampa

    I am so proud of these young men and women… they keep my hopes high for my USofA and our people, especially the young. :beer:

  6. mindy abraham

    Ha Ha :lol: I love this guys attitude-he will do fine thinking like that. Speaking of SEALS just finished lone survivor. Loved it.

  7. Top Ward

    Big HOOAH to the squid (said lovingly), from an admiring doggie! :beer: :beer:

  8. Irish Gal

    He knows and lives the Secret, God Bless him and all soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines….

  9. A. S. Wise- VA

    My dad made good friends with a SEAL back at Ranger School circa 1969 (my dad just finished jump school, and would go on to Jungle Warfare School afterwards). Interesting note, the SEAL also was good friends with my dad’s brother in law (who was an Air Force Spec Ops officer, retired in early 1980s), and they were also ice hockey teammates at Colgate. I met him when I was very young, down at my aunt and uncle’s place in Naples, Florida. Great man, but what my family remembers most about my encounter with him, is how much of a liking I took to his wife! :lol:

    Before high school, I wanted to be a SEAL, but from Enduring Freedom onwards, the Marines have been the force I want to serve in. HOORAH! :beer: :beer: :beer:

  10. Lamplighter

    Even from his hospital bed, he’s still kicking #@$ and taking names. You don’t like it, go elsewhere! Thank you, Mr. Blackfive.

  11. Kurt(the infidel)

    Now if thats not inspirational i dont know what is. This is why America cant lose, because even when injured we still get the last laugh. Enemies of the United States beware, the men and women you are fighting are far and beyond what you expect to be up against.

  12. steve m

    Hope some dumbass liberal from congress was visiting that day. The pic outta be e-mailed to the MSM…of course they’ll dismiss it as a hoax - God Bless that guy and keep praying for him and all those who serve.

  13. ticticboom

    I’ll tell you one thing this guy isn’t and never will be:

    A victim.

    Fit that into your “meta-narrative”, lefties. I dare you to do it to his face.

  14. Dannyboy

    …Spoken like a true HERO. God Bless, you, SEAL. :smile:

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