Video: Armed Invaders On U.S. Soil

November 27th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.

Related: Get Your Guns

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13 Responses

  1. Howie

    Looks to me like Scout/Sniper schools classroom just got a whole lot bigger. This is a great way to teach these guys how to operate in the ME and anywhere else in the world for that matter. And any of those on the left that think that I am a Fuckin’ Warmonger, I got two words for ya!! SUCK IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Steve in NC

    They aren’t really here, so if they don’t go back home no one will know.

    wack em or grab em and waterboard them then wack em

    drop the bodies out of aircraft onto the president of mexico’s residence

    …really, what the hell would the mexicali president say in public? it would be an admission no matter how he framed it

  3. ssgduke54

    And now begins the collapse of what was once a great country thanks by our agriculture/big corporation greed for cheap slave labor. War will come home to us very soon. May God have mercy on our souls for not standing up for this once proud great Nation….. :cry:

  4. Dr. Jerry

    Well…I’ve been saying it now from sometime: It is time to organize literal state militias; those consisting of the armed citizenry, and take back our country before we are radically outnumbered and outgunned. We should be able to put men and women in the field, immediately, to quell what is obviously an armed invasion of our nation.

    Let’s send the “Balloon up” now and assemble in the desert or just wait until there are no more like us to do the job.

    “Terrorem potius quam religionem”

  5. Kurt(the infidel)

    Dr. Jerry, right on! an armed citizen militia seems to be the only option we have anymore, since our government wont do the job. I feel sorry for any border agents left down there with their asses in the wind. They are trying. If anyone wants to assemble the militia let me know, its our right constitutionally.

  6. Steve in NC

    ssgduke54 has chosen a side.

  7. Egfrow

    “big corporation greed for cheap slave labor”??

    WTF? Cheap and Slave don’t go together and are a matter of perspective. Slaves don’t get paid at all and have no personal choice or freedom. These so called “Slaves” earn many times more than in their native countries and are here by choice and actually bring most of money back to their Thome lands.

    Your attack on corporations is biased under the pretext that any “for profit” venture us evil. So I suggest you stop paying your bills and don’t buy anything. Live in the street and beg for cash.

    The Immigration issue is a matter of the Law and enforcing it. The word Illigal Immigrant has no value in our current government because their is no value in the word Illigal. Pogressives and Commies exploit and attack the values in aything and everyone who tries to show integrity.

    Big corrupt corporations are not at fault. Government is for having the power to regulate and control industry at it’s whim under the guise of the “Greater good”.

    Take your Fidel Castro an Che Guevara bullshit and shove it up your socialist/communist ass. Making money is the only thing that keeps the world from being poor and is the ultimate Freeman’s tool. Capitalism Rocks!

  8. 0311inOHio

    Insurgents… We can kill them in Iraq why the fuck can’t we kill them here? Un fucking beleiveable.. :evil:

  9. Lone Wolf

    Free markets create wealth because they reward innovation and conservation of resources with profits, and likewise punish with bankruptcy those who waste them. If I take resources like capital, labor, raw materials, energy, etc. and combine them in a way that the market won’t pay for, I will quickly go out of business - which prevents me from wasting any more resources. Read “Eat the Rich” by P.J. O’Rourke - it explains why resource-poor places like Hong Kong can create gobs more wealth than Tanzania or Cuba. It’s simple. Anyone can do it. If they’re free. Which is why the Islamic world is so backward and Communism collapsed.

  10. Mart (just another infidel)

    Dr. Jerry has it right….I’m with you my friend.

  11. ssgduke54

    :mad: Whoa fellow citizen! let get something straight about me. I will fight for this great Nation with my life against foreign and domestic troubles we have. I am AGAINST OPEN BORDERS AND RAMPANT ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION…PERIOD! But who is to blame for all this to happen?!! One: The big agriculture/big business wants the cheap labor so they don’t have to pay living wages to U.S. Citizens, Two: The Democrats wants the cheap vote, so thats why they want to give drivers license to Illegal aliens in hope they will vote for them. In return they will make the Illegals into U.S. citizens with huge free benefits/entitlements while we LEGAL U.S. Citizens have to pay for it! Three: If you really, really want to blame someone for this immigration mess we, and I do include myself it this, are to blame. Just look in the mirror for we keep electing the same corrupt politicians over, and over again who really don’t have any interest in our well being as a Nation. My statement above in this forum is a metaphor of what might happen if we don’t care about our Country. Their is an old saying and it applies to all of us “We have met the enemy and the enemy is US!

  12. ssgduke54

    :evil: Egfrow Don’t you ever and I mean ever question my loyalty to my country. What sacrifices have you made for this great Country? Let me tell you the sacrifices my family have made bub. My grand father fought in WWI. My Uncles have fought in WWII, My father was in during the Korean war. My wife is a LEGAL Immigrant/Nat U.S Citizen who lost her first husband who fought in Vietnam. I have served and still serving my country in the Army and now in the Army National Guard for almost 30 years. And now my Son is in the Army who is fighting in Iraq! This family have shown their loyalty more then most so called U.S.citizen have ever done! So be very careful with the bomb throwing name calling because I could have done that to you and question your loyalty. My family has done so much with little support from so many but willing sacrifice a lot to keep this great Nation FREE!

  13. Mjolnir

    Where to start….
    Well, I can honestly vouch for alot of this since I do quite a bit of field work for The Army here at Ft. Huachuca,AZ.
    Ask any of the ranchers that have ranches close to the border, or for that matter any of the citizens that live down here too. But the main problem is not the migrant workers, it is the drug cartels, the Mexican Gov’t AND our own federal gov’t.
    The fact that our border patrol agents get put in jail for doing their jobs is a major eye-opener. For those of you not familiar with Ramos and Compean, google it. Or check out Arizona Freedom Riders website. There have been other cases over the years where good agents, many of them military vets were setup by their own gov’t to take a fall for doing their job. Something to think about. This issue is actually much more complex the more you study it and quite frankly if the damn left wing nutjobs and bleeding hearts would stand up for America and let us defend ourselves…well, I’m with Dr. Jerry on this issue.
    As always excellent intel in this Vid Iggy.
    And if you’re gonn abe in town for awhile, drop me aline over at my blog and I’ll gladly buy you a beer. :beer:

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