AZ Governor: Not Christmas - “Holiday” And Screw Santa Claus

November 29th, 2007 Posted By The Bashman.

Grinch Bitch
This picture from Governor Napolitano’s official site has the caption “Speaking at the Holiday Tree lighting at the Capitol.”

Arizona governor Janet Napolitano recently lit the state Christmas Tree (thats what the heck it is, that’s what I’ll call it) and proclaimed it the “Holiday Tree.” This bitch can’t stand Christmas, or Christianity, and is part of this whole movement to slowly push God out of our society.

In 2001, when she was attorney general, her office put out a memo listing “acceptable seasonal decorations” in common areas. They included snowflakes, icicles, garlands, poinsettia plants and wrapped presents — but not trees under which gifts could be placed, or Santa himself, and the word “Christmas” should not be used in any context of the state government.

The CHRISTMAS Tree at Rockefeller Center. Now THAT’s a Christmas Tree.

Some lawmakers in Arizona want to see the “Christmas” put back into the “Holiday Season” and hope the name is changed back in time for Christmas.

Annie Laurie Gaylor of the Freedom From Religion Foundation says lawmakers shouldn’t waste their time debating trivial issues and the name should stand.

Her comments drew a rebuke from Rep. Joel Kleefisch, who told her she wouldn’t be happy until they live in a Godless world.

Arizona Secretary of State Jan Brewer who, like Napolitano, has her office in the Capitol tower was amused at the whole thing:

“It’s a Christmas tree,” she said while passing by the display. “Who are you trying to kid?”

(Info from Capital Media)

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13 Responses

  1. drillanwr

    Perhaps Gov. Janet needs a “choo-choo” …?

  2. Charles

    Hey, don’t call her “Governor”, call her what she REALLY is: commissar.

  3. DC


    Perhaps Gov. Janet needs a “choo-choo” …?”

    Yea….driven up her ass!

  4. LftBhndAgn


    More like a lump of coal shoved down her throat.

  5. Kurt(the infidel)

    drillanwr, thats great! you even had a scene ready for this and everything lol. love that movie by the way

  6. Dannyboy

    May everyone have a CHRIST-filled Christmas this year.

  7. fmder

    :lol: Comments are pretty good today …

  8. John Cunningham

    Bashman, hate to be a wet blanket. The tree in New York, has this year, gone “green”. It’s done in green LEDs this year. Not the same. The Goracle or the ACLU is determined to be in your life at every opportunity.

  9. GF

    The ironic thing is that she wished everyone a Merry Christmas after unvieling the ‘holiday tree’ while refusing to call it a Christmas tree. :???:

  10. Bashman (the infidel)



    Say it ain’t so! :???:

  11. John Cunningham


    Saw the lighting on the news last night. I’ll be changing trains in NYC on 9 Dec. I have to see it for myself. On my way back that night it’ll only be about a ten block detour from Grand Central to get back to Penn Station.

  12. Richard Quinn

    Annie Laurie Gaylor???
    Freedom From Religion Foundation???
    Trivial ussues???
    Who pulled her string? And what rock do these people crawl out from under? The large majority of the US population who believe in CHRISTmas will have a serious issue with her statement. Jeez, people with her outlook on life must be dead inside…………..

  13. danielle

    How depressing. Christmas is a time of joy, why on earth are these losers trying to ruin it? If they want a godless society they should move out and make their own Stalinist country.

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