Dem Debate/Press Conference-Rigging Scandals Grow

November 29th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.

Recently it has been exposed that Hillary has been staging fake FEMA-style press confernces with fake, censored “average voter” questioners just like FEMA used fake reporters, and that her campaing threatened CNN with no more access to Hillary unless they helped her stuff their last Dem debate with Hillary supporters and other fake questions. Well, now addicted to media fraud against the voting American public, they, along with other Dems, have gone out of their way to rig last night’s CNN Republican debate:

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Concerned Undecided Mom LeeAnn Anderson = Activist for the John Edwards-endorsing United Steelworkers union LeeAnn Anderson

Digging out more CNN/YouTube plants: Abortion questioner is declared Edwards supporter (and a slobbering Anderson Cooper fan); Log Cabin Republican questioner is declared Obama supporter; lead toy questioner is a prominent union activist for the Edwards-endorsing United Steelworkers
By Michelle Malkin • November 29, 2007 12:47 AM

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3 Responses

  1. drillanwr

    Apparently a lot of intense ‘thought and planning’ is going into this …


  2. Brad W(the infidel)

    Unfortunately we will se this on this site, and the other conservative web sites. Fox may give this a little lip service, but as for the MSM, they will never report on the fraud and deceit played out by their cohorts in fascism, the democrat party. What we are going to see is the Skruggs/Lott story palyed to death to implicate more Republican faults, nothing will be said about Skruggs being a Hillary supporter. Or the MSM will drudge up old news on the Alaska debacle, or anything else they can think of to portray the Conservatives of the country in bad light.

    They do interviewws with their favorite Democrat hopefuls as news stories, when all they really are are free campaign ads, so they can avoid giving equal time to the Republicans.

    Does Pat or anyone else know a good attorney with conservative leanigns that would be willing to file lawsuits against the dims on behalf of the American people? I can think of numerous charges. Lets bleed their coffers like they do to Republicans all the time…

  3. Lamplighter

    Will the MSM expose this debate-rigging scandal? We won’t hold our breath. Note that part of the debate-rigging is the refusal of dems to debate on Fox sponsored events. What a joke. Can’t every voter see through this?

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