Iran Classifies Rap Music “Illegal” - Edits The Word “Women” From State TV

November 29th, 2007 Posted By The Bashman.

Shariah smack’s them bitches up.

Iran said it plans to launch a crackdown on rap music, complaining that the words used by rap artists were “obscene”, the state IRNA news agency reported Thursday.

“There is nothing wrong with this type of music in itself,” the official for evaluation of music at the Culture and Islamic Guidance Ministry, Mohammad Dashtgoli, was quoted as saying.

“But due to the use of obscene words by its singers this music has been categorised as illegal,” he said.

“In coordination with the police, illegal studios producing this type of music will be sealed and the singers in this genre will be confronted,” he said.

Dashtgoli said a large number of illegal rap singers have been already identified.

Producing albums and holding concerts in Iran requires official permission from the culture ministry and, needless to say, rap music is an underground phenomenon in the Islamic republic.

Nevertheless, rap albums are widely available on the black market with artists drawing inspiration from the Persian-language rap of the Iranian diaspora based in Los Angeles.

Iran is currently in the midst of its most severe moral crackdown in years, which has seen thousands of women warned for slack dressing, several bootleg music stores shut and “decadent” mixed-sex parties raided.

Not only that but:

The word ‘women‘ must now be replaced on Iranian state television by ‘family‘, reformist Norouz news agency reports.

In programs broadcast throughout the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women last Sunday, Iranian state TV used the world family instead.

In recent weeks, Iran’s Center for the Participation of Women changed its name to the Center for Family Matters.


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12 Responses

  1. john

    Hmmm banning music that talk about fucking hoes and slapping bitches is one positive coming out of this for women

  2. JonnyMordant

    Another schism? Hitler took issue with artists that were more creative than the shit he liked as well; Funny that these Retards would Ban the one form of art that has a following that is somewhat sympathetic to their Bullshit; Not to mention more palatable than the crap they play in all their Videos!

    Oh well, as long as they don’t try to ban Country Music then there may be hope for them yet! :mrgreen:

  3. Boombop

    Did you notice they didn’t mention anything about the violence in rap music? Only that it was obscene.
    I guess it would make good jihad music if it wasn’t for those damn Hos and bitches.
    “I’m going to cap your ass infidels. Praise be da Allah, Praise be da Allah!”

  4. franchie

    the Persians ban a music that came from either US, english, French… western surburbs ;

    this music is mostly favorite amid a black or arab identified young population.

    and yes it’s a “rebel” expression that we may-be should have better controlled before our surburb revendications and riots ;

    and these “fucking” lefty “intellos” recognize “rap” as an artistic expression :

    yes, it is, but for very few of them, who are clever with the words and the rythme of a sentence ; one can’t be a “Rimbaud” with a click of fingers

    now, the Persians, are great musicians at their origin : they are said to have brought the “flamenco” to Andalucia with middle-age tzigan caravans ; they have a great “culture”, I am not surprised that the mullahcraty put a “hola” on the free expression of teens : that shows, they are in control ; but for sure they have no immigrated barbarians in their surburbs

  5. Augustine

    Franchie: Fuck off. moveon is that way >>>

    So Jack Thompson representing Iran?

  6. Augustine

    Not because of your post btw, but rather because you are a fucking idiotic nuisance.
    1st: Get a translator that actually works
    2nd: Learn English so you won’t need a translator
    3rd: Leave the site.

  7. franchie


    I love you, so I will stay here to show the great pleasure I have to meet such non-sense as you

    and BTW, I am your consciousness LMAO :mrgreen:

  8. Steven D

    “The word ‘women‘ must now be replaced on Iranian state television by ‘family‘, reformist Norouz news agency reports.”

    Is “beeyatches” another acceptable alternative?

  9. Paul Ron

    The US should copy Iran on the rap issue. At least rap after 1985

  10. ticticboom

    I’m torn here. I’m all for free speech, unless it crosses the line into sedition, but I can’t help but sympathize with the desire to rid the world of that shit.

  11. Augustine

    Franchie: My conscious isn’t a fruity frog.

  12. franchie


    “t’as tord and the tord tue”

    yeah, it’s a turtle :smile:

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