Al Qaeda Kills Tikrit Mayor In Doomed Campaign To Conquer Iraq

November 29th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


As loony as Al Qaeda’s determination to conquer the world makes the automatically, and as loony as their desperation in Iraq also makes them, these people still really believe they can conquer much or all of the country by terrifying the population, not winning it over, through atrocities like this. Yesterday, they mortared a bunch of shoppers in a small town in Al Anbar. They remain convinced that they can bully themselves into possession of the keys to the kingdom.

Tikrit, Nov 29, (VOI)- Unidentified gunmen killed the mayor of the city of Tikrit in front of his house, while another armed group hurled a bomb at a house of the mayor of al-Jamaaiya neighborhood, but without causing any casualties, a police source said on Thursday.

“Unknown armed men opened fire on Ahmed Abdullah, mayor of al-Zohour neighborhood in central Tikrit, in front of his house on Wednesday night, killing him instantly” the source told the independent news agency Voices of Iraq (VOI).

“Another armed group threw an explosive charge at a house of the mayor of al-Jamaaiya neighborhood near Tikrit, causing severe material damage to the house but no casualties,” he added.

Meanwhile, a media source from Salah el-Din province said that “leaflets were distributed in the past few days in some neighborhoods in Tikrit, sending death-threats to mayors and noted persons as a result of their cooperation with police forces in the city.”

Tikrit, the capital of Salah el-Din, lies 175 km north of Baghdad.

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2 Responses

  1. LftBhndAgn


    Mosul airport to reopen soon, first flights for pilgrims

    December 2nd is the big day.

  2. Sandy K.

    Ahmed Abdullah RIP ~ condolences to his family.

    al-Q is its own worst enemy. They continue to convince the rest of the world that there really is only one way to deal with them. Our troops are experts on how that is done. With the training they have provided to the IP and IA the terrorists will be permanently obiterated from Iraq.

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