Surprise: EU/Iranian Talks Break Down - Iran Refuses To Stop Enrichment

November 30th, 2007 Posted By The Bashman.

The Iranian Theocracy’s nuclear negotiating puppet Jalili delivers the big “Fuck You.”

I can’t imagine anybody would be surprised by this outcome. The longer they drag their feet with all of these “talks”, the more time Iran has to further their nuclear program, and also try to hide what they do have.

Can the UN say: “B-1 with Bunker Busters.” ?? Probably not.

But I know who can.

LONDON- Talks between Iran and the European Union broke up Friday without compromise on Tehran’s refusal to freeze uranium enrichment, and the top EU foreign policy envoy said he was disappointed at Tehran’s refusal to budge.

“I expected more and therefore I am disappointed,” EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana said after a five-hour session with the Iranian nuclear negotiator Saeed Jalili. The failure of the meeting was likely to increase pressure for new U.N. Security Council sanctions, with the five permanent council members set to discuss such actions Saturday.

Before the talks between Solana and Jalili, senior European officials said that nothing short of an Iranian pledge to seriously consider freezing its enrichment program would defuse a push by the U.S. and its allies for new sanctions. While not going into specifics, Solana’s statement made clear the Iranians had not budged on their refusal to do so.

Throughout the 18 months of EU-Iran talks, Tehran has publicly insisted it will never suspend enrichment. Although Tehran says it wants the technology to create fuel for nuclear reactors, concerns that it might use it to produce the fissile core of nuclear weapons have led to two sets of sanctions since December.

The London talks will be followed by a strategy session Saturday in Paris by top representatives of the Security Council nations plus Germany—the six countries at the forefront of efforts to dissuade Iran from developing its enrichment program.

While the Paris meeting will formally wait for a report from Solana on the outcome of his talks with Jalili, European officials told The Associated Press that there were few illusions that Tehran would change its mind on enrichment.

Comments Thursday by British Foreign Secretary David Miliband indicated the low expectations the Western powers—the United States, Britain, France and Germany—had for the London talks. He told reporters that “work is already under way and will continue” on the language of a Security Council resolution that would impose a third set of sanctions on Tehran.

“There’s a lot of discussion going on about the content of a resolution,” he said—an allusion to differences among the Western council members and Russia and China, who have watered down the two previous sanctions resolutions and appear skeptical about a third. Still, he said, “the marching orders … are set out.”

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5 Responses

  1. John Cunningham

    I’m surprised it went for five hours.

    Look closely at the forehead of the one pictured at the top. The mark on his forehead is caused by purposely rubbing the head on the rug in an effort to produce a callous so as to out muslim other muslims. An outward display of showing one’s devotion. OBL’s second in command has one on his forehead also. I’ve often wondered if that’s the mark the ancient prophets were talking about when they spoke of the mark of the beast.

  2. CJWarner

    They don’t listen to “talk”.

    And they sure won’t like the alternative that they will most likely bring upon themselves.

  3. GF

    tick tock

  4. franchie

    we call that a “promène-couillons”

    (take the idiot nuts or balls for a walk or a sailing party)

  5. ticticboom

    @John Cunningham:

    I’m not religious, but sometimes I can’t help but wonder…

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