Airstrikes Take Out “Company” Of Taliban

November 20th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


KABUL (AFP) - Afghan and coalition troops killed a large group of Taliban fighters in a battle that involved several air strikes in southern Afghanistan Tuesday, the US-led force said.

A “company-sized” group of Taliban guerrillas ambushed a combined Afghan and coalition patrol in the southern province of Uruzgan, the coalition said in a statement. A company is about 70 men.

Afterwards the insurgents took cover inside a structure and in a trench, forcing Afghan citizens to flee, it added.

“Moments later, the combined force fixed the insurgents in their position and several precision air strikes effectively eliminated the Taliban insurgents,” it said. It did not say if any civilians were killed.

The troops “killed a large group of insurgents,” it said.

Small-scale gunfights between security forces and extremist fighters occur most often in southern and eastern Afghanistan where the Taliban are most active.

The Islamic Taliban regime was toppled from power in 2001 in a US-led offensive launched following the September 11, 2001 attacks on US cities. The attacks were blamed on Al-Qaeda, which had training camps in Afghanistan.

The Taliban insurgency has grown year-on-year, with more than 5,500 people killed this year, most of them insurgents but also hundreds of security force personnel and civilians.

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4 Responses

  1. ShortFuse

    Good job–some people are in a hurry to meet the virgins.
    It’s a step in the right direction when things go KABOOM and taliban assholes go to their reward or whatever they think it is.

  2. Dan(The Infidel)

    These dumb fucks just don’t get it do they? They come out to play…they die like pigs. How stupid can they be? Oh, I forgot, we’re dealing with 7th century minds here. Hope they like heat and flames. No virgins for these clowns. Just weeping and gnashing of teeth. Good job as always, Coalition troops. The only good Taliban is a dead Taliban or one hanging from a gallows.

  3. Jim

    “Moments later, the combined force fixed the insurgents in their position and several precision air strikes effectively eliminated the Taliban insurgents,

    It looks like we still have some of the dumb Talban around …I see Dan shares my thoughts.

  4. chay

    These Taliban thugs seem to be as hard to get rid of as a roach epidemic at your neighborhood Denny’s.

    Still, I think we are still fighting the symptom and not the cause - the regime in Iran has got to go so our troops can eventually stand down.

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