Al Qaeda Tried To Assasinate Nasrallah?

November 15th, 2007 Posted By Bash.

Too bad they failed. That puke needs cranial pressure relieved via a skull aeration procedure.

An al-Qaida-affiliated terror group has admitted to trying to assassinate Hizbullah leader Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah, the Lebanese newspaper A-Saphir reported on Thursday.

The admission came following the arrest of three members of the terror cell last summer. According to the report, the members also admitted to having fired Katyusha rockets from Lebanon into Israel between 2004 and 2007 in an attempt to spark tension between the Jewish state and Hizbullah.

The report said that the al-Qaida cell whose members had been detained was only one of three, and that the other cells had planned to attack UNIFIL forces in southern Lebanon in an attempt to complicate matters between the United Nations and Hizbullah.

According to the report, one of the members of the cell was a Libyan national. When his house was raided, Lebanese security forces found a large quantity of cyanide, the report claimed. Sources familiar with the investigation told the newspaper that the US embassy in Beirut demanded details about the raid in an effort to discern how such a quantity of the poison made its way to Lebanon.


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2 Responses

  1. TJ (the kafir)

    I think this is BS. If al qaeda wanted him dead he would be. they speak the same language share the same passion for islam, how hard would it be to get someone close enough to do damage? Why kill the man leading the charge against israel. Alqaeda will tolerate shias long enough for them to finish doing their bidding then they will all be shot.

    though i do like to see them killingeach other, i think alqaeda would be shooting themselves in the foot to be starting a war with the shias right now! :eek:

  2. Erik Marsh

    So right you are TJ. In fact this story was published in the newspaper AS-SAFIR who’s founder is one Talal Salman. Not your pro-lebanese government type either. If you want to know the truth about the people printing this bogus story go here:

    Apparently AS-SAFIR is not so much a newspaper or it’s founder a journalist as much as they are both supporters of Hizbollah and terrorists in general, regardless of sect.

    Remember, the enemy of mine enemy is my friend and shiites/sunnis are much closer to each other than they are to Isrealis/Americans.

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