Video: Get Involved! Is Online Now

November 14th, 2007 Posted By Bashman.

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18 Responses

  1. Kurt(the infidel)

    I signed the petition to boycott this pile of crap film. And am getting others to do the same. Screw DePalma and Cuban. traitors. oh and tell louie i said Bash haha

  2. Kurt(the infidel)

    tell him i said hi*

  3. John Goodrow

    Signed it yesterday, spreading the word as we speak.

    Keep up the honorable work Bash. :beer:

    Fuck ‘em!

  4. ukatheist

    i would’nt worry to much,1st week release,takings $64.36.2nd week £109.56 slightly more cos it was cold and the homeless needed somewhere warm too sleep,3rd week straight to dvd,no sales,somebody lost the key to the storeroom,4th week buy 4 full price dvd’s and get this pileoshite free,people use the free ones to hang off bushes in the garden to scare that smelly tomcat that pee’s on the hosta’s

  5. Ranger

    Signed for good measure. It’s gonna keep bombing anyway.

  6. Augustine

    Signed, The shit is already on it’s way towards the fan.

  7. Greg M

    I signed it!

  8. Howie

    Thank you all for taking the time to sign the petition. Now comes the hard part, putting boots on the ground in front of the Cuban owned theaters to let others, especially the left, that we are not going to sit idly by as you trash our Great Nation any longer.
    We also want to put boots on the ground outside of, as well as inside, any arena that the Dallas Mavericks travel to in order to ensure that Mark gets the message that he had better not shoot for a third anti-American film. Yes, Redacted is #2 for Cuban. He had to put #1 on the shelf before it was complete. It was a Truther movie that tried to place the blame for the Twin Towers falling squarely on the shoulders of the Bush Administration. Charlie Sheen was cast as the narrarator until he got to much shit and backed out, which is why it had to be shelved.

    So sign the petition, come out and join us at one of the 13 cities that will be showing the film this Friday. I will be in front of 2228 N Clark St. in Chicago, and on December 3rd when the Mavericks play the Bulls I will be there too!!!

  9. allowishes

    Going to sign soon as I write this. But just wanted to add to earlier comments about boots on the ground and in the arenas. O’reilly covered this as well and I agree with him when he suggested that there should be a sea of signs during the games that say SUPPORT OUR TROOPS. So I would urge anyone with an opportunity to go to the game to make that happen. Another way of getting the point across to cuban.

  10. JayMS


    Are you aware that your vid is being posted over on HotAir? How does it feel to hit the big time?

    Far as these two stupid assholes go, I’m a bit wary of picketing the theaters showing it. Why give these shitheads free publicity? I would be more inclined to let Landmark theaters know exactly how I feel about their choice to show this movie and also to contact sponsors of the Maverick’s game as well.

    I think seeing this bullshit movie tank, Cuban lose his investment, and DePalma be relegated to leftist nutjob has-been director would give me more satisfaction than any picket or protest of the movie.

  11. ssgduke54

    Another attempt to call my Son and I “BABY KILLERS” again. I join the Army in 1972 and had corrupt souls called me that foul crap even though I did not go to Vietnam. Now my Son is in the Army and serving in Iraq. Is my Son have to go thru this crap like I did? I hope not! If we, I mean common sense folks, don’t stand up to corrupt people who want to use our military as a whipping post then this is the true end of what America really stands for. Remember this the Movie industry is a business to make money and if they can make money off of our soldiers by any means THEY WILL! Let not let this happen please!

  12. Howie

    Jay, If only it were that simple. If I could call the Mavericks sponsors and threaten not to buy their product if they don’t stop supporting Mavericks. We need boots on the ground for a couple of reasons.
    1. It gets those that are fence sitters motivated and builds sustained support.
    2. Sponsors don’t get nervous about a couple of nuts who won’t buy their stuff, but a group that has shown that it can organize and mobilize makes a sponsor think long and hard about the economics of the sponsorship $$.
    Go to boycottredacted, sign the petition, email and let us know where you are and we will try to plug you into a network of folks already going.

    Semper Fi!
    God Bless America!

  13. wildbill208

    Fuck cuban and he cant dance either.

  14. steve m

    Signed last week. It figures for a guy who has CUBA in his surname…

    UKAtheist: never thought of saving the hostas like that, repellant or a pellet gun work just as well :wink:

  15. Moe

    k im spreading the word and i just signed the petition

  16. Shelley

    I will be picketing tomorrow in Pasadena. I have never done that before because, well, I work for a living.

    I will therefore go after work.

    I got so mad at war protesters one time that I got into a shouting match with a 6′ tall dude. I am 5′.

    I will keep my cool, but this left coast is full of moonbats. I will just, um, use my words in a civil manner. I will remember the common sense argument that says films like this give aid and comfort to the enemy.

    Problem is: a lot of people here do not believe we have an enemy. They believe we are evil, enemy agressors.

  17. RVN68MIKE

    If you didn’t live in the peoples republic of Oregon I’ld sware you could have a future in politics! If you ever decide to run for congress count me in for the first $100 buck contribution. From a fellow conservative sufferer in the peoples republic of Washington.

  18. budwhysure

    Bash signed petition here too,Been outta town alot but still checking out your vids.Been real busy here.Tell luey to wake the fuck up,oh he’s a dead pig.LOL

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