Biden: Bush Bombs Iran And I’ll Move To Impeach

November 30th, 2007 Posted By Bash.

joe biden
Presidential hopeful Joe Biden.

Joe says that if Bush bombs Iran without getting congressional approval, he’ll move to impeach him.


PORTSMOUTH — Presidential hopeful Delaware Sen. Joe Biden stated unequivocally that he will move to impeach President Bush if he bombs Iran without first gaining congressional approval.

Biden spoke in front of a crowd of approximately 100 at a candidate forum held Thursday at Seacoast Media Group. The forum focused on the Iraq war and foreign policy. When an audience member expressed fear of a war with Iran, Biden said he does not typically engage in threats, but had no qualms about issuing a direct warning to the Oval Office.

“The president has no authority to unilaterally attack Iran, and if he does, as Foreign Relations Committee chairman, I will move to impeach,” said Biden, whose words were followed by a raucous applause from the local audience.

Biden said he is in the process of meeting with constitutional law experts to prepare a legal memorandum saying as much and intends to send it to the president.

When local resident Joel Carp asked Biden why not impeach now, given what has already been done, Biden said it was a valid point, but might not be constitutionally valid and potentially counterproductive. A case for impeachment must have clear evidence, Biden said, and blame should be directed at the right parties.

“If you’re going to impeach George Bush, you better impeach (Vice President Dick) Cheney first,” said Biden, again drawing applause.


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15 Responses

  1. deathstar


    “I’ll do it because I love the furry little monkey from Iran, I’d marry Ahmadinijad in a heart beat, god I wish we could meet in an airport restroom”.

  2. drillanwr

    Joe says that if Bush bombs Iran without getting congressional approval, he’ll move to impeach him.


    NOT if he bombs Congress first. :twisted:

  3. A. S. Wise- VA

    Does Biden even have any real influence–other than what is in his head? There is a reason why we have a separation of powers, folks.

  4. ticticboom

    Love this quote from the Murtha thread; it applies to all too many in Congress:

    “Congressmen who willfully take action during wartime that damage morale and undermine the military are saboteurs and should be arrested, exiled, or hanged.” - Abraham Lincoln.

  5. Kurt(the infidel)

    Anyone feel like forming a militia? Regulators! mount up!

  6. Irish Gal

    He’s a fucking idiot. Like Bush didn’t have Congress’ approval for Iraq. They are all legends in their own minds. :evil:

  7. drillanwr

    Leave it to James Taranto to “educate” the uneducated congress:

    ” … Biden–who as chairman of the Judiciary Committee presided over the travesties that were the Robert Bork and Clarence Thomas confirmation hearings–apparently is either ignorant or contemptuous of the Constitution. Presumably one of those legal experts will inform him that as a senator, he has no authority to “move to impeach” anyone. That power rests solely with the House.”

  8. Poolee0311 (the infidel)

    Kurt: I’m sitting here cleaning a rifle as I speak. This almost made me smack the screen with the stock.

  9. Jim

    Biden that pussy is all bark and no a$$…He is also BTW very DUMB.

  10. Clyde Conneer

    Hey Joe, where ya goin’ with your head up your ass?
    Keep it up asshat and someone is gonna punch your heat flat.
    You President? Hosshit!

  11. Reagan T.

    How the hell are we supposed to succesfully bomb Iran into quitting their nuke shit if they know an attack is coming?! Congress is the best place to find all of the government’s secrets exposed and out in the open. I say Fuck congress

  12. Sandy K.

    The drama queens will continue with their talk, which goes absolutely nowhere, the real men will get the job done.

    I like drillanwr’s thinking:


    Joe says that if Bush bombs Iran without getting congressional approval, he’ll move to impeach him.


    NOT if he bombs Congress first.

  13. Dan (The Infidel)

    Old Joe Palooka Biden is at it again. What a useless waste of life he is.

  14. Dr. Jerry

    How about impeaching Biden? He is nothing more than a simplistic moron.

    Kurt: you’ve got the right idea! It is time to mount up!

  15. hegelbot


    nice post you are absolutely correct. Furthermore, i don’t see what they would impeach him for, the only thing limiting the president constitutional powers as commander in chief is the war powers act and even that allows for the president to deploy troops for something like 90 days before congress (I forget which house if not both) would have to vote to recall the troops. Biden is a freekin idiot, he probably couldn’t get the votes to recall any military action let alone impeach.

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