Brits Developing Invisible Tank

November 1st, 2007 Posted By Bash.


From the Daily Mail:

New technology that can make tanks invisible has been unveiled by the Ministry of Defence.

In secret trials last week, the Army said it had made a vehicle completely disappear and predicted that an invisible tank would be ready for service by 2012.

The new technology uses cameras and projectors to beam images of the surrounding landscape onto a tank.

The result is that anyone looking in the direction of the vehicle only sees what is beyond it and not the tank itself.

A soldier, who was at the trials, said: “This technology is incredible. If I hadn’t been present I wouldn’t have believed it. I looked across the fields and just saw grass and trees - but in reality I was staring down the barrel of a tank gun.”

How the technology works in a combat situation is very sensitive, but the MoD is believed to be testing a military jacket that works on the same principles.

It is the type of innovation normally associated with James Bond, and the brains behind the latest technology is the MoD’s very own “Q” - Professor Sir John Pendry, of Imperial College London.

He said the only drawback was the reliability of the cameras and projectors.

But he added: “The next stage is to make the tank invisible without them - which is intricate and complicated, but possible.”

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10 Responses

  1. DMac

    I’m not gonna complain about the cost of this one, it is way too cool.

  2. Steve in NC

    technology has nothing to do with it, the disappearance is because they are running away

  3. Jack

    This is so awesome…
    Genius idea :idea:

  4. Knobs

    You’ve got to be shitting me. What a bunch of bullshit. I suppose it covers it’s tracks too. No noise, no dust, no muzzle flash………..

    Hey…….the King has no clothes!! LOL


  5. Paul Hausser

    No fuckin way

  6. just posting

    yea nice technology except the government wont ever need it with their appeasement policy

  7. Zachary

    If they can do this for tanks it stands to reason they can also replicate it for ships and aircraft.

    Stealth bombers that don’t show up on RADAR or to the naked eye, anybody? How about fighters that the enemy doesn’t even know are there until they start getting lock signals?

  8. Ashworth

    I saw a program about this stuff a year er so ago and was wondering about it. Sounds amazing. I’d crap my pants if I saw a tank blast come out of thin air. Think they could make me an invisible moped?

  9. Brian H

    Yeah, but your legs, butt, and hands would disappear, too. And you wouldn’t be able to read the speedometer. If it was combined with an invisibility helmet, you’d look like a headless torso floating down the road with outstretched stump arms! :razz:


    yea the japanese developed the tech for this originally i believe. i saw an article about it about 3-4 yrs ago with a guy in a raincoat and the whole area of the coat was “invisible” imagine we can get marines invisible holy shit game over

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