Can Hillary Be Trusted?

November 30th, 2007 Posted By Bash.

Fox News relased some recent opinion poll statistics of likely New Hampshire Voters and it is a pretty interesting read.

Click here to read the poll.

One very interesting poll result caught my attention and I believe it is the telling factor in the Presidential race for Democratic voters. Both Republican and Democratic voters were read a list of qualities and asked which of those qualities was the most important to them going into the primary election.

The same quality came out on top on both Republican and Democratic sides. This is from the poll:

Republican Primary Voters
I’m going to read you a list of qualities many people think are important in presidential
candidates. Thinking specifically about your vote in the primary, which ONE quality
mattered most in deciding who you are supporting over the other candidates in the
Republican Primary Election.

1. He is the most honest and trustworthy 32%
2. He stands up for what he believes 30%
3. He has the right experience 18%
4. He has the best chance to win against the Democrat 9%
5. He is a true conservative 6%
6. (Don’t know/Refused) 5%

Democratic Primary Voters:
I’m going to read you a list of qualities many people think are important in presidential
candidates. Thinking specifically about your vote in the primary, which ONE quality
mattered most in deciding who you are supporting over the other candidates in the
Democratic Primary Election.

1. Is the most honest and trustworthy 32%
2. Has the right experience 22%
3. Understands average Americans 16%
4. Has new ideas 13%
5. Has the best chance to win against the Republican 10%
6. Is likeable 3%
7. (Don’t know) 4%

These results tell me that the Democratic nod will not be a cake walk for Hillary, and if she does happen to get the nomination, it will be an even tougher go for her because if there is one word that is never found in the vicinity of Hillary Clinton, its the word “Trustworthy”.

Look, I watch Hillary speak and she is a gifted politician, just like her husband. She can spew out the rhetoric and the promises and be the chameleon she needs to be as long as she is in the safe cocoon of a controlled environment.

And I think more Americans believe that now, than did, say, one year ago.

I remember when Pelosi was sworn in as Speaker of the House, I have to admit (don’t throw rocks at me) I got a little misty just because when I was a kid in the 60’s, my hippie parents always talked about “someday a woman will be in the White House” or “Someday we’ll have a woman or a black President” and all of that good fuzzy stuff, and so I found myself a little choked up at how far we’ve come, and then I realized what a self-centered traitorous cunt Pelosi is and I was disgusted.

I watched Hillary speak today, at the little canned schpiel of thanks she handed out to everyone in New Hampshire that handled the Hostage crisis so well, and I thought “This woman could be President.” Then I thought I will probably one day say to my grandchildren that I was around before we landed on the moon, and before video games and cell phones and the Internet, and that I was around when the first woman president was elected.

And I thought, if it ends up being Hillary, would I actually be proud of saying that to my grandkids?

Fuck no. The first woman President, in my mind, would be a woman of virtue. I am not talking pie in the sky unicorn and virgin bullshit. I mean a woman of high moral character.

A woman this country can trust.

Hillary is not that woman. And I don’t believe most of America does either. I have hope now, that the Oval Office is not a guarantee for Hillary. I couldn’t say that six months ago.



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7 Responses

  1. LMcG

    This picture made my day . . . Thanks Basham!

    :beer: :beer: :beer:

  2. Dan (The Infidel)

    That’s an olde but goodie pic. That one made the rounds of the Defense Industry awhile back. It is still a gem.

    Can the Hildabeast be trusted? I’d trust my luck with a rattlesnake, before I’d trust that beeyatch.

  3. drillanwr

    The 2nd Amendment: NO

    Healthcare Coverage: NO

    Public Education: NO

    Taxes: NO

    National Security: (See: her last 8 yrs. in the WH … OBL, China, A-stan, Gorelick walls, etc.) NO

    Our Military: NO

    The US Constitution: NO

    To Not Turn Us Into The USSA: NO

    Guess that would be NO, Bash.

  4. dadeo

    Well their are 2 in baba yaga’s (google it) favor. She does have a lot new of ideas, but they all suck.


    Likeable is at the bottom of the list.

    So she has those going for her; too bad for John Edwards “perfect hair” didn’t make the list.

  5. Irish Gal

    Of course not :twisted:

  6. LadyAngler

    Never trust a woman that lets her husband screw around. Their psyche is all screwed up.

  7. Egfrow

    Can Hillary be trusted?

    Let me answer that by some more questions:

    From Mark Levin’s website.

    1) “We’re going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good.”

    A. Karl Marx
    B. Adolph Hitler
    C. Joseph Stalin
    D. None of the above

    2) “It’s time for a new beginning, for an end to government of the few, by the few, and for the few and to replace it with shared responsibility for shared prosperity.”

    A. Lenin
    B. Mussolini
    C. Idi Amin
    D. None of the Above

    3) “(We)…can’t just let business as usual go on, and that means something has to be taken away from some people.”

    A. Nikita Khrushev
    B. Josef Goebbels
    C. Boris Yeltsin
    D. None of the above

    4) “We have to build a political consensus and that requires people to give up a little bit of their own…in order to create this common ground.”

    A. Mao Tse Dung
    B. Hugo Chavez
    C. Kim Jong Il
    D. None of the above

    5) “I certainly think the free-market has failed.”

    A. Karl Marx
    B. Lenin
    C. Molotov
    D. None of the above

    6) “I think it’s time to send a clear message to what has become the most profitable sector in (the) entire economy that they are being watched.”

    A. Pinochet
    B. Milosevic
    C. Saddam Hussein
    D. None of the above

    See his website for the answers;

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