Chavez Accuses CNN Of Plotting To Assassinate Him, Demands Probe

November 28th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


Is someone growing nutty as Hitler in the bunker because he’s about to lose his bid for eternal reelection, or is he trying to rally a base with charges of Yanqui interference?

CARACAS (Reuters) - Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez said on Wednesday CNN may have been instigating his murder when the U.S. TV network showed a photograph of him with a label underneath that read “Who killed him?”

The caption appeared to be a production mistake — confusing a Chavez news item with one on the death of a football star. The anchor said “take the image down” when he realized.

But Chavez called for a probe in an interview on state television, where he repeatedly reviewed a tape of the broadcast, questioning why the unconnected photograph and wording were left on screen for several seconds.

“I want the state prosecutor to look into bringing a suit against CNN for instigating murder in Venezuela,” he said. “… undoubtedly it is part of the psychological warfare.”

The anti-U.S. president often denounces plots to kill him without providing much detailed evidence. On Tuesday, he said a sniper trained his gun on him at a political rally this month.

Chavez has singled out CNN for biased reporting in what he says is a U.S.-sponsored campaign in the foreign media to destabilize Venezuela. CNN says its coverage is objective.

In power since 1999, Chavez on Sunday faces his tightest vote battle to date. Venezuelans will decide whether he can run for re-election indefinitely in a referendum that polls show is a dead heat between the “Yes” and “No” camps.

Well-known for wild accusations and harsh insults, Chavez usually focuses his attacks against the United States during campaigns. With the Bush administration avoiding being drawn into a spat, he has become involved in disputes with Spain and Colombia and repeatedly lambasted the Roman Catholic Church.

Some political analysts and Wall Street economists say the fights appear to be a tactic that burnishes his nationalist credentials and also helps distract voters from debating some of the unpopular details in his proposed reform package.

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8 Responses

  1. drillanwr

    Somebody call Sean Penn … Hugo wants probed … again. Apparently Amydidherdad didn’t get the job done.

  2. Goodbye Natalie

    DAMN! Just when CNN could have done something useful, somebody went and let the cat out of the bag.

  3. Iacobus

    “Chavez has singled out CNN for biased reporting in what he says is a U.S.-sponsored campaign in the foreign media to destabilize Venezuela. CNN says its coverage is objective.”

    BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Two extremely funny sentences in one. You have Chavez claiming CNN is out to get him (note to Chavez: CNN would practically blow you if they got the chance), and then you have CNN saying they’re objective. I don’t know which is more funny.

    If Chavez thinks CNN is biased, what does he think of Fox News? :lol:

  4. ShortFuse

    If only it were true.

  5. GF

    :roll: Next in a joint statement with iranian presidente’ Imananutjob he’ll say that the jews run Atlanta. (Play creepy psycho music here.)

  6. Jim

    Our psychops are brilliant

  7. Brad W(the infidel)

    :twisted: The only probe Chavez needs is a white hot poker in place of his regular suppository

  8. Paul Ron

    There is no evidence to support the notion that Adolph Hitler was insane from Feb 1945 til April30, 1945.

    All eyewitnesses testified he was, however, very upset about things.

    That was a funny one.

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