Dana Perino Bitch-Slaps Lefty Pain In The Ass Helen Thomas

November 30th, 2007 Posted By Bash.

Dana Perino goes toe-to-toe with the perennial wingnut Thomas. Find the exchange here at NRO.

MS. PERINO: Helen, I find it really unfortunate that you use your front row position, bestowed upon you by your colleagues, to make such statements. This is a — it is an honor and a privilege to be in the briefing room, and to suggest that we, at the United States, are killing innocent people is just absurd and very offensive.
Oh yes, I love this girl. She’s kinda hot, too.

Dana, not Helen.

Nods to Hot Air.

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16 Responses

  1. Kurt(the infidel)

    Funny how you had to clear that up Bash, Dana, not helen haha
    Its about time someone bitch slapped that old whacko. she has been in the game far too long..Shady acres retirement home here i come. says helen

  2. drillanwr

    Dana: “Helen, don’t let these size 7 stilettos fool you … I can stomp you a new mud-hole right through your Depends in record time, old woman.”

    Seriously, though, I think it’s taken the Bush WH Press Secretaries waaay too long to say that exact thing to Thomas.

    :beer: :beer: Dana!

  3. CJWarner

    Ah, a little girl on girl action. :twisted:

  4. drillanwr


    Can outwardly identify Dana as a girl … Not so sure about Thomas’s gender status … and I’m NOT checking.

  5. ticticboom

    Maybe it’s just me, but everytime I see Helen Thomas I think of Weekend at Bernie’s. Same with the latest Osama video. Same undertaker/puppeteers?

    Dana, please grow your hair out again.

  6. mindy abraham

    hehe read the whole thing. I can only say to dana good going. :twisted:

  7. Jim

    WTF,:eek: Is ShE DrUnK or just senile

  8. Dan(The Infidel)

    Helen Thomas would make a splendid witch for Holloween…and all she’d have to do is wear a witches’ hat and sit on a broom.

    Seriously, Id be willing to bet that the flames of hellfire are being stoked as I write this, to welcome the old hag when she croaks.

    Dana: Darlink, you look marvelous.

  9. TerryTate

    Helen Thomas would make a splendid witch for Holloween…and all she’d have to do is wear a witches’ hat and sit on a broom..

    Well gee Dan, how would you know if she isn’t already sitting on a broom. To be quite honest I’ve always suspected she’s had a broom stuck up her fat ass for quite some time…

    Now all she needs is the hat.


  10. Irish Gal

    Okay, I’ve read this several times now and what really f’ing pisses me off is that this as always is not about “oh the humanity” of killing innocent Iraqis. If it was, there were be comments on how many f’ing people AQ has killed over there or Saddam. This is “as always” how many people Boooooooooooooooooooosh personally killed over there in an illegal war which, by the way, our f’ing Congress voted for. But they didn’t mean to vote for it, they were lied to. Does this sound like a f’ing teenager. Sounds like mine did a few years ago.

  11. Dan (The Infidel)

    Terry Tate:

    ROFLMFAO. :beer:

  12. steve m

    Senile old crow!…Helen Thomas & Madeline Albright - seperated at birth? :???:

  13. Liberty or Death

    Dan(The Infidel)wrote:

    “Helen Thomas would make a splendid witch for Holloween…and all she’d have to do is wear a witches’ hat and sit on a broom.”

    Heh, someone at HotAir posted the following that fits with the above comment:

    “[Thomas] (off mike):
    I’ll get you my pretty, and your little dog too!”

    RobCon on November 30, 2007

    and this gem too:

    “It’s cliche’, but I’ll do it anyway,

    Dana should just throw water on Helen and steal her shoes.”

    Hawkins1701 on November 30, 2007

    Helen, she not only acts like a troll, she looks like on too!

    Cheers to Dana, nothing hotter than a great looking lady with intelligence to match! :beer:

  14. danielle

    Dana’s awesome! She should be on the White House best-dressed list!

  15. Matt

    Watch Dana take Helen out to the woodshed! :beer: :beer: :twisted:


  16. Big Sarge

    Thanks for the link, reading it is one thing, but watching the love child of Freddie Kruger and Jaba the Hutt get pimped slapped by Dana was priceless.

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