Exhuming McCarthy: Hollywood Stars Have To Hide GOP Membership

November 16th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.

Matt Damon saying he won’t serve in Iraq, but two college girls should

If they want to keep most of the town from hating and avoiding working with them. That’s the Left for you: tolerant champions of diversity, free thinking, non-conformity and dissent. They love speaking truth to power, as long as they are not the power.

Washington Times:

Republican presidential candidates have been drawing support — and cash — from Hollywood celebrities, but few of the stars in super-liberal Tinseltown want to be publicly linked with the Grand Old Party.

One high-profile celebrity, when asked about her political views, even had her lawyers declare “our client’s rights of privacy and other legally protectable intangible rights” and warn that she should not be labeled a Republican.

So far, just a handful of actors have come forward to support Republican hopefuls. Adam Sandler, who cast former New York City Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani in a cameo role in his 2003 movie “Anger Management,” has contributed $2,100 to Mr. Giuliani’s campaign. The two met recently on Mr. Sandler’s movie set in New York.

Former “Frasier” star Kelsey Grammar and his wife also have tossed in $6,900 for the mayor.

But neither would comment about their support. In fact, not a single one of the dozen actors contacted for this story who have been identified as conservative leaning would comment publicly.

“Bo isn’t available … sorry,” said Bo Derek’s handler. “Mr. Costner is not available to be interviewed,” said Kevin Costner’s publicists. “I’m sorry, but unfortunately Mel is unavailable to contribute,” said Mel Gibson’s people.

While Democrats enjoy very public support from Hollywood’s top actors and musicians, who often hold lavish events for their favorite candidates, Republican supporters in Hollywood try hard to keep their political views quiet.

“They learn very quickly, if they know what’s good for them, to donate to the Democratic Party,” said Andrew Breitbart, co-author of “Hollywood, Interrupted.” “If they were to donate to the Republican Party, they would be exposed to career-ending ridicule, period.”

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7 Responses

  1. franchie

    the same over here, if you want to work as an “artist”, you got to be on the left side ;

    but, as far as the people are concerned with policy, the average seems to bend their opinion on the right side.

    the “lefty” views are kinda like a religious doctrine, intolerance, condamnation for the ones who are not the “enlightened electeds”.

    Though, one can’t make good litterature with “good feelings” ;

  2. Goodbye Natalie

    Explains why there is nothing I hate more than being lectured by a Liberal with a capital “L”, especially a west coast “progressive” Liberal, about my lack of tolerance. Baloney!

    Conservatives are the most tolerant people in the U.S. - for 40 years we’ve had bad law crammed down our throats by activist judges and though we may disagree, we have tolerated it by working within the system to change it against a stacked deck virtually everytime. That is the definition of tolerance.

    The Hollywood left, virulently opposed to all that is good, still doesn’t understand the definition of tolerance. It doesn’t want tolerance; it wants acceptance of their way or the highway. And that is the very definition of intolerance. Not only is the left phony; they’re ignorant.

  3. Kermit

    Once, I remember Pat telling me at dinner in Baton Rouge that no one from Hollywood spoke out against Arnold in his run for governor because they were afraid that they would lose some work.

    So apparently his statement and this article show that Hollywood only shows its support in public when they think it will sell movie tickets for each’s own pocket. Their whole thing must be about money rather than principle. Doesn’t this sound rather mercenary to anyone else?

  4. drillanwr

    Yeah, I’ve been saying …

    There are many more of them who just won’t even go this far, and I believe even some that pretend to be out-spoken liberals.

  5. Kurt(the infidel)

    Yeah it seems like most people who control this country are lefties and the rest have to conform to their thinking or else..communists all around.

  6. kozanne

    Sounds like a hostile work environment to me. Why don’t they file some kind of class action harassment lawsuit or something?

    Then we can see for sure just how interested in justice and freedom the hollyweirdos really are…..

  7. Kafr Real

    I’m confused. Ann Coulter said McCarthyism was a positive event.

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