FBI: Al Qaeda Planning Strike On L.A. And Chicago Shopping Malls

November 8th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.



The FBI is warning that al Qaeda may be preparing a series of holiday attacks on U.S. shopping malls in Los Angeles and Chicago, according to an intelligence bulletin distributed to law enforcement authorities across the country this morning. (Click here for full text.)

The alert said al Qaeda “hoped to disrupt the U.S. economy and has been planning the attack for the past two years.”


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16 Responses

  1. Paul Hausser

    I saw Nancy Pelosi in Washington DC this past Saturday night. I was sitting in Wolfgang Puck’s new restaurant called The Source. Food was great. Hung out with Klaus Puck, the head chef, and the manager. Had a great time.

    Nancy looks better in person by the way.

  2. sully

    “al Qaeda “hoped to disrupt the U.S. economy and has been planning the attack for the past two years.””

    Umm… hate to be the one ta tell ya ABC but that just happened when you put the story out.
    Not that that’s a bad thing… be good to get the libs in this country a little scared. Maybe DePalma or Oprah will let the libs hide out at their place(s).

    “I saw Nancy Pelosi in Washington DC…. Had a great time.”

    Great. Get an autograph? Kiss her ass?

    “Nancy looks better in person by the way.”

    I’ve seen her too. The Bitch is a toad.

  3. Steve in NC

    get ya some there paul

    I personally would prefer a hand full of sand

  4. Kurt(the infidel)

    “Nancy looks better in person by the way”

    Personally i would rather use the tater mitt. ouch but still. go look that up

  5. Steve in NC

    the alqueeeeeda’s have been readig Tom Clancy have they?

    thing is they will end up resorting to just mass killings without lasting damage due to the weakening of their organization

    the 9/11 attacks were strategic, but now all they may be able to do is lash out

    shame the gun laws will prohibit law abiding people from carrying arms in public, it would lessen the slaughter

  6. Lamplighter

    I wonder if anyone lost their appetite for two reasons: having dinner near Peloski and having dinner near a Nazi admirer.

  7. Paul Hausser


    No autographs. No way. To dumb and cowardly.

    Clarification. Looks good for a woman of her age.

    Steve NC- the sand is close second.

    Lamp- Come come now. Eva Braun definately gets my vote

  8. Jim

    FBI’s Outreach to Muslim Jihadists


  9. sully

    Paul Hausser

    “No autographs. No way. To dumb and cowardly.”

    yeah i’m sure you are.

    “Clarification. Looks good for a woman of her age.”

    nope…bitch is a toad.

  10. sully

    “FBI’s Outreach to Muslim Jihadists”

    fuck that shit. i hit that link expecting to see a bunch of the jihadi assholes in cuffs.

  11. Jim


    Actually it was in relation to the story regardeding how the FBI obtains some of their intel.,,just as a bookmark…the seat of the site is very informative.

  12. sully

    I know Jim.
    I read the article before commenting and the moooooselems had pissed me off.

  13. political.fish


    What? You hung out with Klaus Puck and gave the chef head? Figures.

  14. political.fish

    FBI: Al Qaeda Planning Strike On L.A. And Chicago Shopping Malls

    Aw shit, you mean I have to shop at Target (no pun intended)!

  15. Paul Hausser

    No shortage of class from this crowd.

  16. sully

    As opposed to your own ‘class struggle’ moron?

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