Graphic Video: Female Tamil Suicide Bomber Detonates Bra Bomb

November 30th, 2007 Posted By Bash.

Go forward to about 1:15, she is sitting at the desk, stands up, and detonates. She killed herself and the politician at the desk.

I don’t get it…what do female suicide bombers get? Chippendale studs?

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14 Responses

  1. Kurt(the infidel)

    Wow! that was some crazy ass video

  2. Poolee0311 (the infidel)


  3. drillanwr

    ummm … A Janet Jackson wardrobe malfunction with her Victoria’s Secret Push Up bra???

  4. ticticboom

    As I recall, the very few women who get into Paradise recieve the honor of being the first wife (out of 4,000) that muslim men get. It’s escaping the hell on earth that is their everyday lives that drives them to blow themselves up. The other approved method of suicide is self-immolation, so self-detonation suddenly doesn’t seem so bad.

    Beats getting chopped to pieces with an axe, too.

    Male martyrs get the 72 houris in addition to the 4,000 regular women. The houris are basically angelic, created especially to reward ‘those who slay and are slain’. They also get the ‘boys like pearls’, as Islam condemns homosexuality, not pederasty. It took me a while to realize why raping a child (or an adult in their power) is okay, but a relationship is not.

    Love between equals is the concept that Islam hates more than anything. It takes that, which is the most powerful emotion in human beings, and directs it at Mohammed, in the form of Allah.

    Think about how you would react to an attack on the person you love the most. Devout muslims feel that anytime anyone does anything that ‘insults’ Islam or Mo.

    Read 1984 for an excellent explanation of how it works.

  5. Frozen Tex

    It’s was one of those air-filled bras; got a little too pumped.

  6. Ranger

    Wow is right. So fucking sad and tragic.

    But also ridiculous how she is not only blown in half, her head is launched off and lands on that dude near the end.

  7. LadyAngler

    What a fuggin’ waste of a good bra.

    Tic Tic… provocative post. Thanks.

  8. Steve in NC

    the blast goes forward, not all around, well planned assassination

    insane but effective

  9. LiveFromFortLivingRoom

    I hope this chick spent about 35 seconds on the ground in complete pain before she died. What a fuckin psycho.

  10. allahlovesporkchops

    Those idiots will only find that mohammed is a false prophet and all was for naught. Must be a miserable fuckin muslim existence to consider such a barbaric escape option.

  11. Logan

    Um… the major religion there is not Muslim. You know, maybe, just maybe, she did it for an actual political reason rather than a religious? People have done it before… make sacrifices for something they believe. Hm.

  12. RENO

    Steve in NC

    Excellent observation. I saw that too. Professional hit.

    Anyone know(or care) who the target was?

  13. TJ (The kafir)

    the tamil tigers are muslims?

  14. G

    Tamils are hindus.

    From Wikipedia:

    “The LTTE has frequently used suicide bombers as a tactic. They pioneered the use of concealed suicide bomb vests, which are now copied by many other organizations worldwide. The tactic of deploying suicide bombers was used to assassinate Rajiv Gandhi, who was killed in 1991 using a prototype suicide vest, and Ranasinghe Premadasa, assassinated in 1993.

    According to Jane’s Information Group, between 1980 and 2000 LTTE had carried out a total of 168 suicide attacks on civilians and military targets. The number of suicide attacks easily exceeded the combined total of Hezbollah and Hamas suicide attacks carried out during the same period.

    A female suicide bomber belonging to Tamil Tigers was caught live on a security camera footage when she tried to kill a Sri Lankan Cabinet minister Douglas Devananda, who is a Tamil political leader and the founding leader of the EPDP, on November 28, 2007. Suicide bomber is seen patiently answering questions in a bustling government office before calmly standing up and detonating the bomb hidden in her bra.”

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