Iraqis Find Huge Saudi Weapons Cache At Border

November 30th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.

Iraqis demonstrate at Saudi Embassy

Muthanna, Nov 30, (VOI) – A patrol of the Border Guard forces in Muthanna province found terrorist ammunition during an inspection duty on the border strip with Saudi Arabia on Friday, police said.

“The ammunition, found in the area of Umm al-Hashim, (150 km) southwest of Naqrat al-Salman, on the border strip between Iraq and Saudi Arabia, included 320 mortar shells of 60 mm. caliber and 32 mortar shells of 82 mm caliber,” a source from al-Samawa police, who declined to have his name mentioned, told the independent news agency Voices of Iraq (VOI).

The area sometimes witnesses illegal infiltrations of foreign fighters from Saudi Arabia, which prompted the Iraqi border guards to intensify patrolling along the border strip between the two neighboring countries.

Saudi Arabia has denied it has turned a blind eye to terrorists crossing into Iraq in the service of Al Qaeda.

Samawa, the capital of Muthanna province, lies 280 km south of Baghdad.

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14 Responses

  1. LftBhndAgn

    Seems to me if the Saudis don’t start picking up the trash in their country, we can always scrap out oil contracts with them out of protest and start dealing with Iraq. And I don’t men by releasing 1600 terrorists one day and arresting 200 the next. We can and do hold the Saudis testes in our hands right now. Not the other way around.

  2. Paul Ron

    The Suadi are a disgrace. They are our Italian allies in this case i.e a totally unreliable country.

    Don’t think for a minute those bastards aren’t double dealing the US

  3. Kurt(the infidel)

    Oh so we’re about to do a 20 billion dollar arms deal with Saudi Arabia but we are finding their weapons in Iraq. sounds like they have too many weapons as it is. they dont need anymore from us if they cant keep track of the ones they have

  4. bill-tb

    We need more demonstrations like this, and video. Some don’t believe unless there are pictures :-(
    Looks to me like political progress is happening in Iraq.

  5. Cridhe Saorsa

    I would like to know if those munitions are US made. This find has deep implications for the Saudi’s and us. Mortars don’t just grow on trees in the Kingdom of Saud. THey run a tight ship in that country. You don’t sneeze and say Mohammad without them knowing about it. Mortors for Saudi Arabia says someone with access to their military munitions is helping the fruit loops who have destabilized Iraq. Their goal may not be agianist the US so much as it is for preparation for putting the Sunni’s back in power after we leave. In any event the State of Saudi Arabia has joined the conflict.

  6. Moe

    That kinda sucks. If we end up in a war with Saudi Arabia im gonna have a tough time considering i have duel citizenship here and the. Damn

  7. DMac

    their borders are better patrolled than ours are. And our Government probly spends more money on their border security than we do on ours.

  8. ticticboom

    Can we please drop the pretense that the Saudis are our allies?

  9. Clyde Conneer

    60 mm come from everywherem 82 mm mortar rounds are Chicom or Ruskie.

    The Saudis are not friends of the US. They are users.

  10. ukatheist

    i wonder what the apologists are going to make of this since they always say saudi arabia does not have anything to do with terrorism,how i laugh when i point out the errors in their misconceptions

  11. JonnyMordant

    @ “ukatheist”,

    Wonder no longer; Saudi Arabia has Arrested many Terrorists and provided a great deal of intelligence on them, what you have done is taken an article that you didn’t read very well and have attempted to use it as empirical proof of your assumptions. The number of munitions found is relatively small (an amount easily purchased on the Black Market), this article in no way suggests any evidence that the Saudi Gov’t was involved (only that the munitions were Saudi and that they were found just inside the Iraq/Saudi boarder). Personally the scenario that I see in this article is that Iran is at the center of it… what can you tell me about the religious sect of the people in this Picture? Sunni or Shi’a? Be warned I have an apologetic for either way you answer that as well BTW!

    Look, your argument doesn’t hold water if it’s basis is this article alone! In order to base your opinion on fact then you are required to do some serious study of the religions involved, I know from past experiences that you have not even grasped the basic concepts in Christian belief systems (therefore I have little faith that you have any understanding of what you’re attempting as evidence toward your point)……..

  12. ukatheist

    fair do’s johnny,the saudis do arrest terrorists when they threaten saudi soil but the export of wahabism to other countries does more harm than good i would prefer them to be sufis than anything else and plus the number of saudi insurgents blowing themselves up in iraq does nothing for the public image of the kingdom of saudi arabia,on a more strange note i am having great difficulty in purchasing 320 60mm mortar shells and 32 82mm mortar shells in the local blackmarket,shotguns/pistols/and the odd rifle yes but arms of that calibre no.i spent many years going to sunday school so maybe i am a bit rusty i prefer not to have deity based religion spread hither and thither,i could be a budhist but the vegeterian stuff i could not handle,you seem a decent chap mr mourdant no offence meant.if i make any errors do point them out which no doubt will be many and often

  13. JonnyMordant

    Ah, a good debate with a civil opponent! (when I saw the term Apologists i couldn’t resist). You are correct I sought out the flaws in the argument and know all too well where they reside in my own as well.

    I will argue that the U.S. benefits from good Relations with Saudi Arabia because their Position in the Arab/Muslim world holds so much clout and that they are civil and generally cooperative (thus a good ally to have). They are in a Religio-Political position where they would lose that respect amongst their Muslim neighbors should they begin crossing boarders (a very difficult balancing act). The reason The Saudi Gov’t is dealing with Terrorists attacking them in the first place is due to their being a friend of the U.S., the reason we see Terrorists and Religious extremism coming from there is that people like Osama Bin-Laden hold a position of authority over a certain segment of the Saudi population (kind of like how Jim Jones and his followers were not Representative of the U.S. for instance). Keep in mind that the Saudi Gov’t has been very helpful in freezing Bin-Ladens assets as well (it remains that there are Saudi business men that continue to fund Al Qaeda, but it is in their Gov’ts best interest to prevent this) because these are the elements that attack their Oil wells. Just a few days ago they took out over 200 Terrorist cell members; that benefits us…

    As for purchasing arms on the Black Market, I wasn’t referring to any Local black market, but the international version there of. Weapons grade uranium is on the menu as well (as we just saw this week). There were the Arms dealers from the U.S. a few years back that were caught stealing munitions from a U.S. Military base (also not representatives of the U.S. Gov’t)…

    Now I may be wrong here, but I thought the women in the picture looked an awful lot like Shi’a women; my point being that it would make sense for the Shi’as to divert attention from Irans definitely being involved in what they are protesting (again I may be wrong, just a theory)…

    Now here’s where I’ll get tough on a separate issue (that admittedly I pulled off topic). Having gone to Sunday school is not an indication of proper education on the subject; Everyone understands the teaching of the Law (EVERYONE, Muslim,Hindu,Christin,Jew,Atheist,Agnostic) whether they have had it pounded into their brain in Sunday school or not is not going to make it any more or less a part of basic human understanding. It is the Doctrine of Grace that must be understood before the purpose of the Law will make sense. (PM me at LiveLeak and I’ll start a threat; I don’t think this is really the proper forum for this particular discussion)…

    Sorry, I wasn’t able to post links to the examples given (my bandwidth is crap right now).

    All Due Respect and never any offense taken, Jon.

  14. JonnyMordant

    LOL, not a Threat; A Thread! Error 1! :mrgreen:

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