Kuwaiti MP Openly Praises Jihad, Gives Bin Laden Advice
Ahh, who can forget the good old “Highway of Death” when we annihilated the Iraqis as they fled from a liberated Kuwait.
We saved your fucking country you ungrateful piglet. ~Bash
In a letter to Osama bin Laden, published in the Kuwaiti daily Al-Watan, Kuwaiti MP Dr. Walid Al-Tabatabai, from the Islamic bloc in the Kuwaiti parliament, praised the jihad fighters’ activities and advised him on avoiding mistakes in the jihad that Al-Qaeda is waging.
Al-Tabatabai’s letter, which came in response to the speech by bin Laden that was broadcast on September 11, 2007, appealed to bin Laden to distinguish between fighting the American invader and attacking the Muslims, and to refrain from random operations which harmed innocents because such operations damaged the image of jihad and sabotaged the spreading of Islam.
Al-Tabatabai also called on bin Laden to consult with Muslim clerics in order to reassess Al-Qaeda’s activities and avoid mistakes in the future.
The Kuwaiti press published responses to Al-Tabatabai objecting to his letter’s praise of and respect for bin Laden. The responses included the argument that this support for bin Laden and his activities conveyed a dangerous message and harmed Kuwait.
MEMRI: Click here for excerpts from the letter and from responses to it in the Kuwaiti press.
“….because such operations damaged the image of jihad and sabotaged the spreading of Islam.”
Don’t worry dude. The U.S. Congress, MSM and Hollyweirdos are picking up the slack.
November 7th, 2007 at 10:08 amBash pretty well said it all.
November 7th, 2007 at 10:18 amYup, every nation in the Muslim world must be watched with a skeptical eye, even our “allies”.
November 7th, 2007 at 11:32 am” refrain from random operations which harmed innocents because such operations damaged the image of jihad and sabotaged the spreading of Islam.”
It is a little late for that you dumb goatfuc*er…
November 7th, 2007 at 12:09 pmWe saved your ass back in 1991 you fucking disloyal piece of shit.
November 7th, 2007 at 1:09 pmAnother stab in the back from an supposed ally. I wonder where this takfir Dr. Walid Al-Tabatabai would be if Saddam was still occupying his country? Probably hanging from a crane.
Hey asshole your freedom was bought at a high price. That price wasn’t paid with your blood asshole? It was paid with American blood. Guess that don’t mean much huh goat-f’cker.
November 7th, 2007 at 4:21 pm