Lowe’s Hardware Stores Sell “Family Trees”- Christmas is dead

November 15th, 2007 Posted By Bash.

I got two words for Lowe's and they ain't Merry Fukn Christmas
Ahh, its the time of year Bash gets to use his favorite line: “I got two words for you and they ain’t Merry Fukn Christmas!”

In a further erosion of our American traditions and holidays, Lowe’s Hardware stores has decided that they aren’t in the business of selling Christmas trees anymore. They have decided, instead, that the big seller for 2007 will be the erstwhile “Family Tree” — that Christmas thingie being so gauche and offensive and all, you see. In fact, in their 2007 holiday catalog, Lowes uses the word Christmas a grand total of two times. And on their website, the tree listings all avoid the word “Christmas” in their descriptions.

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33 Responses

  1. Matt

    Well they’ve already issued and apology. Claiming that the AD came out like that because it failed to be caught during the “peer review” process.. Ehh suuure. Sounds like the hand in the cookie jar excuses i used to used as a kid.


  2. Steve in NC

    Home Depot here I come!

    BTY Wish everyone a Merry Christmas in your day to day encounters

    if they are offended you know you hate them anyway! so f*ck ‘em

  3. Kurt(the infidel)

    looks like Lowes needs a good boycott right before the holidays..oh and home depot calls them holiday trees. Im getting tired of this shit. People keep this up and we will lose our identity as a nation

  4. Irish Gal

    I think I saw somewhere where they have apologized. I actually like Lowe’s. I chalk this up to some liberal sitting in the decision making process. Anyway, Merry Christmas to all and yes, say it to everyone :razz:

  5. Joanie

    Do they sell “Single and childless” Trees?

  6. Jim

    F*ck Lowes :beer:

  7. JayMS

    Oh, for fuck’s sake… :evil:

    I can’t beleive that Lowe’s and Home Depot are kowtowing to a bunch of liberal whack jobs. Not only is it disgusting, but you risk pissing off more people who actually celebrate Christmas than those who don’t. Those who don’t won’t buy a damn “family tree” from you anyway, you stupid morons!

  8. Augustine

    Maybe we should invest into a Christmas Tree’s business, eh guys?

    Merry Christmas y’all, and God Bless the USA!

  9. Goodbye Natalie

    :twisted: Did the idiots that run Lowe’s and Hope Depot not get the message last fall that about 85% of the American public is fed up with this crap? WalMart heard the message loud and clear and reintroduced Merry Christmas - had a better season for it too.

    Perhaps we should let Lowe’s and Hope Depot’s worthless executive management teams know what we think of their business decisions? Their respective stocks aren’t exactly burning up the board either…


  10. Venner

    I don’t get the outrage - someone explain it to me.

  11. Irish Gal

    Do they sell “Single and childless” Trees?

    They had better, or there will be a lawsuit.

  12. Irish Gal

    Venner, I don’t think so….

  13. Frozen Tex

    Venner, the whole point of the holiday is CHRISTMAS! The trees are for CHRISTMAS! Not “Family Day”…

    Merry Christmas, everyone!

  14. Lil Mac

    And To ALL

  15. mess

    The liberal mindset is amazing. They find a Christmas tree offensive but public sex displays are considered freedom of speech in their world.

  16. DMac

    FAMILY TREE?!?!?

    Does anybody get a tree to put in their house for winter besides people celebrating Christmas!!!??? WTF?

    Do they have Family Minoras too?!?!?!? WTF it’s ok to say CHRISTMAS. THOSE BASTARDS, I’LL KILL EM!!! I’LL KILL EM!!! GIVE US CHRISTMAS BACK!!!

  17. TUSK

    “I don’t get the outrage - someone explain it to me”

    Little by little, inch by inch the left wing/commies are trying to secularize our great country. They do it oh so subtly, sneaking in shit here and there and hoping the general population won’t notice. This in itself is not outrageous, but when you start to add up all the crap the Christian haters are putting out there, trying to destroy everything this great nation was founded on, you will begin to understand why people are outraged and sick to death of the bullshit.

  18. drillanwr

    The only kind of tonic for this bullshit is a good dose of “Fuck Off”!

    My youngest daughter is in the MR/DD classroom of her public grade school. Last year there were 6 kids in the class (ages K-4gr.) … The teacher sent home a “Holiday” homework project and art materials during the Thanksgiving break for the kids to assemble. Included were the materials needed to construct the Jewish Menorah, some lanturn thing for the Muslim Eid, and a Kwanzaa candle … NO Nativity, or even a Christmas tree or Santa …

    I helped my 6 yr. old daughter put together the Menorah … and then found an old Christmas card (I have a hard time throwing thigs away), had her cut out the Nativity scene and paste it to construction paper and decorate it with glitter. Those are the only completed “holiday” projects sent back to her classroom after Thanksgiving break … I would hope the teacher who is primarily in charge of teaching my daughter the basics of functioning in education got my not so subtle message …

  19. drillanwr

    Oh, BTW … ALL the kids in the class celebrated Christmas, as I am the ONLY PTA Room Mother for the classroom and have to check on these things when planning any holiday activities in the classroom …

  20. ukatheist

    we should of put a stop to this bollocks when they wanted to make tom and jerry non violent

  21. Moe

    Ha ha fuck that im getting a christmas bush… :lol: and Happy Thanksgiving everybody. because its closer than Christmas :lol:

  22. Tom Yaz

    They have the merve to try to make a buck of the birth of Christ yet wont even aknowledge him. What a crock!

  23. Iacobus

    I remember a season or two ago when Lowe’s had banners outside their stores for, “Holiday Trees.”

    Apparently, nobody in their business caste got the fucking memo that they’re Christmas trees. It would be like calling a menorah, “that thingie with candles.” :roll:
    A Jewish friend of mine once commented about the absence of calling Christmas, “Christmas.” It actually disturbed her. So when someone of another faith begins to notice, that’s a clue.

  24. A. S. Wise- VA

    Heh, the past two summers, I was a loader at Lowe’s. They always try to get me back for Christmas Break, but I’m definitely done with them. This PC BS is totalitarianism in all but name.

  25. Dave

    They for tree got the ethnic diversity tree, and the same sex tree and the atheist anti-American tree, and the ecologically correct tree (plastic or Real?), That could be confusing!

  26. House 6

    Drillanwr -

    Way to go!! After all, most of the bullshit endoctrination starts in elementary school. What you described is a perfect illustration of how secular humanism has been allowed to infiltrate our culture, be it ever so incrementally.

    I wonder if the left side of the advert had the word “DYSFUNCTIONAL” on it?

  27. TJ (The kafir)

    And what exactly do they mean by “family”? is it the traditional nuclear family? Are they then discriminating against the non traditional families like in Rosie odonnells house hold. I smell a lawsuit! :lol:

  28. American Verm


    I looked at the site just to see for myself. Most of the trees say nothing, just lit trees. There is also the pathetic Holiday tree…MLK tree? Presidents day tree? Which Holiday is it again. I did find one on the site that said Christmas on it. But it appears that GE made the tree and included it in the name. I wonder how long til they redact the Christmas.

  29. drillanwr

    House 6

    You have to understand, half these young kids are Down Syndrome (my baby girl included)and the other half might be autistic or developmentally delayed. Do they REALLY have to be confused in the middle of all the fuss of a holiday/Christmas season that is actually going on around them with obscure celebrations that have nothing to do with Christmas? All they know is Santa and the Christmas tree … unless their family is Jewish or of other faiths and the family teaches them at home. Means nothing to them … even in a cultural and historical sense.

    But the idea that three different signs of religious celebration came home, EXCEPT the one depicting the Christian faith during the Christmas season really pissed me off … My nose would have been a bit out of joint at the secular Santa or tree, but at least a recognition of “Christmas” would have been something …

    Why did I have her complete the Jewish Menorah?
    Because as an honest and historical “Christian” I recognize the strong faith of Jesus.

  30. Schultzy

    The liberaldon’t shop at hardware stores… they just go there to get their soon to be legal labor. They are too busy picketting and ruining our morals to do thier own home-improvement.

  31. TedB

    I am living in India and they just got done celebrating Diwali, the festival of light/new year. I can’t tell you how many Diwali greetings I got, cards, and even gifts. I am not a Hindu but what the hell…

    Whatever happened to being gracious enough to accept good wishes no matter where they came from?


  32. bill

    It doesn’t matter what Lowes and Home Depot call their trees. I personally would never buy a family tree. we celebrate Christmas as the birth of our Lord and Savior. Jesus is the reason for the season! Merry CHRISTmas!!

  33. LilyBri

    People I work for Lowe’s and it is a great company to work for. We were issued a e-mail stating that we were supposed to dispose of the mags or signs that said Holiday of Family tree’s.

    Bill is right doesn’t matter what the trees are called…we have Christmas because of one reason….Our Lord and Savior…….we have commercialized the holiday.

    Really no need to get huffy puffy about what trees are called. give me a break

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