Male Gyns Gunned Down In Iraq

November 14th, 2007 Posted By Bash.

I sense a lot of openings for female Gynecologists in Iraq in the days to come.

BAGHDAD, 13 November 2007 (IRIN) - Male gynaecologists are being targeted by Islamic extremists in Iraq as they are accused of invading the privacy of women. Women’s NGOs have raised concerns as there are few women gynaecologists in the country and their male counterparts are scared to continue working.

“Because of the extremists’ religious views, doctors are scared to continue with their work and the number of women gynaecologists is very low and cannot meet the demand,” said Mayada Zuhair, spokeswoman for the Women’ Rights Association (WRA).

“Extremists say that [male] doctors are not allowed to see the private parts of women and two male doctors were reportedly killed last week after leaving their clinics. A message was left near their bodies saying that was the end for any doctor who insists in invading the privacy of Muslim women,” Mayada added.

An Iraqi Medical Association (IMA) spokesman, Walid Rafi, told IRIN it knew of at least 22 male gynaecologists who had been sent threatening letters.

Extremists say that [male] doctors are not allowed to see the private parts of women and two male doctors were reportedly killed last week after leaving their clinics.
“In one case the extremists tried to carry out their threat. They kidnapped the son of a doctor and only released him after the doctor had closed his clinic in Karada district, in Baghdad,” Rafi said. “We are worried about women’s health in this country. Few of them have access to good medical care and now with the fear of male gynaecologists, few remain in the job and this could have a serious impact in the coming months.”

Rafi added that aggression against doctors who treat women had also been reported in the northern provinces. “We don’t know the exact number of doctors who have been killed but we can confirm that four doctors were killed in the north for refusing to circumcise young girls.”

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5 Responses

  1. LftBhndAgn

    Now - the way I read this I don’t feel its because they are male. I feel it is because they are refusing to butcher little girls by circumcising them. The practice should be condemned by EVERY nation on earth.
    Here in San Diego, we have a somewhat large Somali population and the SDPD are tipped off every so often of homes and people that are performing such a thing, right here in the US. They do what they can to stop it and have often times arrested the people involved. It is ALWAYS a male performing the circumcision. Therefore the entire premise of a male OBGYN NOT being able to see a a woman patient is DEBUNKED.

  2. franchie

    WTF, they have gynaecologists in Irak, and we don’t have anymore here !

    where this profession is not recognized anymore ; any doctor in medecine has obligatory followed the cursus-knowledge of a gyneacologist ;

    if there are some left, it was only because they got a nice “clientele”

  3. Ranger

    Your analysis is on target LftBhnd.

  4. TJ (The kafir)

    this will not stop until, as i will continue to say, the teachings against this come from the religions leaders. That being said, dont hold your breath for imams and scholars to ever do this. they are too mind numbed to do so.

    Islam is tuck on stupid. :roll:

  5. TJ (The kafir)

    …er stuck on stupid. :wink:

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