Mark Cuban Compares “Redacted” To Pat Dollard’s “Young Americans”

November 29th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


In an email to me after seeing some footage Tony Scott sent him, Mark Cuban wrote me this email. Ignore his brain-dead comment, “If you like “Young Americans” ( I made it Mark ). I’ll at least give him the cred for understanding its underlying theme. As far as the “It’s so similar to “Redacted” pich, I’m not sure that flies any further than the last UFO Dennis Kucinich “communed” with.:

From: mark.cuban
Subject: RE: Website Feedback
Date: September 22, 2007 5:33:55 PM PDT
Reply-To: mark.cuban

“Loved Young Americans…

Btw, if you like Young Americans, you are going to be amazed at how much its
like Redacted. You don’t realize that you and depalma are both showing the
exact same shit, only he thinks it shows the horrors of war, that our troops
are heroes, but they should never have to deal with what they deal with and
we shouldn’t be there. So we should get out.

You think it shows the horrors of war, and our troops willingness to stand
up to it and fight for what they believe makes them heroes. Something I
believe as well .

You think we should stay there to finish the job. Depalma doesn’t. its
fucking amazing how similar the 2 are…seriously.”

- Mark Cuban

Related: O’Reilly Picks Up Dollards’ Mark Cuban Story

Related: Politico on “Redacted” and “Young Americans”

Related: Tony Scott on “Young Americans”

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60 Responses

  1. drillanwr

    You think we should stay there to finish the job. Depalma doesn’t. its
    fucking amazing how similar the 2 are…seriously.”

    Does my classic ~pwaahaahaaahaaa!~ fit nicely here?

  2. old11B

    If you sew cubans lips together, he would become a shit dispersing IED.

  3. everydayjoe

    God bless America, and our troops! America really is the land of opportunity, and Mark Cuban is living proof.

    How else could such a fucking retard become so successful?

    Keep up the good work, Pat.

  4. Steve in NC

    ahh yes good old moral equivalency.

    what an fool

  5. Sue

    Just goes to show that a fool and him money are easily parted.

  6. Leslie

    “Wow, Pat, It’s really incredible how similar they are, I mean, both movies take place in another country, both movies have guys in camo…both movies have guns…What a remarkable similarity!!! It’s like I am looking at the same movie!”

    Cuban is an egotistical ass…
    DePalma is a traitor…
    Pat is a patriot..

    Keep up the good fight, Pat..

  7. Sue

    There, in a nutshell, is the problem with the tinfoil hatted left loons: they live in an alternate reality. Really! When the sky is blue and the temp is 80 degrees, these loons put on boots, neck scraves over their snow jackets and whine, whine, whine.

  8. Frozen Tex

    Who’s got two thumbs and can’t think logically? THIS GUY!

  9. LftBhndAgn

    Mark Cuban,
    If your even remotely trying to compare Pat Dollars Young Americans to your shit movie only worth 2 flushes, I suggest you taking on this job. Its all thats left for you.

  10. Goodbye Natalie

    This is a parody, right? If not, Mullah Cuban is even a bigger toad than I thought. Hey Imam, if you happen to read this board, here’s a way to start making amends? Try these and the free world and its heroic defenders might consider forgiving you. It’s your 7 step process back to good graces:

    (1) Sell the team, take your wealth and donate the proceeds to every soldier and immediately family member who fought the good fight in Iraq and Afghanistan. Keep a million for your family.

    (2) Make a public apology on CNN (a favorite of dysfunctional lefties) for being such a dumbass.

    (3) You should announce on NBC how Brian De Palma should be dragged to death. Oh, and you pay for the commercial time.

    (4) Grovel and cry like Jimmy Swaggart. Beg forgiveness and we want lots of tears.

    (5) Announce you’re funding research to find more effective ways of waterboarding.

    (6) Announce on Al Jazeera that Islam is a gutter religion. Don’t worry, you can do that from the comfort of your own home. We’ll take responsibility for posting your address at the bottom of the screen.

    (7) Go crawl in some frickin’ hole and lay low for the rest of your life because nobody likes you.

    Markahu Akbar!

  11. JohnZ

    Mark…you…can’t…have…both…ways. You hitch your train to deplama and the lunatic anti-war crowd, they own you now!

  12. Lamplighter

    Wow, it’s amazing how dumb you can be an be a billionaire. Why not me?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. Goodbye Natalie

    Oh, and another thing Imam Cuban.

    If you really did send that email, it reads like something a 5th grader would write. While reading it, I kept waiting for it to conclude with “Hey Pat, name three girls you like.”

  14. Dbo

    “but they should never have to deal with what they deal with and we shouldn’t be there. So we should get out.”

    Im sorry, does this sound to anyone else like an elementary playground students- maybe daughter of a neo-hippy or something - argument?

    I was writing better arguments than this one when I picked up a pencil for the first time. All this sounds like is blah blah blah im a fuckin idiot.

  15. Samir


    “How else could such a fucking retard become so successful?”

    A retard from Texas was elected president, so anything is possible.

  16. A.S. Wise- VA

    Sheer lunacy.

  17. Grumpy

    Cuban is the result of 50 years of moral relativism training.

    He has no idea what he is talking about. He doesn’t really care about what is going on. All he knows is that he sees bangs and booms of the screen and knows that it usually sells.

    The fact that he can relate Pat’s film with his own shows: “hey, it’s all good man. we just have a different way of looking at things. bro.”

    Well, here is the way i look at it, bro: go fuck yourself.

  18. Kurt(the infidel)

    Making that comparison is nothing less than craziness. For him to try and connect his name with the patriot crowd is an outrage and a joke. Seeing Redacted and Young Americans in the same sentence bothers me. One is produced by a Patriot and the other is produced by a complete anti-American ass clown. I dont need to tell you who is who here

  19. Grumpy

    :arrow: Goodbye Natalie

    “Hey Pat, name three girls you like.”

    Really funny.

  20. Frozen Tex

    Cuban writes almost as well as Rosie O’Donnell.

  21. 0311inOHio

    Ditto’s to all of the above. :beer: :beer: :beer:

  22. Iacobus

    Cuban is a fucking tool. With his witty repose he claims Redacted is so much like Young Americans.

    Yeah. And monkeys will come flying out of my ass.

  23. Armand

    LMAO Pat you must be so pissed off right now - pull a Buzz Aldrin and clock Cuban when you guys go out on your date.

    “So we should get out” - classic!!

  24. Armand

    Hey Pat - maybe he’s looking for another partner on Dancing with the Stars

  25. Mawa

    I’m ashamed he’s from Pittsburgh.

  26. Dannyboy

    Wow! It is really hard to believe that that jumble of crude thoughts strewn together with fifth grade grammar skills is from an NBA Team owner/billionaire. It just goes to show you… anyone can be rich. And money cannot buy taste.

    He is also completely missing the point on “Young Americans.”

  27. deathstar

    Redacted is an inaccurate potrayal of the US military in Iraq. It is pro-terrorist, anti American lies made by an uneducated shit head who has never been to Iraq and is funded by an anti-military queer.

    Young Americans is an accurate portrayal of the US troops who brought freedom to Iraq and gave birth to democracy in the Middle East. It describes how the rightous fucked up al-Qaida. It was made by a documentarian who actually has been to Iraq and been in the fighting.

    Other than that the two films are exactly the same.

  28. Ltmousseman

    Benedict Cuban needs a month long beating, followed by waterboarding w/ a flesh eating acid and ending with an excruciatingly painfull spinal re-alignment.
    I volunteer to administer these ” attitude adjustments” however I feel that there will be a VERY long line of volunteers. Oops, I just realized that the intellectually challenged Mr Cuban has no spine, I’ll just have to come up with another grand finale, any suggestions ?

  29. Ltmousseman

    Samir, you must be referring to Lyndon Johnson. Pres. Bush is the ONLY President with a Masters Degree, ever

  30. Paul Ron

    It’s depressing that a fuckin walf wit like Cuban is a billionare.

    Look at the quality of his post to Pat. It sounds like a fifth grader.

  31. Vanessa

    Are you mad Pat?

    Moral equivelncy sucks. I hope he doesnt start going around comparing the two films in the media.

    If he does you should go over to him and punch his head in.

    Our warriors are brave decent young men who have been thrust into hell and are making the best of it for themselves and the Iraqis.

  32. John Cunningham

    A self-absorbed clod.

  33. Axem

    Apparently the whole blogosphere is getting amused by this moron’s “analysis”. Hot Air linked it.

  34. GF

    So, this is what it looks like when someone waddles in their own shit.

  35. CJWarner

    I believe he’s bumped his head. I guess errant basketballs near courtside have caused permanent damage.

  36. Intifatass

    I still can’t believe he said “If you like “Young Americans” to the guy who made it. THAT says it all as far as IQ goes.

    Definitely has suffered head trauma.

  37. just posting

    Did u email his punk ass back? Id like to see that posted

  38. Support you local Jihadi Killer

    Mark Cuban is living proof that Liberalism is truly a mental disorder. What a fucking idiot! :???:

  39. drillanwr

    Just a little (military) info/fact tidbit for Mark Cuban to suck on:

    “The American feminist movement has not taken one stand to support the women of Iraq, the women of Afghanistan, the women of Iran,” … “It is the United States Marines who have been doing the feminist work by liberating women and children around the world.” - Tammy Bruce 11/28/07

  40. Samir


    “Samir, you must be referring to Lyndon Johnson. Pres. Bush is the ONLY President with a Masters Degree, ever.”

    Ok, make that TWO retards from Texas were elected president.

  41. LMcG

    Mark Cuban will not let me post on his site so I will post my feelings about him on this site. It is just a shame that someone who HAD the potential to do so much good for society has involved himself with the anti-American Hollywood crowd and has become such a detriment to our troops and to this country. I knew over the last couple of years that Cuban had issues with President Bush and the war, but I gave him the benefit of the doubt because he was giving money to help military charities – I knew that to be true because he bragged about it all over DFW media. Now - after funding Redacted – I agree wholeheartedly with Basham – he is only worthy disdain.

    First of all, his money donated doesn’t compare to the money that regular Americans scrape together to send care packages to the troops – he has plenty of money and it is no sacrifice for him. Secondly, NOW, there is no amount of money that he can throw at military charities that can make up for this anti-troop propaganda movie. Redacted will get more soldiers and Americans killed, and for that he can not be forgiven.

    I bet Cuban is having trouble sleeping at night - I hope so anyway. It is such a shame. I pray for the safety of our troops.

  42. Samir

    Oh stop with the drama queen charade. A shitty movie doesn’t get troops killed, idiotic policies created by retarded Texans does.

  43. Mark

    Samir, Samir, You are truly a wise man?, A shitty movie gets no one killed, Radical islamic retards do and if this man helps them in any way he deserves to be shunned

  44. ticticboom


    With all due respect, go fuck yourself. There’s a reason they never show Triumph of the Will or Birth of a Nation. Not that DePalma is anywhere near as skilled as Leni Riefenstahl or DW Griffith.

  45. SSG Tom Duke

    :wink: Hey Pat, Mark Cuban pathetic movie “Redacted” can now be voted as the worst movie ever made since the Science Fiction “Plan 9 from Outer Space”! How karma turned on those who hate Military and hate the United States.

  46. old11B


    You don’t seem to be articulating very well. Does this mean that when mohammed made his shitty drama preaching, nobody got killed ?

  47. deathstar

    …Oh stop with the drama queen charade. A shitty movie doesn’t get troops killed, idiotic policies created by retarded Texans does…

    You must mean that retarded Texan who just liberated 60 million Muslims from Islamo-fascists. Go shove a pork pie up your arse.

  48. Nigel

    When I first saw Young Americans it was as the saying goes “been their, done that”, it is presented just like any military operation in most country’s around the world.

    I see trailers for Redacted and I think what a crock of shit as they must of been scraping the bottom of the barrel their.

    On Mark Cuban well it is people like him who justify contraception….

  49. Sandy K.

    Pat, telling Cuban to go fuck himself would be way too kind.

    Cuban is an arrogant pig who does not understand anything about the damage that DePalma’s movie has on our troops, their families, or the ones who have fallen for our freedoms, he funded that movie, and he owns all that goes with it. The worst part about it is why he made the movie and the timing of the release of the movie. Motive is everything.

    Sorry Pat but I can’t ignore his comment indicating that you did not put together “Young Americans” - he knows damn well you did. He also knows what that film means to you and all those who support our men and women in uniform and behind the lines. In his sorry ass email to you to even try to compare their treasonous movie to “Young Americans” is like comparing the teachings of the Hamas “Farfour” Mickey Mouse with the Real Disney Mickey Mouse. Motive is everything. We all know what those motives are.

  50. TJ (The kafir)

    I can name one difference mark: redacted bombed at the box office, and young americans will shine. :lol:

  51. Kevin

    Young Americans rules…

  52. John Goodrow

    :arrow: deathstar

    Nicely said.

  53. danielle

    Samir, you retard. GWB and the troops liberated two countries from tyranny- what have YOU done?

  54. Goodbye Natalie


    Samir, you retard. GWB and the troops liberated two countries from tyranny- what have YOU done?

    Samir has achieved woe is me hang wringing, lefty fanatical BDS, good old-fashioned American hating, Jew baiting, and Islamic lunacy walking ’round the moon rock. And to Samir and his ilk, that’s bravery at its finest.

    It’s so good, Samir is making it his mission to teach the generations to come.

  55. Samir

    I never admitted to hating Jews. Thanks for putting words in my mouth.

    Since when do republicans care about Jews anyways?

  56. Samir

    Or has the party of Ann Coulter changed its tune on Jews? :lol:

  57. Goodbye Natalie

    Or has the party of Ann Coulter changed its tune on Jews?

    Seems to me Samir, an awful lot of Orthodox and Conservative Jews had no problem with Ann’s comment to Donny Douchebag - but idol worshipping Dims like you tried to make a stink. That’s pretty standard New Testament scripture…and standard operating procedure from the division of slackers.

    I wouldn’t expect you to realize that being a pedophile worshipper and all. Now tell me, was old Mo sitting on Khadijah’s lap or Gabriel’s Satan’s lap while he was seeing the visions of the winged horse?

    Must have been some kind of glue Mo was sniffing.

  58. Samir

    I’m Jewish myself, idiot.

  59. Fraser

    oh the please the only reason he is still liberal is because he is so fuckin rich that he can afford to give more then half of this money away. But like all the other liberal F:oops:Gzzzzzzz (I.E.) Edwards and Kerry,you can bet they will have their accountants working to pay as little taxies as possible. MAKES ME SICK!

  60. Kevin M

    Ltmousseman: “Bush is the ONLY President with a Masters Degree, ever.”

    Umm, I hate Jimmy Carter, but I heard he had a Ph.D. Or do you mean literally a Masters Degree (not anything higher)?

    In any event, Mark Cuban is a giant thermonuclear-powered douchebag with the mind of a true liberal (i.e., none).

    And, Mark, there is a HUGE difference between Redacted and Young Americans: Most Americans, including me, WILL SEE YOUNG AMERICANS! So suck on my hairy one, liberal scumbag. :mad:

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