Military Deaths Since 1980…Stuff This In Yer Pink And Code It

November 18th, 2007 Posted By Bash.

Print this out and keep it with you. Copy this and paste it into an email and send it to somebody.

The next time some dhimmicrap left wing nut moonbat puke starts talking about troops dying in the Middle east, pull this out and stuff it down their throat.



1980 ………. 2,392

1981 ………. 2,380

1982 ………. 2,319

1983 ……… .2,465

1984 ………..1,999

1985 ………. 2,252

1986 ………. 1,984

1987 ………. 1,983

1988 ………. 1,819

1989 ………. 1,636

1990 ………. 1,507

1991 ………. 1,787

1992 ……… . .1,293

1993 ………. 1,213

1994 ………. 1,075

1995 ………. 1,040

1996 ……….. 974

1997 …………. 817

1998 …………. 827

1999 …………. 796

2000 ………….758

2001 …………. 891

2002 ………. 999

2003 ………. 1,228 [534*]

2004 ………. 1,874 [900*]

2005 ……… 1,942 [919*]

2006 ……… 1,858 [920*]

Figures noted with an asterisk (*) indicates deaths as a result of Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom.

Please note that more military people died in Bill Clinton’s terms of office due to accidents and Somalia than have died in Operation Iraqi Freedom/Operation Enduring Freedom. You may initially feel confused when you look at these figures - especially when you see that in 1980, during the term of President Jimmy Carter, there were 2,392 US military fatalities.

Until Nov. 2007, this seems to indicate a bias by the MSM and certain politicians, who pick and choose and tend to present only those facts that support their agenda.

Another fact our left media and politicians like to slant is that these brave men and women losing their lives are minorities.

Wrong again - The latest census shows the following:

Deaths during Vietnam

European descent (white)….. 69.12%

Hispanic…………………………….. 12.5%

African American……………… 12.3%

Asian…………………………………… 3.7%

Native American…………………. 1.0%

Other………………………………….. 2.6%

The fatalities over the past three years in Iraqi Freedom are:

European descent (white)….. 74.31%

Hispanic…………………………….. 10.74%

African American………………. 9.67%

Asian…………………………………… 1.81%

Native American………………… 1.09%

Other…………………………………. 2.33%

These statistics are published by DOD and may be viewed at:

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15 Responses

  1. LiveFromFortLivingRoom

    Most people in the military are aware that more people actually die in drunk driving accidents than die Iraq. Yet you are much more likely to come back missing an arm or a leg. Put those numbers in there and they are skewed horribly. Does not negate the fact that these charts do show an incredible bias against the Iraq war. Aside question could someone find out how many deaths in Iraq are due to drowning? I heard of at least 5 while I was over there.

  2. JoeCitizen

    Gee thanks.
    Glad to know that no one is really dying in Iraq.
    Must admit, I didnt realize that.

    Seriously, what is your point here?
    Everyone knows that the number of combat deaths is a bit under a thousand a year for this war. We can all do math, y’know.

    The rate of accidental deaths seems pretty constant on a per captia basis. What exactly are you getting at here?

  3. Michael A. Davis

    According to the website (, there has been 4,175 deaths. Of this number 3,395 were due to hostile fire (81.3%), 779 were non-combat related (18.7%), and 1 that has been classified so far as ‘unknown’.

    I have been unable to pinpoint an exact number of how many men and women have returned to the states who have lost limbs or sight or some other form of “disability”.

    One thing I do know: General Petraeus is the right man for the job. All you have to look at is the numbers of casualities, the number of Iraqis returning, and the Shia and Sunni communities working together to obliterate al qaeda.

    …unless, of course, you follow people like Nancy Reid and Harry Pelosi. Just this past week, I got to listen to both of them spew forth bull and the media lapping it up like leaches. They are still saying that we are losing.

    Can someone tell me when the civil war began in Iraq? According to the Dems, who have been ranting on about this since the first of the year, it should have started by now. Did I miss it?

    I watch the news. I have watched some of the Democratic Presidential debates. I keep on being told that the Dems know how to run the military and they know how to bring prosperity and world respect back to this country.

    Oh, and as an end note…

    Two words that ought to scare all Americans (especially anyone in the military)

    President Clinton :mad:


  4. John Cunningham

    I remember hearing back in Vietnam times that blacks were being disproportionately killed. Twelve percent of the general population, twelve percent of the KIAs. Jesse Jackson lied, who’d have thought. Want to hear a joke in poor taste? Of course you do. Why did blacks get killed. When the lieutenant would say, “get down”, they’d all stand up and start dancing.

  5. drillanwr

    Facts and figures are what they are …

    What is in question here is the context by which the media and the democrats and antiwar slugs cite our losses … as if our losses are unprecedented. They are not … while extremely sorrowful.

    As for those returning home with head wounds and missing limbs … There was a report a couple years back (I had saved the link, but it was on my computer that crashed and burned months back) that bemoaned the fact that our battle gear, medical technology and response has grown incredibly since the Vietnam war, hence the [unfortunate (was the mood of the article)] number of those who survive such battle wounds.

    In other words, the writer of the study felt the critically wounded should have died … and been added to the number of KIAs.

  6. EZ Rider

    These are meaningless figures.

  7. Grumpy

    does anyone know where to find stats on total active duty military personal? I would like to compare these numbers with totals. i’m guessing that the drop off in deaths in the 90’s is due to force reduction.

  8. Double Tap Blog » Despite the liberal squawking, military deaths are no more than Clinton and Carter presidencies

    […] next time some liberal douche bag goes on about all the deaths in Iraq from the war, whip out the following figures. He won’t know what to say. MILITARY DEATHS SINCE […]

  9. Lamplighter

    These are not meaningless figures. The total military was larger in the early eighties (when we weren’t at war) than now, but in absolute numbers, more soldiers died on active duty than NOW during this IRAQ WAR. That is a big statement. One you won’t hear the MSM or talking heads discuss.

  10. drillanwr

    Lamplighter -


    Bashman/Pat -

    Nice hit by Double Tap!

  11. Joe

    “These are not meaningless figures. The total military was larger in the early eighties (when we weren’t at war) than now, but in absolute numbers, more soldiers died on active duty than NOW during this IRAQ WAR. That is a big statement. One you won’t hear the MSM or talking heads discuss.”

    This is exactly why these numbers are meaningless. I think it is just silly to compare anything from now to anytime before the end of the cold war. It was a different time. The numbers presented in this context mean nothing. The link does a better job but conclusions are going to be drawn which ever way people want to spin it.

  12. Karl Frank Jr.

    Body counts have little to nothing to do with the worthiness and justification for any war. Statistics like this also minimize the individual lives lost. Some wars are just and worthy (WWII, Afghanistan, Civil War, the first Gulf War,) others are not, like Iraq, for example. When a nation of people are lead in to a war, like lemmings, under false pretenses, where not even the leaders of the war would initially provide true cause, then that nation eventually becomes a nation of sheep, lead to eventual slaughter.

    You do not have to be beaten militarily to lose your soul, and there are many ways to lose wars. The economy, and the falling value of the dollar, is just one example.

    The problem with a hawk, is that it only knows violent force and death to acquire what it needs. While it is away, hunting its prey, the snakes invade its nest, to feast on its offspring. And eventually, it too dies, becoming vile nutrition for the insects and gnats of the world. Great nations are almost always born out of progress, spirit, high moral values, and with revolution over repression, with their hawk-like claws, a justification for a just war. But all throughout history, great nations die. They die out of arrogance and isolationism. What makes anyone think we are any different, especially when, as a nation, we are succumbing to the same traps of self-righteousness?

    The events of September 11, 2001, were criminal, of the most abhorrent kind. The perpetrators should be hunted down, tried, and/or killed for their crimes. An example should be made of them for their evil and antipathetic deeds.

    Instead, this disaster of a regressive American administration has lead America down a different, darker path, of which we will never fully recover. Even if we eventually “win” this supposed war in Iraq, our economy will never fully recover, and our soul will be forever tarnished. This war has been, and will continue to be, funded, unnecessarily, on the backs of our children, and our children’s children, and their children’s children. Their standard of living will not be as good as ours has been, nor as good as it could have been. Our economy will continue to shrink, and our production possibilities will be forever restricted, never to be realized as they could have been. Our country, will never be the same.

    All of this, for a bunch of lies, and a power grab, by a few despicable and misguided individuals…all too good and high-and-mighty to bother themselves with the truth…and the Constitution of the United States.

    “Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little T emporary Safety , deserve neither Liberty nor Safety .” - Ben Franklin

    Yet, some of us, instead of admitting a fault, and doing what it takes, as quickly as possible, to repair what we have done, choose to continue to propagate the lies through whatever tomfoolery and pointless statistic we can find. “It’s the media! Down with the media! They don’t report the Truth!” Blah. Blah. Blah.

    The truth of the pudding, my friends, is in the eating. And right now, the press, especially the so called Fair and Balanced press of Fox News, has been spoon-fed this pudding from day one, and so many people, like gluttons for fear and control, continue to eat it like there is nothing left on Earth to eat.

    My hope for this country, is that one day soon, very soon, we cease to be sheep, and once again, become conscious of what has truly made this country great, to regain our souls, and become the shepherds our founding fathers provided us the foundation to be, and the Greatest Generation afforded us.

    Good night.

  13. Tony

    Take the time to look at the source data, if you care about truth and accuracy, rather than partisan spin. The list of “military dead” mostly consist of accidents, homicides, illnesses, and suicides. In most years there were 0 deaths due to hostile action. The list of numbers is meaningless unless you look at it in terms of the size of the military during each year and the reasons for the deaths. Stateside accidents, mostly.

  14. Robbie

    Very interesting info. release by U.S. General Accountability Office - Voter Reg. Division today regarding political affiliation of U. S. Military personnel outside of U. S. I was surprised by some of the percentages. Data is based on ballots distributed to troops overseas.

    U.S Political Affiliation - Active Military

    Republican: 34%
    Democrat: 35%
    Independent (Undeclared): 27%
    American Independent: 2%
    Green: 1%
    Other: 1%

    Not that surprising, reallly. Most of the Independents are probably conservative. Young voters nowadays tend not to want to affiliate with a specific party.

  15. Col. Taylor


    Semper Fi!

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