NY Governor Abandons License-For-Illegals Plan

November 14th, 2007 Posted By Bash.

His wife lied.
NY Governor Eliot Spitzer.

WASHINGTON - New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer said Wednesday he was abandoning a plan to issue driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants, but said that the federal government had “lost control” of its borders and left states to deal with the consequences.
“I have concluded that New York state cannot successfully address this problem on its own,” Spitzer said at a news conference after meeting with members of the state’s congressional delegation.

Spitzer said overwhelming public opposition led to his decision.

The governor introduced the plan with the goal of increased security, safer roads and an opportunity to bring immigrants “out of the shadows.” Opponents charged Spitzer would make it easier for would-be terrorists to get identification, and make the country less safe. Many New Yorkers agreed with them.

About 70 percent of New Yorkers oppose the license plan, according to a Siena College poll of 625 registered voters released Tuesday. The poll, conducted Nov. 5-8, had a sampling error margin of 3.9 percentage points.

“You don’t need a stethoscope to hear the heartbeat of the public on this one,” the governor told reporters. “There are some moments where emotions are simply too hot.”

Last month, Spitzer sought to salvage the license effort by striking a deal with the Department of Homeland Security to create three distinct types of state driver’s licenses: one “enhanced” that will be as secure as a passport; a second-tier license good for boarding airplanes; and a third marked not valid for federal purposes that would be available to illegal immigrants and others.


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10 Responses

  1. DC

    Great picture Bash…..He’s showing us all how big his dick is……..!

    What a fucking asshat!

  2. Lil Mac

    About 70 percent of New Yorkers oppose the license plan, according to a Siena College poll of 625 registered voters released Tuesday. The poll, conducted Nov. 5-8, had a sampling error margin of 3.9 percentage points.

    being from NY ,, these are the a’holes I have to put up with ,, let alone the HildaBeast !! I wouldn’t have been suprised to find out ol Hill & Bill to this numbnut up to this proposal,,more appeasing democratic suck up tactics to woo some more votes Hillarys way ,, F YOU !!!

  3. steve m

    Is that hand gesture an indication of those who supoort him in this? . I live in a HEAVILY dumocratic county in NY, even here the prevailing wisdom is that Elliot is nuts. Evidently Andrew Cuomo is licking his chops to be the next Dumocrat candidate after Spitzers political career goes down the crapper after this one - God help us! From Spitzer to another Cuomo - Little did we all know that “Excelsior” pertained to the level of state taxation endured by NY citizens…

  4. Kurt(the infidel)

    Great point Lil Mac, thats all it is..a way for Hillary to score more votes, while putting our country in more danger. But power is all they care about.

  5. CPLViper

    Does her thighness still think the license plan is a good one? A question that will never be asked in any debate.

  6. Steve in NC

    Just how disconnected are these people?

    It comes from catering to lobbyists, special interest groups and bullshit polls instead of the majority. Democracy is very much alive if we participate.

  7. Lamplighter

    This guy built his name recognition by destroying the reputation of individuals and companies in his socialist zeal, in order to springboard to the Gov’s office. I guess if 70% of the people hate the idea, he is forced to listen. As a lawyer, he should know it’s illegal to grant a legal document to a person whose status is illegal. Also, these idiots expect us to believe the failure to control the borders only sprung up when W was Pres. Ever remember Clinton doing anything about it? It was a problem then, too. :roll:

  8. steve m

    Any “Kids in the Hall” fans out there? Anyone remember “I’m crushing your head!”? Just a thought. Just heard this guy on the radio, what a jackass…

  9. LadyAngler

    NC Steve~ I truly believe the left pushes such insanely ridiculous bullchit to develop a permenemt underclass of individuals who will work for low wage and vote DEMOCRAT for life. I’d say this is related to the lack of turn out of black voters of low socio-economic class in elections over the past decade. I believe these vermin are pushing amnesty for illegals to develop a new base of more likely voters. I personally have nothing against a person willing to work hard to make a better life for their family, but I do have a problem with people willing to break the law to work hard to make a better life for their family.

    I think if Republicans can get a man out front to stand up on this, even moderates would vote to the right. This is the topic for the taking in this coming election IMO.

  10. LadyAngler

    Oh, yeah… Rush made an interesting point today, that the timing on this is a little too obvious in realtion to Democratic debates. He thought Bubba made a call to shelf this issue until Hill is higher on her throne, outta reach.

    Intersting… Oxy’ed or not you gotta admit…. Rush’s always thinkin’.

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