Obama Jabs Clintons On Saturday Night Live

November 4th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.



Live From New York… It’s Barack Obama!

Well, I just got surprised. Barack Obama appeared in the opening sketch of Saturday Night Live.

The cast portrayed Bill and Hillary Clinton hosting a Halloween party at their home, with all her rivals invited, because, as she tells the faux John Edwards, “we have to come together and support the Democratic nominee next year, no matter who she turns out to be.”

John Edwards: Great costume, Hillary, you make a great witch.

Hillary: (icy) I’m a bride.

Bill Richardson, played by Horatio Sanz, has come to the party as Al Gore. “Pretty weird to see me as a vice president, huh, Hillary? But not that weird.” Joe Biden and Chris Dodd appear, both as Spongebob Squarepants, and complain that they make each other redundant. Mike Gravel appears in a straitjacket, and is unaware that it is a costume party.

After asking, “who’s that little kid making out with the hot chick?”, Bill Clinton admires Dennis Kucinich’s wife. And then finally, one of the Clintons asks, “who’s that in the Barack Obama mask?”

The figure in the Obama mask takes it off to reveal… Barack Obama. He says, I have nothing to hide, I enjoy being myself. I’m not going to change who I am just because it’s Halloween.” Then, having made exactly the kind of tough jab he failed to make in last week’s debate, he says, “by the way, Hillary, that’s a great bride costume.”

“She’s a witch,” the faux Bill Clinton says.

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8 Responses

  1. John Cunningham

    I have of late been getting more into Mad TV, but am surprized when I do watch SNL when they take shots at congress people they’re pretty funny. I guess I’ll have to wait until rerun season, I missed SNL tonight.

  2. just posting

    pretty funny to hear how they keep rippin each other.. but i gotta say saturday night live and mad tv are the least funniest shows on tv , its painful sittin through one of their skits.

  3. John Cunningham

    just posting, wrong, maybe you did sit through one skit. Mad TV is funny. Takes a lot to set me off, perhaps because I’m 60. They’re very clever, give it a chance.

  4. just posting

    john it was funny when aries spears will sasso were on the show, last few years its not watchable at all.

  5. EDinTampa

    I don’t watch any of that crap anymore. If it isn’t news, nature, history or live (not comedy), it isn’t worth my time.

  6. danielle

    aww i loved will sasso!

  7. John Cunningham

    just posting, these types of shows go through cycles. I dealt with all those cycles with SNL. At times it felt like you were just going through the motions, “why am I still watching this”? When are they going to bring out the adult muppets, again? Now, Aries Spears, Will Sasso, I don’t remember names too well, if they’re Mad TV, then now is a down cycle(?), can’t wait until it gets funnier.

  8. LadyAngler

    I haven’t consistantly watched SNL since Chris Farley died. I would have enjoyed this skit though.

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