Duncan Hunter Protests “Redacted”
I appeared on the Marine-run radio show Chandler’s Watch recently…I have the recorded “Bashman Report” (shameless plug) on there every week, but when it was the Marine Corps Birthday I called in live and was on the show along with Presidential candidate and ranking member of the House Armed Services Committee Duncan Hunter, who had also called in.
We were talking about the Boycott of the anti-American troop film “Redacted” on this show, and this obviously struck a deep chord with Hunter, who’s son is an officer currently serving in Afghanistan.
Marine Corps Vet Tommy Chandler, his crew, and a bunch of others will be at the LaJolla Village Cinemas tonight, where “Redacted” will be opening, begininng around 4:00 PM PST until 10:30 PM with Support the Troops signs.
And today we see this:
A ranking member on the House Armed Services Committee sent a letter to the Chairman of the Motion Picture Association today calling the new Iraq war film “Redacted” a shameful view of American soldiers.
California Republican Duncan Hunter sent a scathing letter regarding Brian DePalma’s new Iraq war film to Motion Picture Chairman and CEO Dan Glickman asking that he not forget that there are heroes who have sacrificed their lives for the United States and Iraqi people.
“Unfortunately, Brian De Palma’s new movie “Redacted,” which opened in several theaters this week, portrays American service personnel in Iraq as uncontrollable misfits and criminals,” Mr. Hunter stated in his letter. “While incidents of criminal behavior by members of our military should never be ignored, the isolated incident on which this film is based negatively portrays American service personnel and misrepresents their collective efforts in Iraq.”
Mr. Hunter’s letter isn’t the first criticism of Mr. DePalma’s film, which other critics have stated is his own bias against the administration’s war in Iraq.
“The film intentionally fails to show or give any indication of the more than three million inoculations administered by American forces, the construction of medical clinics and schools, as well as the construction of other important infrastructure,” the letter went on to state. “Additionally, the film’s negative depiction of our military blatantly ignores the many acts of heroism performed by our soldiers, Marines, airmen and sailors in Iraq.”
WT article by Sara A. Carter here.
Duncan Hunter, if YOU support the war so much, why don’t you send your OWN kids!?!?! Oh, wait…
Funny thing is, though this movie receives no negative attention from the liberal base, you could be sure that if the movie’s plot centered on the countless atrocities committed by Islamic fundamentalists, all hell would break lose in Hollywood. I can see the headlines:
Racist, islamophobic movie banned from the US.
November 21st, 2007 at 12:00 pmGood for Duncan
November 21st, 2007 at 1:41 pmI. m voting for duncan!
November 21st, 2007 at 4:49 pmKevin, his son came back Thanksgiving Day from Afghanistan. He had already served two tours in Iraq.
When a movie that leans to the left, media and newspapers call it “critically acclaimed.” When a movie comes out that leans to the right, they call it “boring.” Why is that?
December 11th, 2007 at 8:23 pm